Burnt out from gaming...?

32 no not really. I got married the first time when I was like 18 then was single for maybe a year or two then married again until a year or two ago. Both times it's not like they made me, but when you're in that kind of relationship suddenly a million other things are more important than dicking around and playing videogames so these days I'm kinda making up for lost time. It's nice to be able to wake up saturday morning and decide to play Metro last light until monday. No I'm not mowing the fucking lawn or replacing the toilet or building a fucking deck. Gonna try and ride this one out as long as I can before another hot thing drags me under again.

I'm not making judgements I know a lot of you guys find ways to make it work, but when you have 100 other responsibilities youd be surprised how often it is that you're not losing interest in games so much as you just are so distracted that you think you are. Also stay away from MMOs its an empty trap that will make you hate games.
Great responses. I didn't know what the syndrome was so I just called it being burnt out. As an adult my interest in gaming slowly declined after I quit WoW. That game had tons of stuff to keep one busy for years. In my teen years I had a ps1 and DC. The ps1 was for RPGs and the DC was for SegaNet online gaming. I played the hell out of Q3A and PSO. Because of the DC online gaming capability that's where my interest grew even larger. I quit consoles all together and was strictly PC since 2002.

Quake 3 was what I played throughout college. After college it was WoW. In between WoW was CoD, UT, and random triple A games. I guess I'm more into the online gaming scene than single player. And as of late nothing has held my interest long enough besides the endless grind that is D3 which is a couple hours a night if I'm not so lazy.
I stick to SP since I can do it whenever I want & not deal with random people. Maybe give SP a try again?
I stick to SP since I can do it whenever I want & not deal with random people. Maybe give SP a try again?

SP is best when your time is limited! You can pause and save the game anytime! Plus you can pick up where you left off without having to worry about some online gaming event or an MMO specials or sales/holyday events!
Im 32 now when I was about 24 or so I got pretty burned out on gaming. Part of it was my own expectations were misplaced in many ways. I was longing for a game that was "mind blowing". I was just getting into WoW and other MMOs. So part of the problem is it took so long to do anything in those games that by the time I got the reward I was burned out. Also when a game was coming out I would get so excited and watch any every video about it, and read any and all articles about it. So when I finally got the game there wasn't anything new to be surprised about. Then I would be jaded if a title wasn't "revolutionary", I would always bitch about how its just like the last one devs are lazy.

Then the past few years I've changed my stance on how I approach games. So now I enjoy games alot more then I have in a long time. Here are the things I've done. I've stuck close to single player games. I would say I its probably 80% of what I play. To me the stories are what keep me entertained.

I also do just enough research on a game to determine if I guy it or not. So I essentially try to go into a game as blind as possible to a degree. This way I'm less likely to have a predetermined opinion, and I'm also not built up on the hype. Alot of people thought Watch Dogs was too hyped up and disappointing. I actually really liked it. The biggest thing is I also adjusted my expectations. I don't expect every game to revolutionary any more. I'm ok with a sequel of a game being the same game with just different content. I stop letting games be a job. Like in WoW all I do is dungeons and LFR. I play a few hours a week, i get my gear and points or whatever and I'm done. I don't do 3-4 hours a day raiding anymore. I'm perfectly ok being decked out in "welfare" epics. I got a chance to experience the content and I'm satisified.
Then the past few years I've changed my stance on how I approach games. So now I enjoy games alot more then I have in a long time. Here are the things I've done. I've stuck close to single player games. I would say I its probably 80% of what I play. To me the stories are what keep me entertained.

I also do just enough research on a game to determine if I guy it or not. So I essentially try to go into a game as blind as possible to a degree. This way I'm less likely to have a predetermined opinion, and I'm also not built up on the hype. Alot of people thought Watch Dogs was too hyped up and disappointing. I actually really liked it. The biggest thing is I also adjusted my expectations. I don't expect every game to revolutionary any more. I'm ok with a sequel of a game being the same game with just different content. I stop letting games be a job. Like in WoW all I do is dungeons and LFR. I play a few hours a week, i get my gear and points or whatever and I'm done. I don't do 3-4 hours a day raiding anymore. I'm perfectly ok being decked out in "welfare" epics. I got a chance to experience the content and I'm satisified.

So much this. I get many people are very invested in gaming - I used to be that way when I was younger and more power to the people who keep going. But rather than let me gaming time or energy be diverted into political dealings of game developers or whether a game is XYZ instead of ABC, etc, I just do basic research on [H] to see the general consensus of it being good, not totally ruined by bugs, then go play it and draw my own conclusions.

I think it's generally part of getting older as well. I was definitely "too cool" to enjoy COD multiplayer in my CS days. Now, who gives a fuck, play whatever gives you enjoyment to play. Although, still consider that a guilty pleasure and like to reward true PC devs. ;)
hey cool im 32 too, im totally irresponsible and kinda still behave like a teenage, i never married and dont have any kids, i got 99 problems though :D
Yeah, as I said earlier, kids might cut into your time, but it shouldn't completely get rid of it. If it does, it's probably because you let it.
I'm 38, married. Still play whenever the mood strikes but it's not daily. Most of the time, I'm too lazy to fire up a game so I tend to grab my Macbook and veg out online...it's just as entertaining for me and more relaxing.

I have 123 games on Steam. 4 on PS4, 13 on PS3, 8 on 3DS, 30 Dreamcast games and probably a thousand roms on my arcade cab. But during the work week it just feels like too much trouble or effort to get into and easier to grab the laptop instead.

*oh and I never game online anymore. I tried a few times with BF series, UT and couple others and I realized I just hate gaming online. Partly because no one ever plays as intended and partly because I don't know anyone in my personal life that plays games much less play on PC but mostly because I don't find online play to feel too immersive or go at a pace I want to, I usually like to play a more stealth or slower pace.
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I'm burnt out from pay to win games. I wonder if they'll ever make a game where you buy it and you play it. I just, I just don't think that will ever come back ever again and it makes me so so sad.
I used to wake up early before elementary school so that I could play the NES games I'd rented (lol) for a few days as much as possible.

I'm married now, will be 32 next month, and I play games every chance I get. Spend lots of time with the wife as well, but she knew gaming was my hobby before we got married. Maybe you just don't like gaming very much.

Best thing for me was finding a gaming community while I was heavily playing TF2 (No Heroes) and I often play with friends I've met over the years through the community. Still looking for the next big community game (hopefully UT4, Toxikk or perhaps even Evolve) to really catch on, but there are many great games available right now and gaming has never been better IMO. Lots to look forward to as well.
I'm burnt out from pay to win games. I wonder if they'll ever make a game where you buy it and you play it. I just, I just don't think that will ever come back ever again and it makes me so so sad.

What games are those? I buy and play all my games.
If you don't have the mood to play, don't play. There is no reason to get all worked up about it. I've had a long (more than 2 years I think) hiatus from gaming a while ago. But after I started gaming again. But if you never play a game again, it's not the end of the world.
If you don't have the mood to play, don't play. There is no reason to get all worked up about it. I've had a long (more than 2 years I think) hiatus from gaming a while ago. But after I started gaming again. But if you never play a game again, it's not the end of the world.

Nobody is getting worked up. Did you get all worked up before coming here and sharing your feeling with us here? I'm trying to make sense of what you said.