burning an oversize iso to cd

Should burn fine. Many (All maybe?) ISO files are much larger than the actual cd image itself. The CloneCD image I made of RavenShield CD2 yesterday is around 800MB.
Originally posted by JBark
Should burn fine. Many (All maybe?) ISO files are much larger than the actual cd image itself. The CloneCD image I made of RavenShield CD2 yesterday is around 800MB.

i thought so to, but i get a message in nero saying medium size is not large enough.
Make sure you check the option to "close" the CD. Sometimes Nero will say something about it's unable to burn the oversized image unless you close the CD.
i set it to close, still getting same message :(

is there a better program for burning iso's?
you need to go into the nero options and enable overburning

just take the default values
Have you tried maybe using a different brand of cds? Otherwise, I don't know what else to try.
Originally posted by _cashel
Have you tried maybe using a different brand of cds? Otherwise, I don't know what else to try.

yeah i tried 2 dif brands.. can anyone recommend another burning app?
How are you trying to burn the image? In Nero 6, you want to use Recorder -> Burn Image... In Nero 5, I believe it is under the File menu. Also, are you using 700MB CDs? A 754MB ISO file should easily fit on a 700MB CD.
Up your overburn.

File -> Preferences -> Expert features -> Enable Overburn

Increase the time. It's about 9mb per minute. You'll need to up it by about 6m30s .

It may or may not work. Good luck. I've been sucessful with 5 minutes, I've heard stories of a lot more, but they may be just stories :)
You may risk your burner if it is a crap-o brand, like a Sony or Benq, by overburning. A nice one should handle the job just fine. I've done some serious overburning with my Plextors and Lite-Ons, but I killed a Benq dead as Hell doing it.
Tough to recommend something else besides Nero. If Nero6 is having troubles, than the problem is elsewhere. Check your firmware for updates, and any media compatibility issues.
I had some problems with nero 6.xx, went back to trusty and everything works nice :D

Originally posted by mosin
You may risk your burner if it is a crap-o brand, like a Sony or Benq, by overburning. A nice one should handle the job just fine. I've done some serious overburning with my Plextors and Lite-Ons, but I killed a Benq dead as Hell doing it.

Doesn't Sony just rebadge Lite-On Burners?
Originally posted by Perrupa
Doesn't Sony just rebadge Lite-On Burners?
Maybe now they do, but not a couple of years back. Those old Sonys were garbage.