Burning a powerpoint so that it plays in a dvd player...


Aug 27, 2007
Seems simple, but apparently it is pretty difficult. I'm not really sure how this is supposed to be done. I'm posting now after creating a few coasters.

I've got Nero8 if that has anything useful.

It's 52 slides, set up with timing, and a very long song file (I combined 3 songs to simplify it).

No, I'm not making JPEGs of each file and having them play that way. I'm pretty positive this can be done, but I can't think of how.

Save them as .bmp's and then use windows movie maker to play the slides and cue up the music?

Is there any way to use a laptop?
What version of PPT are you using? It's similar with '03, but I have '07 so I'll provide suggestions using that version.

If you click the little Office button in the top left, and go down to Publish, and then select Package for CD. One of the options is to send to a folder, and you should be able to burn the contents of that folder onto a DVD. I'm not positive if that will work, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.
Using 2007. I tried all of those, but that didn't work.

Hey 450, please real the original post before reading.

No laptop, because this is something already presented to people. Now we are going to burn it, and allow them to watch it at home. The majority of them are older, so I won't even bother with anything other than a dvd.
Another and option that I have used in the past is use a full screen video capture software and record powerpoint with that while the presentation is running. Just set the presentation rez to 720 x 480 or 640 x 480 then record it. Then use a DVD making software to add in the audio and edit the video. Worked for me years ago, should work for this. I just won't see another legally free way to do this.

And yes, I did read the OP.
Dont know what the limitations are, but I'm currently grabbing this software which claims it's exactly what I need :) I'll let you know how it goes, although it's long past a reasonable time frame for the OP
Worked alright and retained the animations. The volume seemed low, but I haven't tried it on a dvd player yet. might be what some people are after if they dig this thread back up.