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nice clean design on that koolance reservoir and pump housing, were they able to reduce the likeliness of it incurring leaks with that design? (it seems to be a common problem for most bay res. + pump housing combos)
nice clean design on that koolance reservoir and pump housing, were they able to reduce the likeliness of it incurring leaks with that design? (it seems to be a common problem for most bay res. + pump housing combos)

It's pricey, but looks pretty dam nice. It shouldn't suffer the same problems as the XSPC, typhoons, etc.
if that's true it'll be a nice alternative for me in trying to keep my interior looking clean and uncramped. I'll have to put it on my list of parts to look into :D
one thing why does the last pic got a fan attached to heatsink?

and i see you use quick disconnect fittings do they affect the flow much and is it easy to disconnect and reconnect?
You can use an optional 80mm fan when overclocking the card, or when you want lower temps in general.

Those Koolance Quick Disconnects are nice and useful, especially the newer VL3N Series with low restriction ! You need a little force to use the connect mechanism. Push & turn 45° to fasten it. They reduce the flow about 20 - 30 Liter/h.

Here is a little videoclip from me to demonstrate it:

hmm that is spectacular something to consider for if i wana keep the rad external

also you wouldnt know the differance between koolance high flow and extream flow QDCs do you?
Hmm, are koolance high flow and extream flow QDCs different radiators ? Or Quick Disconnects...you wanna know the flowrate difference ?
sorry didnt phrase the question right.

i wanted to know if the if there is a big difference in performance quick disconnects koolance make between high flow ones and extream flow ones would it affect the temps?
There is not a big difference, when you´re using the newer quick disconnects from them. Thre are only a flowrate difference from 10-15 Liter/h between the older VL3 and the newer VL3N Series and when using a good pump like the Laing DDC or D5/655 the flowrate is always good enough, even when using this big mora to become the best possible temps when using a "Normal" watercooling setup with 2-3 waterblocks and the quick disconnects. Many cpu waterblocks on the market needs "only" 100 Liter/h. to bring nice temps and above that range the difference is not like 10° or so, it´s mostly 2-3°
Shane from dexgo.com made an interesting comparison some month ago, where he showed how flowrate reacts on temp results:


holy shit that set up is insane. Nice parts man!! Don't even want to know what those blocks and rad cost.
Well, there are 6 or 7 different mora 3 versions available. Prices goes from 120 to 170 Euro (~ 160-220 US Dollar) + Rad Feet 25 $
The white delrin with that icebreaker rig you did came together amazingly well, looks great keep up the good work.
Man I love this thread

Got a few for you.

Did it help water cooling your Vreg on your mobo? (I am guessing that is your 758 EVGA in the picture above?) I have been debating water cooling my Vreg on my EVGA because of how hot it gets when I am @ 4.2 or passed but I just cant find good info about how good the blocks really cool the Vreg? what temps do you run? thanks
Thx ! The strange looking Waterblock is for the Asus Rampage Gene III S1366. Its more for the "Bling" than for possibility of better OC results :)
intresting little res for the ddc looks like a space saver kida what i am looking for wcing 2 of my consoles, is it anygood?
Well, it´s not a beauty queen but the function is good and it sucks no air bubbles in when it´s 3/4 full, so it´s worth it :)

Link to the videoclip is in the middle..between the pics