Bulletproof Phone?

Boy those guys are smart. It's funny when a bullet ricochets and hits you in the chest! It's hilarious when you drop a full clip on the concrete floor!

Anyways it was pretty funny though that this company claims their phone can withstand a 9mm bullet without breaking and yet a .22 handgun does the job.

Back to the drawing board.
Another irresponsible gun owner. He is unfamiliar with the weapon and drops the magazine and he shoots at something which claims to be bulletproof and doesn't take ricochet or bounceback into consideration.
To bad the phone could not hold up to bullets. I wonder if I smell some litigation in the air?
Didn't Mythbusters prove that phones/mp3 players/etc, can't stop bullets?
It depends on the device you're shooting at, and the type round you're firing. There's no single conclusive consensus that can be drawn.
So sweet...so in case I ever got lit up by a barrage of bullets, my phone will survive.

No I did not watch the video
So sweet...so in case I ever got lit up by a barrage of bullets, my phone will survive.

No I did not watch the video

well, since it didn't really stand up to a .22 its pretty safe to say neither you nor the phone will survive :p
Stupid claim, stupid video, stupid lack of gun handling/shooting safety measures.

First two with a .22 rifle is totally ridiculous... since a .22 fired out a rifle can potentially have much more kinetic energy than a 9mm out of a handgun. Also not all .22 handguns are alike. If the claim was for a 9mm, the test should have been done with a 9mm weapon that the manufacturer specified to be able to 100% debunk the claim... I really would doubt that the manufacturer would "ask them to start with a .22 first" if the claim was for a 9mm. Honestly, I don't doubt that the manufacturer was inflating claims, but if their claim had an asterisk that said "* 9mm bullet from an xx handgun with 1/100th the normal gunpowder in the cartridge.", then the boyz should have used whatever the claim was, to test against.
did they mean the phone will work after shot or it will stop a bullet and save your life? if the latter, it actually seemed to work...
Regardless of the manufacturers claims, the instant I saw the words ".22 rifle" on the screen, I physically facepalmed. As any reader of the Box o' Truth knows: pistols are pistols, and rifles are rifles. Watching him actually handle a handgun was just painful.
I was actually more surprised at the fact that they let them shoot the phone at that particular range. With the exception of 1 or 2 guys, the guys working at that range are douchebags.

This was stupid. someone needs to give them some basic firearms instuction.

1. a .22 caliber weapon will be hard to stop then a 9mm.

2. they gave no consideration to the round. Was the round jacketed or a wad cutter?

3. They shoot it out of a rifle, why? a hand gun, any hand gun, is not comparable.

4. a .22 out of a handgun is still not comparable to a 9mm. a 9mm is more easily stopped then the .22

not saying the claim was not false but this did not disprove it.
I was a little more concerned with the loaded handgun he was holding when he was pointing it at the floor.

Yea I noticed that too. He seemed half distracted when reaching for it. Overall it looked bad. It's people like that that give guns and other gun owners a bad name.
This was stupid. someone needs to give them some basic firearms instuction.

1. a .22 caliber weapon will be hard to stop then a 9mm.

2. they gave no consideration to the round. Was the round jacketed or a wad cutter?

3. They shoot it out of a rifle, why? a hand gun, any hand gun, is not comparable.

4. a .22 out of a handgun is still not comparable to a 9mm. a 9mm is more easily stopped then the .22

not saying the claim was not false but this did not disprove it.

A .22 handgun is not more powerful than a 9mm handgun. A 9mm round is much bigger and much more powerful. Why do you think police forces around the world use 9mm handguns and not .22?
A .22 handgun is not more powerful than a 9mm handgun. A 9mm round is much bigger and much more powerful. Why do you think police forces around the world use 9mm handguns and not .22?

Note that he did NOT say the .22 is more powerful. He said 9 mm is easier to stop. Police use 9 mm BECAUSE it's easier to stop. Stopping the round means taking away its kinetic energy, and as the law of conservation of energy states, that kinetic energy has to go somewhere. It goes into the target. If the target does not absorb all of the kinetic energy, then the bullet keeps traveling. The 9 mm will stop moving sooner (lose energy faster) than the .22 caliber. The .22 is more likely to pass through the target cleanly, doing less damage. Due to its lower mass and high kinetic energy, the .22 may also deflect multiple times when it strikes a hard surface, making its flight much less predictable after the initial impact.

For police use, the 9 mm has greater stopping power because it is more likely to deposit its energy into the target, whereas the .22 is likely to pass through and exit, still having significant kinetic energy (i.e. still moving fast). A 9 mm round has a larger cross section, therefore presenting a greater area of impact with the target which aids in the quick transfer of kinetic energy. The 9 mm also travels at a significantly lower velocity, which is the primary factor determining kinetic energy.

So yes, 9 mm is easier to stop, which is why it is a better police/personal defense round than .22.
A .22 handgun is not more powerful than a 9mm handgun. A 9mm round is much bigger and much more powerful. Why do you think police forces around the world use 9mm handguns and not .22?

like said above, its not more powerful just different. a simpler way of looking at it would be to imagine the .22 as a fast moving ice pick and the 9mm as a blunted knife. the knife might have more power but what is going to be easier to stop. This is grossly simplified but not entirely inaccurate. if you have a mind look up the different ratings on body armor. lots of different vest will stop a 44mag but not a .223 or the like.
As a responsible handgun owner, I am appalled at their lack of safety and appalled at the gun range for letting them do what they did. That kinds of experiment should be done at an outside range or on private property. That being said, that looked like a pistol range, and a rifle should not have been used (especially a .22lr rifle - those things fling bullets like nobody's business).

I own a .22lr Beretta U22 NEOS hand gun and would never EVER do what they did for fear of ricochet (which happened to these idiots). A 9mm or larger round should have been used. Idiots. But they were from LA, so I guess I should expect it.
That being said, that looked like a pistol range, and a rifle should not have been used (especially a .22lr rifle - those things fling bullets like nobody's business).

Every indoor range I have ever been to has rimfire on the same lanes as pistol. As for "fling bullets like nobody's business", hardly.

.22LR is a relatively weak cartridge.

The standard velocity .22 Long Rifle takes a wax coated 40 grain RN lead bullet to a muzzle velocity of 1,138 fps. The muzzle energy is 116 ft. lbs. in a standard 22" rifle test barrel.

Versus .222 which (while centerfire) is still a 5mm round:

Typical factory loads for the .222 Remington drive a 50 grain spitzer bullet at a muzzle velocity (MV) of 3,140 fps with 1,094 ft. lbs. of muzzle energy (ME).
All you idiots saying a 22 is easier to stop than a 9mm need to actually take a physics class and/or shoot more stuff.

From real world observation putting on some static steel matches where both rimfire and centerfire pistols are used, and the steel plates are held up on stands made out of pressure treated 4x4, the 9mms often make it right through the 4x4s. The 22s do not.

kinetic energy = 1/2mv^2

22=1240fps and 40gr. Ke = 30752000 (using grains and feet for this doesn't yield small numbers unfortunately)
9mm = 1180fps and 115gr. = 80063000.

One of those numbers is clearly bigger.

I never saw the advertising claim, but usually for electronic devices, "surviving" means they work with a hole in them, not that they stop a bullet. This product clearly does neither. Bigger holes are harder to keep working through, so I don't think you need mythbusters on this one.
All you idiots saying a 22 is easier to stop than a 9mm need to actually take a physics class and/or shoot more stuff.

From real world observation putting on some static steel matches where both rimfire and centerfire pistols are used, and the steel plates are held up on stands made out of pressure treated 4x4, the 9mms often make it right through the 4x4s. The 22s do not.

kinetic energy = 1/2mv^2

22=1240fps and 40gr. Ke = 30752000 (using grains and feet for this doesn't yield small numbers unfortunately)
9mm = 1180fps and 115gr. = 80063000.

One of those numbers is clearly bigger.

I never saw the advertising claim, but usually for electronic devices, "surviving" means they work with a hole in them, not that they stop a bullet. This product clearly does neither. Bigger holes are harder to keep working through, so I don't think you need mythbusters on this one.

all of us idiots that actually have a need for vest do study this sort of thing. kinetic energy does not equal penetration nor does it equal the effectiveness of a bullet. using your theory one would think that a .45 would be better at stopping someone then a .32. and you would be wrong. not saying that the claim isn't bogus but a .22 is not the same as a 9mm. your ignorance is showing here.
using your theory one would think that a .45 would be better at stopping someone then a .32. and you would be wrong.

Ummmmm......want to give that another go? Because you have just made a very hasty generalization.
I bet any phone can stop any bullet if there is enough distance between the shooter and the phone. Did they spec out all the factors like distance? So yeah, MythBusters needs to get all the details and run a test with those details in mind to prove or disprove this claim. Now what I want to see is a good Redneck test where some drunk backwater types take this to the extreme. That should be good for a few laughs. How about someone shot out of a cannon into a phone? Jackass anyone? ;)
I would trust a thick pad of paper more than that cell phone to stop a bullet.

Plus all this ballistics talk is meaningless since there is no way to adequately relate it to either blood pressure drop or trauma to vital organs.
all of us idiots that actually have a need for vest do study this sort of thing. kinetic energy does not equal penetration nor does it equal the effectiveness of a bullet. using your theory one would think that a .45 would be better at stopping someone then a .32. and you would be wrong. not saying that the claim isn't bogus but a .22 is not the same as a 9mm. your ignorance is showing here.

I think you should stop here. Or we will have to come up with something better to say than "your talking out of your ass without any real world experience"
Your talking about the surface area of a .22 vs 9mm. And yes more surface area does allow the bullet to stop faster but the kinetic energy of a 9mm hand gun cartridge trumps your surface area theory out the window when comparing it to a 22 long rifle cartridge no matter if it was shot from a rifle or a pistol.
I highly recommend any responsible gun owner or non/moron with a gun owning friend stop buy your local computer repair shop and ask for an old dead computer. Find a private range or safe area and take out your aggression. It's tons of fun and an easy way to safely relive pent up technology aggression. I shoot at least a few computers a year and have first hand experience observing a 9mm FMJ punch holes through the front of a case, through a hard drive (including platters) and leave a nice dent in the back.
all of us idiots that actually have a need for vest do study this sort of thing. kinetic energy does not equal penetration nor does it equal the effectiveness of a bullet. using your theory one would think that a .45 would be better at stopping someone then a .32. and you would be wrong. not saying that the claim isn't bogus but a .22 is not the same as a 9mm. your ignorance is showing here.

Well lets see. .32 ACP notoriously crap round for anything but the centerfire portion for bullseye competitions, and is getting noticably scarce there too. 32 H&R magnum.. a better cartridge, but pretty much obsolete, and underperforms compared to 9x19. Then there is the .327 federal magnum, which is new, and performs pretty close to 9x19 in ballistic tests. But it has a HELL of a lot more oomph behind it than any other .32 cartridge.

THe .45 ACP cartridge has a MUCH, MUCH better history of actually killing things in fewer shots than any .32 cartridge, and performs much better in the FBI ballistics tests. That includes barrier penetration.

I would trust a thick pad of paper more than that cell phone to stop a bullet.

Plus all this ballistics talk is meaningless since there is no way to adequately relate it to either blood pressure drop or trauma to vital organs.

Since when does a cell phone have blood pressure and vital organs? But I'd agree with you on the rest. A reem of copier papier will probably do a lot more to protect you than a cell phone.

I think you should stop here. Or we will have to come up with something better to say than "your talking out of your ass without any real world experience"
Your talking about the surface area of a .22 vs 9mm. And yes more surface area does allow the bullet to stop faster but the kinetic energy of a 9mm hand gun cartridge trumps your surface area theory out the window when comparing it to a 22 long rifle cartridge no matter if it was shot from a rifle or a pistol.

+1 to this.

Also, jcollet is probably right in that a lawyer could get all weasely and insist they meant a 9mm bullet at a thousand yards.