bulletproof AP


Aug 31, 2009
Anyone know of any bulletproof APs that just kick ass and don't suck?

I'm currently running a Cisco Meraki unit that sucks anus. It randomly drops ALL the clients and then reconnects them 30 or so seconds later. It's really annoying and potentially hazardous to my work. If I'm firmwaring equipment and working from home it would suck to lose my connection.

Many i know speak well of Ubitquiti APs.

Any other suggestions or seconds to the Ubiquiti brand?
Chalk me up for being a Ubiquiti fanboy. Their UniFi gear is on-point.

I have three of their WAPs at home, and another running on my controller at my mum's house. Rock solid all around
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If you can afford it, Cisco 2702i is solid. Unifi is great for the price of your on a budget.
Another +1 on Ubiquiti UniFi APs from me. I've never had issues with mine.

Have one at my dad's house (N), at my own house (the new AC pro), and setup 3 N long-range ones at a hotel once at my last job (small MSP), been rock solid, easy to setup, and fast. Have NEVER had issues needing to reboot them or them dropping connections.
Ubiquiti has been flawless for me for 2 years now. Just bought an AC Lite to upgrade. Haven't set it up yet.
I have a complete Unifi network except my managed switch is HP.

From Router to AP's to Cameras, love them, love them so much. They are literally flawless as long as I do the proper
and complete work to manage them, they have never let me down (in other words, when they are fucked up, its my fault, not the
Anyone know of any bulletproof APs that just kick ass and don't suck?

I'm currently running a Cisco Meraki unit that sucks anus. It randomly drops ALL the clients and then reconnects them 30 or so seconds later. It's really annoying and potentially hazardous to my work. If I'm firmwaring equipment and working from home it would suck to lose my connection.

Many i know speak well of Ubitquiti APs.

Any other suggestions or seconds to the Ubiquiti brand?
Uh, you shouldn't be firmwaring equipment on a wireless connection to begin with.
Another +1 for Ubiquiti gear. My AC-Lite has been working great for a few months now. No major issues and decent range/speed. Plus its POE. Major plus in my eyes
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I have a D-Link AC1200 and once I updated the firmware it has been solid. I was lazy and never updated the firmware until about 4 months ago and since I did that it has never needed to be rebooted or anything. If you want to use the 5ghz though I suggest getting two for both sides of the house, my split level 1700 sq/ft is big enough to drop connections with the AP downstairs and me upstairs on the opposite side of the house on 5ghz. On 2.4ghz I get full bars though :).
Another +1 for the Ubiquiti gear here. I just bought my 4th AP, the AC-Lite. works like a champ. Also have their EdgeRouter Lite. Never had an issue unless it was something I did.
+1 for Ubiquiti. I have had great luck with the Unifi line being solid, set it and forget it. Much more so than other wireless offerings.
Depends on the need.

Older....Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-** with Controller version 4.8.17 LTS loaded somewhere

My goto .... Ubiquiti Unifi Gen 2 UAP-AC-LR with Controller version 5.0.7 loaded into a cloudkey

Big Guns = Aruba APs + Hardware Controller, now owned by HP

High Density Use case = Xirrus
Anyone know of any bulletproof APs that just kick ass and don't suck?

I'm currently running a Cisco Meraki unit that sucks anus. It randomly drops ALL the clients and then reconnects them 30 or so seconds later. It's really annoying and potentially hazardous to my work. If I'm firmwaring equipment and working from home it would suck to lose my connection.

Many i know speak well of Ubitquiti APs.

Any other suggestions or seconds to the Ubiquiti brand?

Any troubleshooting been done with the APs? Do you have multiple and roaming setup under the same SSID?

Meraki APs are generally some of the better ones you can get, but like anything with wireless a lot has to do with the environment and configuration. I've used them before and they are solid enough to not make me worry about plugging in to be wired. You can connect up at 8am and never drop a connection all day. Switching APs may or may not actually fix the root cause unless the AP you have is going bad. I have a ubiquiti AC Pro and it has been fine for me, but it's definitely no MR16 or MR34. The feature sets are quite vast but once again it depends on what you need. Most people here are probably just using 1 AP and have no need for a dashboard, if that's you then I would definitely recommend the AC Pro. If you need Enterprise level features I'd probably look elsewhere. (I'd consider Ubquiti to be a good SMB solution)
Glad to see all the Unifi love. I ended up buying their new AC LR access point. Just need one for now. My house isn't that big.