Build My Own Desk or IKEA Galant?

If you have time I would say just make your own desk, if not buy one to save your self the time input. You can make a desk much more suited to your needs. I built my own out of 2x4s and pine on the top. I like the look and it is sturdy as crap. I believe it cost me $80 tops in wood and varnish, an $80 desk is like particle board now days that blows out on second use.

Edit: if you want metal I would say buy one, unless you can get the metal cheap, by me it is cheaper to buy a premade metal desk than just to buy the supplies to make one.
I actually saw your desk....awesome set up! But at 700 bucks, it's a little more than I'm looking to shell out.
Well if you just want the desk part without the back, that would probably save you a good bit.
Yeah 700 is way to much for that desk. Don't want to be rude, it's a nice desk, but not worth $700, $500 tops even that is pushing it by quite a bit.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. Especially when you consider freight shipping something like that.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. Especially when you consider freight shipping something like that.

If you say so... (freight will add a bit but even then still $700 is way to much for that). If your happy with then that's ok. Materials wise and time wise that desk doesn't take $500 to make (unless there is some fancy stuff that I am not seeing somewhere).
You just need to go to the ikea website. With that galant setup, the most important part is that center piece (the one that curves). Those two smaller pieces on the sides are just extensions which you can buy at a later time. I myself am using that curve center piece only. It did cost me around $350. If you want to buy both extensions, it will be more than $500 total.
I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. Especially when you consider freight shipping something like that.

How do I not know what I'm talking about? You said your desk was in the neighborhood of 1k or 700 bucks- that's simply out of my price range. I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to MY money?
He was responding to munkle who said it was way too much. IMO, given that it's a custom fabricated desk that was shipped to buyer, I think that's a fair price (not that'd I would buy it....I'd much rather buy the ikea galant legs and just make my own at that price).
You just need to go to the ikea website. With that galant setup, the most important part is that center piece (the one that curves). Those two smaller pieces on the sides are just extensions which you can buy at a later time. I myself am using that curve center piece only. It did cost me around $350. If you want to buy both extensions, it will be more than $500 total.

Are you in the US? I bought a combination (pic below), and it was just $390 US plus tax ( $350 for just the center part sounds high (unless you're in Canada or somewhere else).

To the OP, as others have said, just go to Ikea's website. If what you want isn't available as a combination then download the office planner and build it yourself. It'll give you a bill of materials so you know what you have to buy to build it, and how much it'll cost.

Office by, on Flickr

Office by, on Flickr
My apologies Talton- thought your comment was to me.

webdes, awesome setup! Similar to the one I want, though I'd like the maximum amount of desk space as possible. I am thinking I could purchase the corner piece, a regular extension, and a rounded extension.

All that gets to be near 400+ before shipping, though, so maybe I should just try to build something. Really am not sure.
My apologies Talton- thought your comment was to me.

No apology necessary, I should have used the quote tag. I hope you find what you are looking for. You probably will be better offf buying legs from Ikea and building the top yourself.

I purchased my galant on craigslist for DIRT cheap. I would suggest you check craigslist - especially if you live near a city.
I agree with checking craigslist. I recently bought a setup for $270 used. Pretty decent condition too.

I agree with checking craigslist. I recently bought a setup for $270 used. Pretty decent condition too.


Nice desk and great price. For some reason the chair caught my eye. Does that chair kill you after a long sittting session?
Lulz. My friends say the same thing about my chair. But it's the easiest chair to move around and I'm used to it. Oh yea, that chair is at least 10 yrs old ;\

I got that desk for free on Craigslist... I was about to spend $300 on a Galant and I found that on craigslist, I forget the name of.. But the Galant was it's replacement. Slightly different leg style but it works and it was free :D

Which means I can waste money on other stuff... like expensive chairs