Build help?


Apr 8, 2014
I filled out the questions:

1. What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming, Photoshop (or other intensive programs), Web browsing, strictly HTPC/Playback, etc. (If you have multiple things you want to do with the system, make sure you rank them from most important to least important).
Multiple/all-purpose use – rankings:
1) surfing
2) HTPC/Playback
3) virtualization
4) Gimp/Blender

2. Will you be overclocking? (If so, are you looking to watercool?)
Liquid water cooling/CLC – undecided about overclocking – please help me decide! :)

3. What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included in this budget? Is your budget flexible? Is cost a driving factor in component selection?
Flexible but I will probably help fund this build by selling my old/current hardware – cpu, DDR2 RAM, P45 mobo

4. Where do you live? Do you have any big B&M (brick and mortar) computer chains nearby (e.g. Microcenter, Fry's, etc)?
Canada – NCIX, Canada Computers etc.

5. What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. The word "Everything" is not a valid answer. Please list out all the parts you'll need (especially if you will need 3.5" hard drives or expansion cards as these may restrict case options).
Mini-itx mobo, I5-Haswell CPU, low profile RAM – Crucial Sport or Tactical, 2 SSD – need help choosing, SFX PSU, mini-itx case

6. If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. For reused parts, list brands, model #s, and, if applicable, firmware revisions.
None? I have a Corsair HX520W PSU but it's at least 5yrs old – warranty expired? I found that the majority of mini-itx cases either cannot use even an ATX 140/150mm PSU or it's a really tight fit. Or you have to buy a larger mITX case.

7. What specific features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Thunderbolt? Crossfire or SLI support? How many USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gb/s? etc. Which is more important, size of the system or having the particular feature? Make sure you indicate *required* vs. *wanted* for each feature you list.
Wanted – small size/portability – i5 Haswell cpu – liquid cooler – e.g. H60 – wifi AC

8. What resolution output do you need? 4k playback, 1080p playback, etc for HTPC or give a vertical/horizontal resolution for gaming SFF rigs. Do you need multiple monitor output?
?? My monitor is 720p so I have to settle for now

9. Does this system need to fit into a particular space and do you need an optical drive? Think entertainment center shelves, closet space, rackmount, etc. Many modern SFF cases have either removed the optical drive or have been constructed so that removing the ODD increases the configuration possibilities immensely.
I can move any ODD/rack – I can use an external ODD if I have to

10. How comfortable are you with custom case design/modification and electrical wiring? What tools do you have (Screwdrivers/Leatherman, Drill, Dremel, Metal snips, Soldering Iron, Bending Brake, CNC/Welding machines/Plasma cutter, etc...)?
I don't own a dremel. Possibly, I can contact someone who has some tools – dunno.

11. How important is the noise/silence of this sytem? HTPCs typically want to be quiet while all-out SFF gaming rigs don't care
Important! At least, very much wanted.

12. How mobile does this system need to be? Need a carrying handle or carrying straps? Is weight important (carry-on bag, etc)? Water cooling quick disconnects, etc?
As mobile as possible. It's mostly – wanted – not required. It mostly for convenience. There are times I want to bring a computer but have no laptop so this SFF desktop would be the next best thing. I guess I could carry it in a bag? What kind? Duffel bag or?

13. Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license? If yes, what OS? Is it 32bit or 64bit? Remember that OEM copies of Win7 have issues with new motherboards
Win 7 new install / Linux OS (both 64-bit) - mostly using Linux

14. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Immediately, in a couple weeks, 3-5 years?
Approx. 4 mths – was planning on buy parts periodically spanning about 4 mths until completeted.

I have a pcpartpicker list, too. It's just a potential list of parts.

I'm still wondering whether to get the Corsair Sport 8gb stick instead to save some money and whether I should go for the i5-4670. But, maybe the one I picked is sufficient.

Any video card I'd go for would be something like the 750ti or the MSI 760 Gaming card (same size approx.) although I might not have much $$ after. ;)

I have questions about individual parts so should that be done in the corresponding section/category or is it okay here?

I hope I narrowed things down a bit so that there is some info to go by. :)