Budget video card: V6802XA52 vs GC-RX155PGA2-E3R vs X1600AGP512SB vs something else


Mar 3, 2007
Im upgrading video card on my XP 2400+, from GeForce MX 100/200 64MB to something better. Because a) I got a bigger monitor ViewSonic A90 resolution 1280x1024x32, and b) I want Windows Aero in Vista Ultimate.

I have these 3 budget choices, perhaps there are more, but this is what I got thus far. I went on searching for 512 MB memory and under $100. Do I know what Im doing? Not anymore. :eek:

models V6802XA52 GC-RX155PGA2-E3R X1600AGP512SB

have a look at comparison sheet.

Which one of these is better?

Is there other card that will suffice me and is chaper?

Things I like do is run Vista Ultimate at above mentioned resolution, use C++Builder, read email, and once in a blue moon play some games. Last one I played on my PC was Quake 3, but Im sure I could enjoy more games on my machine.

Please help me out. Im AGP 4x/8x
Bigger is not always better. You do not need, or want a 512mb card. Do some research as to how video cards work and how memory affects performance and you'll understand why.

Stay as far away from the X1600pro as possible. It's a piece of shit, trust me, I had one.
Shop around a bit and you should be able to find a 7600 series AGP card that will fit your budget. Here is one example, and here is another. A few dollars over $100, but not much, and worth it, these are great bang for the buck cards.
Since you're AGP and you're wanting to run Vista, go on ebay and pick up an x800/x850 class card on the cheap. Of course, thats assuming you're really interested in running games. If you're not much of a gamer, a gf6200 is sufficient to run vista,