broken mobo ? how can i tell


Jun 21, 2004
Hey everyone,

My computer has been acting funny recently. It restarts randomly which led me to first think virus / HD corruption. But, my mobo fan has also been making funny sounds. What usually happens when the computer boots is that it will freeze at the initial start screen (where it will usually boot you into bios if you press del). Sometimes, my monitor doesnt even register a signal. I have a MSI k8n neo4 platinum, anyone have any insights? any help is appreciated. Thanks. :confused:
Yep, your mobo is broken for sure :D

I'm just playing, but seriously, you'll never get an answer worth shit with that kind of information. What, if anything was done just before this happened? What are the rest of your system specs? Have you scanned for adware/viruses?
If your fan is loud, have you tried cleaning it? etc, etc.

Give us more information and you'll get better responses...
You'll have to do the work, unless of course you want to send your machine to me; but always start out looking for the easiest, least time consuming probablilities first.

Keep in mind, you can go straight for an error code (#3): Remove all memory, or video card: No mem or memory error = long series: No video card = two or three short quick and one long.

1) Clear CMOS - see if that gets you back into BIOS.
2) Check your current power connections (20/24 pin and additional power connectors to motherboard). Check your keyboard connection.

If neither of these have a positive effect: The next suggestion will assume you have a case/motherboard speaker.
3) Pull all the memory - listen for error code (long series of beeps)
If you get this error code, the motherboard is OK.
4) Run 1 stick of memory or better yet, try a cheap stick of value RAM - the higher latencies works in these critical conditions, IME versus the higher latency RAM.

Good luck!