
I saw this on X-play a few weeks ago. Looks awesome from what I've seen. They should have the video posted on their website (
Looks pretty cool. I have to admit, and please tell me I wasn't the only one, that I thought this was related to that cheezy disney movie Brink ...HAHAHAHAHAHAH :D
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Look's like Mirror's Edge except it's a true FPS.

Definitely something to keep an eye on.
Myself too.

But man that SMART movement is freakin incredible. I can't wait to try it out.

It's like sticking the Ass Creed movement into an fps.

"Argh, I'm taking hits, lemme just hop this rail onto the little alcove to take, wrong direction; that's the bottomless PIT OF DOOOOOOMM NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo-*splat*"
This kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge and Borderlands.
I just saw the video for Brink on while watching the Mich. St. - N. Iowa game. Damn, this looks beyond amazing!! Definitely has a Borderlands-on-steroids look to it. I'll be grabbing this one in the fall.
Slight thread necro, but I thought I would venture to Bethesda's website to see what they have brewing and I came across Brink.

This game looks insanely fun. Buddy of mine are looking for a great co-op game to conquer, we really enjoyed Borderlands so here's to hoping this game pans out well.

Some awesome gameplay vidoes:

EDIT: Added links.
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