Bright red dots above subpixels


May 27, 2011
Hello fellow geeks! Finally got around to making an actual account here.. These forums have been a great resource for problem solving and general info for years.

I'm writing this post because of curiosity -- I've googled this issue to no avail, and I'm dying to know what's going on. I believe that this is the place to go to for answers.

I have three 26" LG W2600HP-BF monitors, and one of them is displaying a strange pattern of red dots.

At first I thought it was the red subpixels in the area that were broken -- though in a very specific pattern, so I guessed that maybe some of the internal electronics processing the image was broken.
But as I looked closer, I realized that the dots were far too small to be entire subpixels. The issue appears as tiny red dots just above every fourth red subpixel horizontally, and every third vertically but in a staggered (diamond-shaped) pattern.
The warranty has expired and I suppose there's no way to fix the issue, but it doesn't matter -- I'm replacing them soon anyway. I'm just curious; What is the source of the light? Why is it in that diamond pattern? And what caused it?
I'm thinking it could have been caused by pressure on the panel. I go to LAN parties regularly, and though I'm usually careful, it might have gotten a bump or something during transport.

(click the images for full resolution)

It's only visible with a very dark background, and even then it's faint:

Close-up (black image) taken with the super macro setting of my camera:

Close-up (white image), no dots noticable:

Close-up (black image) of an unaffected area:

30 second exposure (black image) of the area:

Nobody I know have seen anything like it before, but I stumbled upon a thread here ( with people reporting a similar problem with the same monitor, amongst others.
Unfortunately, that thread never answered the questions I have, and I'm not even sure people there realized that it wasn't the entire subpixels that were lighting up -- they only referred to it as "stuck pixels".

Does anyone have an insight into what's actually going on?
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