Breaking the Google Audio reCAPTCHA with Google's own Speech to Text API


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 26, 2005
This blog article uses the fantastic research from the authors of uncaptcha2 repository. The original scientific uncaptcha paper proposes a method to solves Google's Audio reCAPTCHA with Google's own Speech-to-Text API.

Yes you read that correctly: It is possible to solve the Audio version of reCAPTCHA v2 with Google's own Speech-to-Text API.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
there are programs that pay people to solve captchas. a cent per capcha but that is a lot of money for some 3rd world country people to do that.

of course for all just ai related. only progress to prevent bots can be slowed down but not stopped.
seems like it just cost 1 dollar for someone else to solve 1000 capctahs for you.