Brand new pc no longer boots suddenly...

Jul 11, 2004
Hey guys, so I recently built a new skylake based mini itx system 2 months ago. It was working absolutely perfectly until a few days ago, all of a sudden it would no longer turn on. I'm talking about a completely dead system, where when I press the power button, I don't get any signs of life at all, ie the CPU or PSU fans don't even budge at all, LED lights stay off and I don't hear any beeps whatsoever from the motherboard.

I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Removed all components and stripped it bare until I'm left with only the motherboard, CPU, CPU Fan/HS, and PSU. Even with this bare minimum, the system still does not turn on.

2. To rule out the PSU, I have swapped out the PSU with a brand new working one that I had extra when building this new PC. This also did not work...

3. To rule out the case power button, I did the trick of shorting the two power switch header pins with a screwdriver as well hoping to jump start it. No good either...Also tried clearing the CMOS by shorting the cmos reset pin, nothing.

4. I visually inspected if I saw any blown capaictors on the motherboard and could not spot any.

Which part looks most likely to be the culprit as this point ? Could it be the motherboard or CPU ? Is there any way I can reliably check without having to buy a whole new motherboard only to realize it was the CPU for instance....

The other thing I guess I can do is try reseating the motherboard into the case, perhaps I have some loose screw in there or a motherboard standoff that's not aligning with a mount ? But i think that's highly unlikely since I would expect it to be causing issues from day one then, not 2 months of usage later...

I'm really at a loss to explain how a perfectly working brand new PC built with entirely new parts can suddenly decide to just completely go dead and not work like this, so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Gigabyte Z170 Gaming 5 Mini Itx Mobo
Intel Skylake I7 6700K
Seasonic SSR-650M PSU
Node 304 Mini Itx case
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If you haven't already tried reseating the ram, then that. If you have... exchange it. You've already diagnosed it as defective.
If you haven't already tried reseating the ram, then that. If you have... exchange it. You've already diagnosed it as defective.

Thanks rat. Sorry diagnosed which component as defective, CPU or motherboard ?

I actually already tried with and without the RAM sticks. Both yield the same results so I have already ruled that RAM out pretty much since well, the PC should still at least turn on even without RAM i would believe (ie fans should at least attempt to spin right ?)
Thanks rat. Sorry diagnosed which component as defective, CPU or motherboard ?

I actually already tried with and without the RAM sticks. Both yield the same results so I have already ruled that RAM out pretty much since well, the PC should still at least turn on even without RAM i would believe (ie fans should at least attempt to spin right ?)

Motherboard. If you're not even getting board LEDs to light up then something going to the board or within the board is shot. If the PSU fan spins when you do a short to turn it on without it being plugged into the motherboard ( ), then it's likely not that.
Motherboard. If you're not even getting board LEDs to light up then something going to the board or within the board is shot. If the PSU fan spins when you do a short to turn it on without it being plugged into the motherboard ( ), then it's likely not that.

Thanks. Ok is it wiser to attempt to RMA via Gigabyte or just purchase a brand new one from newegg ? (it is passed 30 days though so can no longer exchange)

Also, I don't believe my particular board has a power LED so can't really tell if power is flowing through (Z170N Gaming 5 but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)