Brand Loyalty Is For Suckers

I buy whatever is the best value at the time I need it. I doubt I've bought the same brand twice in a row for any major purchase.

Why would I need to be loyal to a company that I'm giving my money to? They should be loyal to me.
I fall into the 7th category. Not only do I use the best but unlike Apple dumbsumers bragging about making some company profitable I let the company make me profitable. With so much money I'm getting back and free accessories I'm going to be ahead owning the best the Galaxy Note 5.
I use Logitech stuff because I Like how it looks and feels. My mx 518 is a few years old and it's still going strong. Brands are an ok way to measure quality and performance. Most of the time, you get what you pay for.
Ford > Chevy. Dodge = Poop.

Ford > Chevy. Dodge = Poop.
I don't deal with Ford or Chevy much anymore. Chevy makes ugly cars that nobody would own, while Ford does make nice cars but their engines are crap. I'm an engine guy, just saying. If Chevy was smart they'd put LSX engines in everything and advertise that it can be both a 4 and a 8 cylinder engine, and they need more of the Corvette and Camaro guys making their other guys look good. Ford has great looking cars but those engines suck, except for the new 5.0L in the Mustang which still sucks compared to the LS2.
Then there is the third group, like me, who does not care one way or the other. If I prefer sticking to a brand because it has treated me well, what is that to you? Also, I lose all respect for someone the moment they call a person or group of people stupid.
I use Logitech stuff because I Like how it looks and feels. My mx 518 is a few years old and it's still going strong. Brands are an ok way to measure quality and performance. Most of the time, you get what you pay for.

I love my G602's I use at home and work. However, I cannot bring myself to tossing my old MX518 so I just use it when I repairing a computer which is part of my job in IT. :)
Brand loyalty is kinda dumb, but without it, there'd be a lot less arguing about video card companies, CPU manufacturers, web browsers, video game consoles, political parties (yeah, that's brand loyalty too :p) and that'd make for a far less funny-cakes forum.
Being a moderator on a tech forum, I would have been a lot happier if you ate your own funny cake. There are enough cool things to talk about than arguing over the internet.

You see the same retarded brand loyalty everywhere. In my work, people will keep recommending the same product, machine, software, etc... simply because they've used it before! It may be the worst product on the planet, but people have some absurd loyalty to things that they have absolutely zero part in creating (other than generating a small amount of profit for the company). If you open your eyes and look at alternatives for major things, you can do some pretty amazing things. I have my job because of it.

Personal life: give fiancee best tablet available. She still wants a damned iPad!
Lol, this is how brand unloyal I am:

Computer rig:
DoubleSight monitor, Altec Lansing speakers, A4Tech mouse, Brother printer, MSI motherboard, Corsair PSU, OCZ memory, Samsung Blu-Ray, ASUS sound card, BFG video card, TP-Link wireless adapter, Hitachi, Samsung and Seagate hard drives.

Well... two things matched! ;)
The only thing I have brand loyalty for is ketchup = Heinz and PSUs = Seasonic. Everything else I don't care about.
brand loyalty is stupid.

Hating a brand (*COUGH*Apple*COUGH*) is nothing stupid or irrational. It is simply understanding the flaws and laughing at them multiple times.

Nothing irrational about that.
All of my personal builds for the last 20 years have had an Asus Motherboard in them.
I hear all kinds of horror stories about RMA problems, but I've never had an issue with a board from them yet.
All of them have had Intel processors as well.
All Keyboards and mice for the last 10 or so years have been Logitech. Their customer service has been great to me whenever I had a mouse fail.
So... I'm a chump because I will only buy:

1. Scott Toilet Paper.
2. Bounty Paper Towels.
3. Stouffers Chip Beef Gravy.
4. Land O Lakes Dairy Products.


I ain't no chump. I just know the good stuff when I find it.
Car fanboys are the worst.

OMG car people are terrible. I have to hear that at work and its so stupid that I just have to leave. It's like "My blah-dee-blah-brakes-oil-engine-blah is doing hyper flux more torque power for redneck grits hick towing tires something about horses and exhaust fumes." And they have no idea how unattractive it makes them sound...not that any of them are prizes to begin with since they all have middle-aged floppy guts, bad breath, and clearly sexualize anything with boobs, but still they could at least try instead of being upset and blaming the other person anytime someone rebuffs their clumsy, fatty-jello pickup lines.

Being a moderator on a tech forum, I would have been a lot happier if you ate your own funny cake.

Stop moderating tech forums if you don't like having to bear that particular cross. :D I'm sorry, but our amusement is more important. Besides, forums only exist when there are members interested in watching people argue about meaningless differences in the latest video card or web browser version.

Personal life: give fiancee best tablet available. She still wants a damned iPad!

Protip: Get her an iPad and try not to nerd-rage on her about why you think the other tablet is "better" because nothing is more unappealing (except for car junk or football game recap conversations) than hearing about why some off-brand tablet is better than an iPad.
We also drive a Civic and a Prius and own a home that either of us could afford on our own if we were to get divorced. Don't have cable/sat. Max 401k. Live within your means people. You are literally giving away your livelihood.

*We are not "rich/wealthy" by any stretch of the imagination. Every raise I increase my 401k so I didn't feel the raise until it was maxed. Paid off all debts except house (4.875%) and cars (1.49%). In process of refinancing house for fewer years and lower interest. Saving money has become a game and it doesn't even hurt, we don't go crazy frugal.

Well said here. Pay off those debts, and the stress is on the whole sentence here: Live within your fucking means.

Don't forget to make some wise choice investments too once you get a solid amount of savings built up. I can't wait to see the havoc that will ensue when some of my peers reach retirement age.
OMG car people are terrible. I have to hear that at work and its so stupid that I just have to leave. It's like "My blah-dee-blah-brakes-oil-engine-blah is doing hyper flux more torque power for redneck grits hick towing tires something about horses and exhaust fumes." And they have no idea how unattractive it makes them sound...not that any of them are prizes to begin with since they all have middle-aged floppy guts, bad breath, and clearly sexualize anything with boobs, but still they could at least try instead of being upset and blaming the other person anytime someone rebuffs their clumsy, fatty-jello pickup lines.

Stop moderating tech forums if you don't like having to bear that particular cross. :D I'm sorry, but our amusement is more important. Besides, forums only exist when there are members interested in watching people argue about meaningless differences in the latest video card or web browser version.

Protip: Get her an iPad and try not to nerd-rage on her about why you think the other tablet is "better" because nothing is more unappealing (except for car junk or football game recap conversations) than hearing about why some off-brand tablet is better than an iPad.

Where on this green earth do you work where you have to work with fatty-jello people!? :D

I for one love car talk, it's a big hobby (understatement), but I can't stand when people talk about bullshit like putting smoke stacks on their diesel truck so they can shovel more fumes out into the air, or lift kits for no god damn reason.

Now conversation about how to achieve better lap times, technical specs, that I can get into. :cool:
Where on this green earth do you work where you have to work with fatty-jello people!? :D

I'm stuck in the US. :(

I for one love car talk, it's a big hobby (understatement), but I can't stand when people talk about bullshit like putting smoke stacks on their diesel truck so they can shovel more fumes out into the air, or lift kits for no god damn reason.

Those are like the absolute worst of the worst. The rest of the stuff is kinda tolerable. Even I understand that people have different interests, but UGH when some gigantical pickup truck thing is in the parking lot looking like a shrine to Garth Brooks that can't even fit in one parking space, I think the rest of humanity just weeps.

Now conversation about how to achieve better lap times, technical specs, that I can get into. :cool:

I heard Santa is an expert on lap time, but you have to be in the 8 and under age group to get more lap time from him. If not that, you have to be really, really nice to a girl that you like and maybe you'll get to share lap time with her, but save the technical specs for conversations with other people because you'll most likely just convince her to leave to do something else. :)
I'm stuck in the US. :(

Me too! For now...back to Germany soon once my startups are in progress.

Those are like the absolute worst of the worst. The rest of the stuff is kinda tolerable. Even I understand that people have different interests, but UGH when some gigantical pickup truck thing is in the parking lot looking like a shrine to Garth Brooks that can't even fit in one parking space, I think the rest of humanity just weeps.

Yep...there's just no reason to do some of this shit to your car other than to be a dick. Most of the people I've met that do these things are all a-holes anyway.

I heard Santa is an expert on lap time, but you have to be in the 8 and under age group to get more lap time from him. If not that, you have to be really, really nice to a girl that you like and maybe you'll get to share lap time with her, but save the technical specs for conversations with other people because you'll most likely just convince her to leave to do something else. :)

You're a strange person. ;)
I think it's funny that anyone is loyal to a brand at all. I evaluate many options every time I buy everything. As an example, I don't think I've ever bought the same brand of phone as the last one. Hell, I'm not even loyal to my consoles. SNES->N64->PS2->Gamecube->Xbox 360->Wii->PS4. I guess I haven't bought a GPU that wasn't either AMD or Nvidia for a long time but it doesn't mean I wouldn't consider it if there was any credible competition.
I fall into the 7th category. Not only do I use the best but unlike Apple dumbsumers bragging about making some company profitable I let the company make me profitable. With so much money I'm getting back and free accessories I'm going to be ahead owning the best the Galaxy Note 5.

lol, you didn't disappoint. Thanks for the lols.
Nonsense. We all know Seagate hard drives are garbage ;)

Brand loyalty does a lot of stupid things. Lets use Seagate as an example. Anyone with half a brain knows that Seagate drives are junk. But this is because Seagate built up a "fanbase" around the Barracuda drives and people kept buying them. So who's to complain about a failed drive or two or three?

OCZ did an even far worse thing with their SSDs. They basically used their name they had built and sold shit to customers until they reached peak shit and then sold themselves. They used their name to make as much as they could and then just left the market. Ever bought a OPTIMA car battery, they're doing the same thing. They used to build quality batteries until recently. I've tried to revive one of this pieces of crap and couldn't. The stuff they made in the 90's is far better than the crap they make today.

Honda did this as well. When they came to America they sold cars that they were actually losing money per car sold. That's because they used top quality material. Now Honda is no different than any other car company, in that they're selling shit. But they sure do have a lot of brand loyalty because of it still.
And we are all (Myself Included) Loyal to running a Microsoft OS.

Speak for yourself. I just have two machines that run Windows and I have plans to install Linux on them. Soon as I find a good alternative to running the few Windows DX11 games I can't run through Wine or natively on Linux.
And we are all (Myself Included) Loyal to running a Microsoft OS.

Yup, same here. I look for an OS that does the stuff I wanna, costs a price I agree with, and works on my computers in the least tinker-y with it, painful way. Right now that's the Mint distro of Linux. It might be inaccurate to say that everyone is loyal to Microsoft since there's the 1%ers that are willing and able to use something else.
Didn't read the article so commenting blind...
Brand loyalty might be for suckers or it might be for people heavily invested in an ecosystem. If you have $500 in android or Apple or Windows software, you might want to stick with a device capable of running that software.

Now, if we're talking completely interchangeable products, like a WD vs HGST hard drive, then yeah, brand loyalty is for suckers, go with the best product (based on predicted usage criteria).

Why? I've used Zalman Heatsinks for a long time. I am almost never disappointed. I won't say they are the best but I have never bought one and decided aftward that I had made a mistake. So when it comes to believing in my own experience and watching some 15 year old kid do a youtube video review on a no-name product, yea. Brand loyalty exists for more reasons then fanboism and rage.
And we are all (Myself Included) Loyal to running a Microsoft OS.

It's not loyalty, it's seeing the gaming software world for what it is.

Look I bet my money on the best computer systems ever made for several years. I bought the Amiga 1000, 2000, and the shining star pinacle of them all, the 3000. I paid good mponey for them too cause they were not cheap. But in the end I had to relent, to see the writing on the wall, you couldn't get good software for them and you were never going to get good software for them. Microsoft had that market cornered and microsoft was the prefered partner OS for Intel. Everyone else was swiming upstream and I never liked the idea of being a slamon.

It's not loyalty, it's seeing your place in the world with clear vision.
I go for what fits my needs. I don't have a brand loyalty. I do buy what I prefer. But, if they went to shit or the competitor had a competing product that way better (and cheaper), I'd jump ship in a heartbeat.

I love my AMD video card. I'm not impressed with the new options from them. I'm going to NVIDIA. I loved AMD CPU's, but Intel gave me a better product. I like Vivid Entertainment's video selection, but I don't mind watching a video from a YouPorn....
And we are all (Myself Included) Loyal to running a Microsoft OS.

Not really. If a new OS came out that did everything that Windows did but for free and had an awesome new feature (best thing you can think of), but from from Apple, would you go for it? I would. I love Microsoft and Windows, but I am with Windows because it fits my needs. I don't buy it because it's Microsoft. If I need a web server, I'm going Linux. I don't like IIS.

I am about to jump ship from Microsoft Windows Phone to an iPhone depending on the new announcement on Tuesday. I like my Windows Phone, but it's just not able to keep up lately. The flagship models need to really shine or I'm out. I'm not loyal to Microsoft.
Not really. If a new OS came out that did everything that Windows did but for free and had an awesome new feature (best thing you can think of), but from from Apple, would you go for it? I would. I love Microsoft and Windows, but I am with Windows because it fits my needs. I don't buy it because it's Microsoft. If I need a web server, I'm going Linux. I don't like IIS.

I am about to jump ship from Microsoft Windows Phone to an iPhone depending on the new announcement on Tuesday. I like my Windows Phone, but it's just not able to keep up lately. The flagship models need to really shine or I'm out. I'm not loyal to Microsoft.

Seeing as we're probably all gamers to some degree...I can't think most would. Again, the content delivery system is all in favor of Microsoft right now. 99% of all software is aimed at Windows. The same cannot be said for any other OS.
Seeing as we're probably all gamers to some degree...I can't think most would. Again, the content delivery system is all in favor of Microsoft right now. 99% of all software is aimed at Windows. The same cannot be said for any other OS.

So, we have a reason for it. We're not doing it due to the brand (Microsoft) but because it plays our games. The brand is irrelevant. If Red Hat were to come out with an OS that could run Windows software at 100% compatibility and speed, but be secure and open, how many would jump ship from Microsoft?