Bought Warhead through Steam...when can I download it?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 9, 2004
I was under the impression that we could download the game NOW, if we purchased it and it would let us finally play it on release day (16th). That'll be a whopper of a download and I was hoping I could be proactive. :p
i think pre-loading is tomorrow and you can play on the 16th but i'm not 100% on this. why not ask on the steam forum?
i think pre-loading is tomorrow and you can play on the 16th but i'm not 100% on this. why not ask on the steam forum?
Yea, they usually always do that.
Pre-download the day before then "activation" on release day.

That's how my Orange Box went :p
I've never heard of steam NOT pre-loading but I haven't purchased too many games.
For Valve games you can unlock it on release day... I think other publishers are different though, and require a several day delay so retail outlets can make there money before it goes up for download. This may be changing though, it was this was last year on a few titles.
The game is not available till Sept 17th in North America through Steam. Im hoping they do a predownload as well.
There may not be a preload for this game.

Valve's own games have their own DRM and can be encrypted so that a preload and subsequent 'unlock' is possible.

I'm not sure if that same system works for 3rd party games under steam. We're all assuming it does. Does anyone know this for sure one way or another? Have any other 3rd party games been available for preload followed by a later unlock?
Fuck this stupid shit. I just cancelled my preorder from Steam and I'm going to get this damn game at retail.
I'm going to patiently wait and download the superior steam version when it's available in the next couple days.

I'm pretty sure I can make it...