Bought games just for multiplayer?

alphaone said:
Yes I know BF1942 is based on a real event and it is realistic in that sense and AA isn't based on anything, but BF itself isn't the most realistic game out there. The guns don't behave entierely right, you don't get to use the ironsights, you can just hop in any vehicle you want...etc. AA is realistic because you have to go through training, is made by devs who have actually fired the guns in the game and talked to US Army members about stuff. The gun physics are more realistic too. I mean, have you even played AA? Maybe your system just can't handle its realism.

And shut up with your "PWNED!" comments. It makes you sound like a noobish asshole.

that had to be the most ignorant thing ive ever heard, my system cant handle the is that suppost to mean lmao u sound like the n00bish asshole. j00 can start talkin when i tell j00 too, but just keep ur mouth shut until daddy tells u otherwise
Unreal Tournament
Diablo II (who wouldn't?! Game's all about multi...)
Warcraft III

and finally, the best is last, Starcraft! This game is phenomenal, with fun, balanced races, huge community, and a steady flow of excellent user made maps. Reigning champ, trumps even Warcraft III (load times kill it).