Bought F.E.A.R. and it's a BS copy... advice?

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Jan 27, 2006
So here's the deal... the seller advertised it as a Russian version of FEAR. I bought it, who cares what language it's in, I want it for online mulitplayer anyways.

So I receive it and there's no CD key. OK, well I install anyways. It installs fine but I can't update, nor play online w/o a CD key. So I email him and he says he never had a CD key w/ it because it's a Russian copy. Not his problem he says.

My problem is he didn't mention this game had no CD key, could not be updated, and can not be played online (which is the reason I bought it).

Now the normal copies of FEAR are able to be updated, have CD keys, and can play multiplayer online. Isn't this some type of false advertisement or what? Shouldn't he have mentioned this in his FS thread?
Original cd? Try emailing the publisher, maybe they will be able to help you out.

You could also swap a cdkey of a game you don't play anymore for
FEAR but that is a grey area around here so I won't give any links or go into detail.
TheOmniscientCreator said:
He pirated it. Make him take it back, or file a complaint.

The disc looks authentic... and it includes the case (no idea if it's an original case or not). But there's no instructions or pamphlets or anything.
johnj189 said:
The disc looks authentic... and it includes the case (no idea if it's an original case or not). But there's no instructions or pamphlets or anything.
He probably used lightscribe to burn an authentic CD label on it...I still think you should make him take it back.
TheOmniscientCreator said:
He probably used lightscribe to burn an authentic CD label on it...I still think you should make him take it back.

We did email back and forth a few times this morning. Here is a sample of our convo:

"The reason I bought this game was to play online with some friends and that's not gonna happen now. It would have been nice if you had mentioned this was a crippled version of the game FEAR instead of passing it off as a normal copy in your [H] FS thread."

"Dude I said in the thread it was a Russian version. I never tried to hide the fact. I'm sorry you are unsatisfied but its not my fault because I told you before buying that it was a Russian copy. Again I'm sorry but its out of my hands."

"It being Russian isn't a problem. It not functioning like the normal retail version is. You can't update it, and you can't play online, I'd say that is a huge difference between it and a normal copy. You didn't mention any of this in your thread and that is what you hid. That's some really shady s*** IMO."

"Again I'm sorry but you KNEW what you were getting. I can't help with bugs in the software or problems with YOUR setup."

OK, JohnJ's over at my house right now.

After inspecting the packaging and the DVD itself has a very small 'Rostok CD' on the back side near the center of the disk.

After googling "Rostok CD" I found this article:

Check out the last two paragraphs. This is definately a DVDRip sold off as original.

What should he do now?
OK, yeah this is definitely a rip. I'm gonna bump BENCHMARKMAN's original FS thread and request a refund. I paid cash (first and last time) so he doesn't have to. But he has decent feedback on heatware and I'll leave a negative if I have to, cuz this isn't right.
johnj189 said:
OK, yeah this is definitely a rip. I'm gonna bump BENCHMARKMAN's original FS thread and request a refund. I paid cash (first and last time) so he doesn't have to. But he has decent feedback on heatware and I'll leave a negative if I have to, cuz this isn't right.

Agreed, I also think selling piriated software (which this is) is against forum rules. So don't be afraid to leave negative heat. If you get you money back you should at least leave neutral heat explaining that he sold pirated software.
GlobalFear said:
Thats low. (Selling a copy)
Is the game in russian?

Yeah, all installation directions are Russian. The game can be played in English though.
Regardless if you get your money back or not, a negative feedback is a must on this seller due to the fact that he's not willing to work it out at first.
bennetvu said:
Regardless if you get your money back or not, a negative feedback is a must on this seller due to the fact that he's not willing to work it out at first.

Well, I posted on his old FS thread, and sent him another email formally requesting a refund. If he refunds I may go with a neutral instead of a negative. If he doesn't then yeah, negative cuz this isn't right.
you never know where the guy got the dvd from. maybe he didnt know it was a pirated fake, if it took you and another to see the rostok logo. always a possibility, i'd confront him with the evidence and then give him one last chance to refund your money. if he does, chalk it up to misunderstanding and leave positive heat, and if he doesnt, then negative.
Wasn't his fault, you bought a russian copy, you got a russian copy.

Internet fraud won't do anything, neither will his local police department.

You should have asked him if it was playable online, which is why you bought fear for in the first place.

Lack of communication, not the sellers fault, but definitely the buyer's fault.

I'm with the seller here....The buyer obviously did not get enough information prior to sending money and finalizing the deal.
pebl said:
Wasn't his fault, you bought a russian copy, you got a russian copy.

Internet fraud won't do anything, neither will his local police department.

You should have asked him if it was playable online, which is why you bought fear for in the first place.

Lack of communication, not the sellers fault, but definitely the buyer's fault.

I'm with the seller here....The buyer obviously did not get enough information prior to sending money and finalizing the deal.

According to your logic, if I was going to buy a copy of Unreal Tournament 2004 I should ask the seller if the whole game works? "Does the multiplayer work, or just the single player?" That doesn't even make sense. The language is of no importance at all. It being Russian doesn't mean you can't play it online, or update it, it means it's standard language is Russian.

Monolith in fact made a Russian version of FEAR, and Spanish, and French, etc. and they all work fine. They come with CD keys, they can be updated, and they can be played online (multiplayer). The game I bought was crippled, not to mention an illegal copy. None of this was mentioned in the FS thread, period. The rules here state that no back-ups or rips are legal to sell, so I assumed this was a legal copy.
pebl said:
Wasn't his fault, you bought a russian copy, you got a russian copy.

Internet fraud won't do anything, neither will his local police department.

You should have asked him if it was playable online, which is why you bought fear for in the first place.

Lack of communication, not the sellers fault, but definitely the buyer's fault.

I'm with the seller here....The buyer obviously did not get enough information prior to sending money and finalizing the deal.

They buyer recieved a COUNTERFEIT (AKA PIRATED) Russian copy. First off this is in violation of Forum rules to even sell here. Rule number 7 clearly states no Pirated software is to be sold here. Rather the seller knew it was counterfeit or not doesn't matter now that it is obvious that it is counterfeit the seller has an obligation to issue a refund. Personally I have a hard time believing the seller didn't know it was counterfeit.
the seller straight up TOLD you it was russian, and you still bought it? I don't think this guy owes you anything. Anyone visiting this forum ought to be smart enough to know that russian=pirate.
johnj189 said:
According to your logic, if I was going to buy a copy of Unreal Tournament 2004 I should ask the seller if the whole game works? "Does the multiplayer work, or just the single player?" That doesn't even make sense. The language is of no importance at all. It being Russian doesn't mean you can't play it online, or update it, it means it's standard language is Russian.

doesn't matter if it is a copy. it should still function 100%.
BioPort said:
the seller straight up TOLD you it was russian, and you still bought it? I don't think this guy owes you anything. Anyone visiting this forum ought to be smart enough to know that russian=pirate.

There are tons of games that are legit and translated into Russian. Point not made.
There's definitely faults on both sides I think. The seller obviously selling pirated software, and the buyer not getting enough info on the deal. Someone tells you its in russian and you don't get suspicious? Cmon man, just cause its the internet doesn't mean you are protected from using common sense practices when doing any kind of personal bartering.
BioPort said:
the seller straight up TOLD you it was russian, and you still bought it? I don't think this guy owes you anything. Anyone visiting this forum ought to be smart enough to know that russian=pirate.
Really, I guess this game must be pirated too. :rolleyes:

Monolith made a russian version of F.E.A.R. Anyone that visits this forum ought to be smart enough to not insult other members when they themselves don't know shit.
The best thing you can do is hasle the seller for your money back on a pirated copy possibly inform the game company. I think Microsoft used to send people free XP if they would turn in people they bougth a fraudulent copy from.
Now to assume since its from Russia its just fraud is just plain stupid.

Im not sure if theres anyt russians on this board but I do know that there copyright laws aren't as strict as the US, why scammers come from Nigeria since the laws aren't as strict. Maybe someone can claify.
for the one's saying the buyer is partially at fault here... did you even read the topic here?
the game F.E.A.R. can legally be purchased in russian and the OP clearly stated he didn't care what language it was in as long as he could play the game online which requires the cd key.... not only did he NOT get a cd key but come to find out the cd he got was a pirated copy! what is so hard to understand here??
BOTTOM LINE: the guy got ripped off
OK here is BECHMARKMAN's response via email:

"Fear is not a rip. I bought it legal off of ebay, like I stated in the post. You are not getting a refund for the game because you were fully aware of what you where getting when you bought it."

Here are pics. Notice the installation instructions are printed on a piece of paper and they're poorly photoshopped together. Also notice the Rostok stamp on the underside of the DVD.

BENCHMARKMAN is being unreasonable so I'm just gonna leave him a negative on heatware.
I think that is your only option. If he thought it was a legal copy he got off ebay I have a bridge to sell him. The good news for you is not alot of money was involved. I'm shocked a trader would risk their rep over only 18 bucks.
johnj189, I've been watching this thread unfold and IMO BECHMARKMAN has been unreasonable. I don't care where he bought it; just because someone sells it on ebay doesn't make it legit.

His unwillingness to refund you in light of the evidence that it is not a legit copy has earned him a ban and a shiny new custom title of Bad Trader.
brycejones said:
I think that is your only option. If he thought it was a legal copy he got off ebay I have a bridge to sell him. The good news for you is not alot of money was involved. I'm shocked a trader would risk their rep over only 18 bucks.

I know it! When I offered him the ultimatum I even said if his other game Quake IV was legit I would take that in trade for the FEAR. That way he could keep the money and just send me Quake. But you read his response... :confused:

Lethal said:
johnj189, I've been watching this thread unfold and IMO BECHMARKMAN has been unreasonable. I don't care where he bought it; just because someone sells it on ebay doesn't make it legit.

His unwillingness to refund you in light of the evidence that it is not a legit copy has earned him a ban and a shiny new custom title of Bad Trader.

Thank you - I take this feedback stuff serious. Probably because I know how nasty ebay can get when it comes to uneccessary feedback + retaliatory feedback. But in this case I couldn't do anything else. I sent him the same pics posted here, and explained to him how I found out about the disc. Still nothing... I don't get it but whatever. Thanks for the support I appreciate it.
johnj189 said:
Hey speaking of retaliatory feedback:

F'in unbelievable.

Wow. That just puts the icing on the cake. He's either REALLY stupid, or he's just a dick. I'm going with both. Sorry about your luck man, looks like this is costing you more than $18 now.....damn scammers...

Contact the games publisher and let them know that you may have been sold a pirated copy of the game. If they want to follow up and request the sellers contact information, give it to them. They have the right to protect thier copyrights, so I don't believe you would be at any risk of getting in trouble.
What a troll. He has been added to my DNT list in case he shows up on other forums. Contact heatware and they will take off the negative. Its a retaliatory negative and thats all there is to it. He knew it was a pirated copy. Who buys a game and doesnt patch it or try to play multiplayer. Im sure as soon as he found out it was pirated he off loaded to someone else which just happened to be you. No wonder it was only $18 bucks, cause it was a fake!

Lethal did the right thing here. It doesnt matter if he said it was Russian because the fact is, he forgot to put counterfeit in there too. You thought you were buying a game that just happened to be from Russia but was still a real, legit copy. Just because you say a game is from Russia doesnt mean once the buyer finds out its pirated, your free and clear. If it was from Russia and legit, there would have been no problems here. He also didnt come here to defend himself because he knew he was wrong.
*Shaking my head in disbelief*

I can't see how there are a few of you here that completely missed the point. He was sold pirated software. Plain and simple. How's that Johns fault?

It was a pretty good bootleg but it still didn't look authentic.

I hope this guy comes to his senses and you still get your money back or maybe VU will respond to your email and sell ya a copy discounted or something.
johnj189 said:
Hey speaking of retaliatory feedback:

F'in unbelievable.
That's way below the belt. You do not fuck with a trader's heatware to leave retaliatory feedback. Hopefully Heatware will remove it for you.
movax said:
That's way below the belt. You do not fuck with a trader's heatware to leave retaliatory feedback. Hopefully Heatware will remove it for you.

they should with a link to this thread
That is pathetic and sad. How much of a cheapskate do you have to be to risk your trading reputation over EIGHTEEN (18!) BUCKS? And retaliating with FEEDBACK? What a f'in ass.

However, this thread is proof of two things:
  1. ASK ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS! No matter how redundant, make sure you know what you're getting. I understand that he should not have sold the pirated game, but nevertheless, you didn't ask about the cd key / online playability.
  2. Just because they have positive feedback doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get screwed. I personally have gotten the shaft by someone with lots of feedback before.

The best part of this all is BENCHMARKMAN's response to the whole CD key thing:
I clearyly stated in my post that the game was a Russian retail version.
All while completely ignoring the actual complaint at hand. Bravo.
Question: Do russian games come with directions on installation on a sheet of paper?

I would hope not...

Solution: Report him to the makers of the game, and let them sue him. Lets see how far that 18 bucks go.

I also agree that when some says they are selling a game it is proper to ASSUME that it is what everyone is used to. Meaning if it is a russian copy it's only difference between that and an american copy would be the language, not missing features. Otherwise those KEY points should have been stated by the seller.

He with-held information and knew about it, no matter what way you look at it he is at fault. He did not give a proper description of the item. Granted the buyer could have asked 50 million questions to make sure it what everyone would assume it to be, but do you really need to ask? I wouldn't want to buy a game from someone, and recieve it all scratched and un-installable, because I failed to ask is it installable.
The WHOLE point is...if John had said:

"Hey Seller, is this a pirated copy?"

The answer would have been "NO"

Seller still denies it folks. He was under the assumption that the Russina version was only single player or something.

After a little lookin around I found the original ebay item too:

This is the real Pirate:

But why did Bench/Knucklehead only keep the game for a few days before selling it for more than he paid for it? May be figured out it was a pirated copy?!

This whole situation just sucks. Atleast we're tracking it back to help out the game creator.
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