Bought 64-bit Vista, need 32-bit


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 9, 2002
My sister's computer is nearly finished, but I realized I bought the 64-bit ONLY version. It even says on the disc, and doesn't give me an option during setup to install the 32-bit version.

2 questions:

#1: Where can I get a 32-bit version to use in place of the 64-bit version without having to pay for it AGAIN. Legally, of course.

#2: Will my 64-bit code work for 32-bit?
My sister's computer is nearly finished, but I realized I bought the 64-bit ONLY version. It even says on the disc, and doesn't give me an option during setup to install the 32-bit version.

2 questions:

#1: Where can I get a 32-bit version to use in place of the 64-bit version without having to pay for it AGAIN. Legally, of course.

#2: Will my 64-bit code work for 32-bit?

1. If you already opened it, you can't.

2. Likely not

Whats wrong with using 64bit version? Alot of us run it with no probs. I guess you could PLEAD with MS in regards to your situation, but good luck with that.
If you're dead set on 32 bit, your best bet in this situation is to sell the OEM 64 bit version to someone for whatever you can get for it and buy the OEM 32 bit version.

Due to the EULA and licensing, it is improper to use the 32 bit version if you purchased the OEM 64 bit version. Personally, I don't give a damn whether you use the 32 or 64 bit install media for an OEM copy as it's basically the same OS and the retail versions don't have this artificial limitation but the licensing terms state differently.

We've already had issues with her aircard not working under 64-bit. She ended up having to buy a PCMCIA - PCI adapter and using a laptop aircard to get it working. And even then, they didn't want to support it.

She's on a different ISP now, so who knows what other problems might crop up.

She also stated some of her games won't run under 64-bit.
You could try exchanging at a local mom and pop computer store.

Personally, I would look for a torrent for a MSDN 32bit OEM Vista disk, make sure the checksum checks out once you download it, you can usually find MSDN checksum hashes via google search, and install and hope the CD key works. From all I've heard it should. But as a previous poster detailed, sinec it's an OEM edition, it *might* not, but I doubt it. I was always under the impression that 32bit/64bit didn't matter, that detail wasn't tied into the key. *shrug*
The key included with the 64 bit distribution version the OP purchased will work just fine as long as he can locate the 32 bit installation DVD, it's not an issue at all. The issue is finding the media, and typically yes it needs to be an actual OEM disc. I've never had success using OEM keys with Retail media and vice versa, across any version of Windows ever manufactured - some folks claim to be able to do it, but I've yet to see concrete hard evidence of it.

If my MSDN sub was up to date I could download a straight OEM release w/key and a straight Retail release w/key and I would not be able to use the OEM key with the Retail ISO, nor the other way around. So I don't know where folks make such claims...

On a bit for bit comparison (which I've done), an OEM Vista SP1 installation DVD is not the same disc as the Retail one. Sorry, but it ain't... it's more than just the key as most people believe. And yes, it was a straight OEM System Builder DVD so there were no OEM-branded or specific files on the disc.
You could always surf around the local garage sales, sometimes they have them. I know I have run across them a time or 2
So, I'm actually in need to buy some inexpensive Windows (don't care much if it's 64-bit). Can I legally buy and install SarverSystems' copy? Looks like he already had it installed and, potentially, registered ... but now that he does not want it -- is there a way for me to acquire it without breaking any laws?
It's been installed for just over a year now.

She loves Vista, it's just the 64-bit flavor doesn't like her ISP. And some of her games.

I've sold 32-bit to a few customers in the past. I jsut might give one a call and see if I can borrow their disc.

As far as a trade goes, I'm for it if you are! From the sounds of it, we only need to trade discs, not codes.