Bose Companion 3 Speakers - sparse static fuzz


Oct 9, 2005

I've had my set of Bose C3 speakers since September. Since about a month ago, they have been emitting the occassional 3 second burst of static. This is starting to get on my nerves because I paid so much for them. I've checked and rechecked all connections, and I'm near positive the problem doesn't lie with the onboard audio on my Asus A8N-SLI Premium. (Side note: How would I check that this is true?) Anyway, I'd really appreciate some input on this. Please tell me if I have not given adequate information, and I'll provide it.

Do you have any appliance nearby? I have an A/C and everytime it powers up my speakers buzzes too.
These speakers are designed to clip onto the top of the monitor, so it shouldn't be monitor interference. The subwoofer is 3 feet from the computer and 4 feet from the monitor.
Make sure that your power cables and other aren't touching your speaker wires, as that sometimes cause interference
That might be exactly the problem, as they are touching a lot of other wires. I'll try it and get back to you.
have you tested the speakers with another computer? and the computer with other speakers?