Borderlands 3rd DLC preview vid

Any word yet? My guess is for the Alien "shotgun" type weapon that came in three varieties; Flame, electricity, and poison goo. Pretty sure it was never in the game, but we had to figure out it was there/how to use it with hexing saves.

It would be interesting if they actually *added* something though.

I'd finished both playthroughs before getting into this DLC which means I'm "playthrough 2.5" and I still see nothing higher than level 48 items and such to purchase and off of enemies...for now. I'm pretty early into it.
I'd finished both playthroughs before getting into this DLC which means I'm "playthrough 2.5" and I still see nothing higher than level 48 items and such to purchase and off of enemies...for now. I'm pretty early into it.

I've seen weapons going up to level 56 already. I think I'm level 53 or 54 right now.
I've seen weapons going up to level 56 already. I think I'm level 53 or 54 right now.

It's probably because I'm still a level 50 character and I just got started. I'm sure I'll see things open up when I dig into this thing later today. :)
I can't believe I'm saying this, but this DLC MIGHT actually be worth it. This is what I expect of DLC, a proper expansion of the retail game. Not $10 to tack on a new level or game-mode. I know a few people have been burned by purchasing the previous two DLCs and because of this will more than likely refuse to pay another $10 for even more DLC, but again, I'd say this batch definitely deserves your cash.

Even though we get a few new vehicles, the absence of fast travel across the new areas still boggles my mind. Not to mention I wouldn't suggest trekking out on your own from the beginning as you will more than likely be burning through your cash having been forced to respawn. Though I will say most of the new enemies are great and definitely required different loadouts per situation(s).

I'd say if you're on the fence about this one, pull the trigger.
If you had to choose one this is THE DLC to get. Besides, all the other DLCs will benefit from this one anyways thanks to the level cap being raised and the other goodies.
So just downloaded and about to play, but would anyone recommend me not going in until i'm at at least level 50? Currently I'm at 48 and from what I hear I could get smashed quick.
So just downloaded and about to play, but would anyone recommend me not going in until i'm at at least level 50? Currently I'm at 48 and from what I hear I could get smashed quick.

Considering NPCs being at level 51 from the beginning, I'd suggest capping at 50 first. That or go in with a group.
So just downloaded and about to play, but would anyone recommend me not going in until i'm at at least level 50? Currently I'm at 48 and from what I hear I could get smashed quick.

Get to 50.
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