Borderlands 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

Kind of simular problem , not when Im in intense fights or heavy loads , but at random get hicups 2-3 seconds , recent patch didnt solve , it . 65 c isn't really hot for a gpu at all , but i have mine 680@ 52 maxed in gaming/folding custom fan profile , loud though :p
it was the OC/heat after all. I dug around some more and discovered several other guys having the same problem. all with GTX680's. I had the fan speed set to auto and went in and manually set the RPM points depending on which temp the card was at.

I rarely saw the fan speed go past 50% so I changed it so that once it hit 60*C it would bump up to 60% and at 65*C it would run up to 70%.

So far zero problems.
Just to add my 2 cents.
7870 gigabyte and stock 2500k

Full 60fps max settings.
Down about 20fps with physx
Been playing this with a friend and had to turn physx to low because at times it was getting in the way of the action with so much stuff flying around because im sure the baddies are not hindered by the stuff flying around putting me at a big disadvantage.
my 7950 does pretty well on it.. I noticed a huge improvement in fps when i went from thurban 1100t to it3570k.
I recently RMA'd a 9800GT and EVGA sent me a 450GTS. I use an HIS 6870 as my main card.

I installed both cards, using the latest Beta Catalyst and the latest recommended 450GTS driver. I ran the software that should enable physx and rebooted.

The game ran first time out, with everything maxed. It was kind of choppy in places, though. Like it would dip to 45 fps and then spike back to 60. It was happening frequently.

In the Willowengine.ini, there are settings to increase the physx heap size - I went from 128 to 1024 and tried again. The game ran much smoother but it was still kinda choppy.

I pulled out the 450GTS and tried the game. The software that enables the physx only card modifies registry entries, so I got a strange error message. I reinstalled the catalyst driver and verified the game integrity using Steam, it modified one file, so steam redownloaded it.

I left Physx on High.

I have a 2500K (Oc'd to 5ghz) - The game ran better as more stable using cpu physx than using the 450 GTS. I read many examples to the contrary but seeing was believeing.

I played for about 1 hour with hardware physx and 3 without.

I was a huge fan of the original and this game is the REASON to have physx. It really adds to the immersion imo.
You just saved me a $100 as was just about to buy a gtx 650 to be used a dedicated card for physx... a bit of a contradiction here but there are other titles that i may need it for... aaah the confusion.

I originally started to play this game with a friends gts 250 then i bought the gigabyte 7970 oc and believe when i say that i preferred playing THIS game with the gts 250, Nvidia's gimmick really makes a difference
how does a fully featured physics engine = gimmick? nvidia deserves much more credit than that imo.