Bootcamp Beta 1.1 out


Jul 2, 2004
Boot Camp 1.1 beta includes:
Support for the latest Intel-based Macintosh computers
Easier partitioning using presets for popular sizes
Ability to install Windows XP on any internal disk
iSight camera support
Support for built-in microphones
Right-click when pressing the right-hand Apple key on Apple keyboards
Improved Apple keyboard support including Delete, PrintScreen, NumLock, and ScrollLock keys

A lot of new goodies :)
downloading it right now, hopefully the drivers help a lot :) Then (no offense or anything) wouldn't have to use the os x side to video chat. Only thing I am currently using the mac side is for editing web sites with my dreamweaver 8 on the mac side, don't have it for windows. Hopefully the download will finish in the next century...crappy sbc dsl.
Mightymouse said:
downloading it right now, hopefully the drivers help a lot :) Then (no offense or anything) wouldn't have to use the os x side to video chat. Only thing I am currently using the mac side is for editing web sites with my dreamweaver 8 on the mac side, don't have it for windows. Hopefully the download will finish in the next century...crappy sbc dsl.

Oh man I hear you. I've been waiting for those iSight drivers so I can use Windows Skype.
synergyo1 said:
Oh man I hear you. I've been waiting for those iSight drivers so I can use Windows Skype.

What's wrong with Skype for Mac?
spyder_flex97 said:
i already have windows xp installed on my macbook...does this mean i have to reinstall it?

No, all it does is update the Boot Camp Assistant and give you a new CD with updated drivers (which you should install).
CEpeep said:
What's wrong with Skype for Mac?

Nothing except it didn't support video chat for the longest time. The beta adds video chat but its a bit buggy atm.

And then there is the fact you can't use Skype Mac on Windows :p
synergyo1 said:
Nothing except it didn't support video chat for the longest time. The beta adds video chat but its a bit buggy atm.

I just used it today with a friend. It worked great. I did get a crash when I had both the video chat window and the video preferences window open at the same time though.
CEpeep said:
I just used it today with a friend. It worked great. I did get a crash when I had both the video chat window and the video preferences window open at the same time though.

Believe it or not when I am running Windows my option is limited to Windows Skype. I don't just boot up Windows just to use Skype ;)
I did figure out the audio rerouting thing...I use a usb headset, and set all my audio drivers to output to my headset and it doesnt have sound from my internal speakers...anyone else have suggestions/ways to do it the same for a non-usb headset? Hopefully these drivers will fix that too?

For for all the people about mac/windows skype, i havent tried either video conference, but I assume the guy who wants the windows skype, wants windows to work the way it works on his other computer/used to (like I do) :) But don't get me wrong, I like macs very much and have worked with them at work for the past 3 years, using them consistently and am really impressed for what they do. I just want to play games and use other programs not currently avaliable for mac :(
Well, it fixed the isignt drivers,s the audio rerouting, the two things that I really wanted to work with the other one. This shall keep me satisfied until I find some more things that are wrong :)
i just used 1.1 today to install windows on my macbook, worked fine. I had some troubles with the previous version, dunno why.....
i just downloaded it, i am going to give it a try this weekend, glad that ISIGHT will work on windows now... =)