Boot partitions


Jul 27, 2008
I figured this would be the most relevant topic to post this in, if not then sorry.

Anyways, here's my problem.

A friend of mine gave me a brutally destroyed computer that he wanted windows installed on, I'm inclined to at least try.

It's an Acer Aspire 3610, I don't know much else about it.

Problem is, the boot priority is set to Hard drive in the bios, and an admin password is set so that I can't change it. Naturally my friend doesn't know it either. I've looked at resetting the bios and everything, but since this is a laptop it isn't really possible short of sending it in to Acer.

The hard drive is completely wiped, but I do have a way to get info onto the drive via an external drive case. Unfortunately I'm not experienced in creating bootable partitions or anything like that.

How exactly would I go about putting some sort of bootable partition (dos?) onto the drive over USB, so that I could then put the drive back in to the laptop and boot to *something*, and from there install windows.

Alternatively, where could I go to learn anything at all about bootable partitions?
