Boot device error LED. Asus M5A99X EVO.


Dec 9, 2010
I turned on my PC this morning, but it got stuck at ASUS boot logo. The HDD led was not blinking, I looked inside the case, the boot device red error led was lit.
So I gogled and tried.

  • Reset BIOS
  • Remove BIOS battery
  • Check cables
  • Change cables
  • Switch ports
  • Disable secondary sata controller

Nothing helped.
I only managed it to boot when only one disk is connected, if put one more it just stays stuck at asus logo, you can't DEL to enter settings, even the num light seems to be stuck.
EDIT. The night before all worked great, I just shut it down and went to sleep, and in the morning this, out of nowhere.
I have the same exact problem, did you end up fixing it?

Well it works now, I am not quite sure why. But I booted up with only one drive, then connected all others, to be sure all is OK. i used easy BCD to remove, and add boot records (not sure if this did anything, or was necessary).