Bonding two "very different" DUN connections - ie: "shotgunning"


Apr 29, 2000
Hey everyone. This should be a good question...

I have a standard 56k dial-up through MSN I use during the day. At night, I can use my Motorola V710 cell phone to connect to Verizon's ExpressNetwork at about 144k. I only do this at night because it comes off my plan's minutes, and they're unlimited for nights and weekends.

Anyways, they are very different connections.

The MSN connection is straight through the integrated POS Conexant ACLink modem, which I cannot get to connect with a V.90 connection, only V.34 with the appropriate init string.

The Verizon connection is over Bluetooth. I have my phone connected as a Bluetooth modem to my laptop, and then I use a standard dialup networking connection to connect to Verizon.

I've tried just letting them both be on at once, but that causes the Verizon connection to drop within 10-15 seconds. If I disconnect the normal MSN 56k connection, the Verizon connection will stay up all night downloading whatever my heart desires. :)

Is there any way to "bond" these two, similar to the way you'd "bridge" a two LAN connections? I remember shotgunning modems a long-ass time ago, but that was through the same ISP.... and only if they allowed it.
No. To bond two dial-up connections together, you need to dial into the same provider with both connections (this is called multi-link PPP). And the provider definatelly will need to support it (and may charge you double, since you are using twice as many resources on their end)
Yeah, you cannot bond them together. What you might be able to do with the right software is get them to download different things at the same time, but I doubt it's worth the trouble. The lag off the modem is terrible and therefore just about worthless to use at the same time.
Oh well, that's kinda what I figured... Thank God I'll be home in a few weeks. I must be incredibly spoiled......

Thanks for the replies, though!