Bluescreen while XP-installation


Feb 22, 2006
Hello. I am just helping a friend with his computer, it's new and I am now installing XP. I have typed in the cdkey and maybe 4-5 minutes after that a bluescreen appears;

*** STOP: 0x00000024 (and then a load of numbers, is those necessary?)

*** Ntfs.sys - Adress F9046B7E base at F9006000, DateStamp 41107eea

The system:

AMD 3200+
ECS Nforce-A939
Kingston 1GB PC3200
7900GS 512 MB
160 gbs harddrive

I have tested another ram, dvd-player and harddrive. Also another XP (home) disc. Please, help!
hmm... tricky first tought would be that your pc is Overclocked... but if it isn´t...

so your HD is virgin and with just formatted with NFTS ? have you setup the HD properly? partitions, jumpers.

Try flashing the Mobo BIOS
I have a similar problem with one of my computers at home. The computer blue screens in either an xp's or vista's installation but will install 2000 just fine.

The only commonality between my system and yours is that mine also has an ECS mobo but it is a different one.
the ECS is the "Enthusiast" oriented brand from PCCHIPS, maybe that is the problem, try flashing to the newest BIOS
try another cable for each drive, and try another optical drive.
hmm... tricky first tought would be that your pc is Overclocked... but if it isn´t...

so your HD is virgin and with just formatted with NFTS ? have you setup the HD properly? partitions, jumpers.

Try flashing the Mobo BIOS

Hello. Is there any guide or so how to flash the BIOS? I have downloaded the latest BIOS and transfered AWDFLASH.exe and NFA911K.bin to the floppy disk, and I crossed the "make ms-dos bootable" or what it said. But when I'm trying to boot via the floppy nothing happens and it continues to try to boot via the cdrom and harddrive..

EDIT: About the HD setup, I've just put in the XP disk, and via that formatted the harddrive (I could choose via normal format or fast format, I choosed the normal). I have no idea if I formatted it with NTFS?
I decided to try install Windows 98 but now the screen "Microsoft Windows 98 Getting ready to runt Windows for the first time" have been there for like 10 minutes, the things in the bottom are moving.. Should it do like this or is it something wrong?
the best way to fix this is to quick format your drive and install. now that you´re installing win98 u can make a bootable floppy disk with no problem, then in the BIOS set the FLOPPY DISK DRIVE as the first bootable drive, if it doesn´t help, unplug your HD and try again
I decided to try install Windows 98 but now the screen "Microsoft Windows 98 Getting ready to runt Windows for the first time" have been there for like 10 minutes, the things in the bottom are moving.. Should it do like this or is it something wrong?

Windows 98 has a limit to the memory it can map without hacking around in the settings. I believe that limit is 512MB.

That includes your main memory (1GB) plus your graphics card (256MB) plus various memory-mapped I/O. Unfortunately, the instructions online don't really agree on how exaclt y to make Win98 work with more memory, so you'll get conflicing methods. In addition, I never successfully managed to hack up Windows 98 to get it to run on my 1GB ram machine, so I can't say exactly how to do it.

As for the XP crashes, does your installation CD include Service Pack 2? If it doesn't, boards with SATA support have been known to crash XP on load. The solution is to load the SATA drivers that came with your board, or slipstream SP2.