Blowhole fan: Inside or outside case?


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Just like the topic says, which is better to exhaust hot air out of the computer, the fan being on top of the case, so it sucks air out of the hole, or inside the case so it pushes the hot air out the hole?
i would say pull hot air out
EDIT: i get it now, i'd put it inside because it's more pleasing to the eye :) , but whatever suits you
i think you guys were misunderstanding his question...he is asking whether the fan should be inside the case pushing or outside the case pulling...both exhausting...i dont think it would matter too much...try it both ways and see which works better for you...generally with case airflow there are so many factors noone can tell you what is best for you when it comes to fine tuning your cooling setup, just trial and error it...if it actually works better one way come back and update this thread and let us know!
I just put it outside the case on top, because it would be cramped by my PSU and DVD drive.
If you put it outside, it's bound to be noisier. My personal preference would be inside, for that reason and for reasons of keeping a neater looking case.
interior would look more traditional, but if you do it right, it would look cool outside the case too!
Inside or outside the case the air it is moving is still being pulled through the fan the same way. The only difference is visually. I thought the same as MX2times when reading the question, Six one way, half a dozen the other.
I think space is the deciding factor for me, I have a sff GMC fx11(newegg$20 special)
that has 2 120x38 mounted on the end outside that kinda looks cool(wont fit inside)