blow holes... im a nub

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Deleted member 89137

i want a gaming bomb 2, but i would need to have a side panel blow hole blowing on my graphcs card (this gfx card gets sooooo hot its insane) How hard is it to make a blow hole? scale of 1-10 for a complete n00b like me.. is it easier to use a hole saw? What's a good hole saw? that gaming bomb 2 is so nice... wouldn't it be a better idea to have cool air come in from front and back and then get sucked up at the top? pffft im such a n00b
Do yourself a favor, and go out and buy a ruler, some large masking tape *duck brand works best for me, cheaper crap just doesnt stick* and an 80mm hole saw, design for cutting metals. Just tape it up, measure where you want it, and cut it out. Plain and simple, I usally cut my holes free hand, but hey, i dont have a girlfriend, or a life either
ok wouldnt it be better to get, say a 92mm hole saw... or a 120mm lol.... bigger fans= bigger air flow.... pffft scale of 1-10 please?
Maybe a 4 if you're using a hole saw and you're a noob. It's really not that bad, especially if you have some experience with power tools. It's a little nerve wracking if you've never cut your case before, but you get over that fast. It would probably be maybe a six if you were trying to use a Dremel and didn't have practice. After cutting two complex windows, a blowhole would be a piece of cake for me now.
But what if the window cracks? is that likely? and how am i supposed to cut it.... put it on the grass and drill into it with the hole saw?
elite.mafia said:
But what if the window cracks? is that likely? and how am i supposed to cut it.... put it on the grass and drill into it with the hole saw?

It *may* crack slightly around the edges of the hole, but your real issue is melting the plastic, which will happen to some extent no matter which way you do it. I personally would put it in between two benches, clamp it down, and then drill. You don't want your plastic to move, so putting it right on the grass is insufficient.
no like this- (_(_)====================================================================D
elite.mafia said:
no like this- (_(_)====================================================================D

NICE. And now back to modding (cases, not penises)...
Gibo said:
Maybe a 4 if you're using a hole saw and you're a noob. It's really not that bad, especially if you have some experience with power tools. It's a little nerve wracking if you've never cut your case before, but you get over that fast. It would probably be maybe a six if you were trying to use a Dremel and didn't have practice. After cutting two complex windows, a blowhole would be a piece of cake for me now.

If you use a dremel, all you have to do is make a circle using a compass. Then cut, and grind it smooth. If you do use a dremel, and are a noob like I was, then you'll want to use some trim to line the hole. The trim will make the hole look nice and round. Alternatively, you could use a grill that has a thick border and that would do the trick.

If you're going to use a holesaw, it's really a matter of lining it up right, then cutting the metal. Plexi, however, would be a lot harder to cut, and I would do the sandwich bit, as it's what I've seen recommended a lot.[Never cut plexi with a holesaw before.]

Just my $.02

Edit: Something I did notice that wasn't mentioned. If you are going to use a holesaw, make sure your drill is powerful enough. Something in the 19v range seems to be the standard. I've seen people try 12v and it not work, and my 7v -definitely- didn't work.
bluesteel said:
Do yourself a favor, and go out and buy a ruler, some large masking tape *duck brand works best for me, cheaper crap just doesnt stick* and an 80mm hole saw, design for cutting metals. Just tape it up, measure where you want it, and cut it out. Plain and simple, I usally cut my holes free hand, but hey, i dont have a girlfriend, or a life either
get a hole saw, and drill, nice and steady, dont push to hard, if you go to hard, your gonna crack your plexi, if you spin to fast, your going to melt the plexi around the edge and your going to have to cut it clean "a box cutter is nice for this if your not ok with using other knives"

then line up your fan, drill 4 holes for fan screws and boom your done, get a grill so you dont lose fingers, or fan blades, and it will hide any mistakes youve made.

good luck and happy moding
one thing I learned, is if you have one of those mini CD-Rs, they are the exact size of an 80MM fan hole, and a whole CD is the size of a 120MM fan hole