Blocking remote emulation on windows


Aug 19, 2004
Microsoft Research Releases Anti-Recon Security Tool --

TechNet Net Cease - Hardening Net Session Enumeration

Basically if you are running windows ten it is possible to block remote escalation of privilege if software is not installed that already has that right. Meaning if you say install a video game that needs deep access to the video card memory then that video game will already have machine access or work through system or trusted installer. If you don't like that stop using any software that you need to connect to other machines or that you did not personally write. That said making sure that someone can not malformed the registry entries to give themselves access via authenticated user the script basically modifies the permissions of authenticated user because of printers and sharing and what ever method script kiddies started using lately. Old system admins will remember having to remove the everyone group and having to recover files when the os crashed via data recovery, this is similar as some one clearly figured out another way to use net send to crash or other wise gain access to people's systems and this prevents someone from finding your computer on shared network like a cable connection that has not been swapped from a hub to switch based connection, or many wireless connections and bluetooth which always has issues.

Make sure you know what you are doing before using it but it is go from locking down home systems too.