Blockbuster Bids for Circuit City

I work for the CC in Arundel Mills (Hanover, MD)

And this has fail written all over it.

I mean, our CEO is already driving us into the ground, but if we merge with BlockBuster?

I guarantee ya within two years the entire operation will be dead.

Personally, I think Best Buy would be trying to scoop us up, convert the stores to Best Buy, and really deliver a whipping to Walmart.
Oh. And I know what the F*** I'm talking about.

Most of our store does. We're one of the good ones.

Though there was this one girl that was so dumb, she didnt know anything. She quit though, because we called, gave her schedule, and she thought she was being fired. WTF?

But yeah, I wouldn't actually be surprised if Best Buy tries to outbid BlockBuster. Monopolies be damned.

Either that, or they'll wait until the combined thing falls flat on its ass, and snap it up for next to nothing. o.o'

(I couldnt find the edit button)
The reality is.. Blockbuster financially is not on the solid ground they are trying to make themselves appear to be in. CC actually has 400 million in cash in the bank and a 1.1 billion dollar line of credit from Bank of America. Circuit City is making a turn around and doesn't need them. Its Blockbuster who needs help.
Personally, I think Best Buy would be trying to scoop us up, convert the stores to Best Buy, and really deliver a whipping to Walmart.

I am not entirely sure I see the value in that.

How many markets or even city's have a Circuit City but no Best Buy?

Usually where one of them has a presence, so does the other.

Hell, a lot of times they are within a mile or two of each other...if not right across the street from each other.

If I was Best Buy, I would hope some inept idiot like Block Buster bought them up and tanked the operation and eventually closed the stores. That would be one less competitor to worry about.

Bro, I don't want to see you lose your job, but at the same time I just don't see financially how it would benefit Best Buy.
Geeksquad lamer here. Our store has taken a firedog tech, a firedog supervisor and a CC store manager away in the last 4 months or so. CC has so little business that the last time I went there I tried to buy a firedog energy drink but the firedog tech checking me out didn't even ring it up. The store has totally gone down hill for sure. From a customer POV, our BBY is way above our CC. We have twice the selection of everything, same prices and our services departments are pulling down some crazy revenue. I can say almost for sure that our CC will have to close it's doors soon. They are competing with the #11 BBY store worldwide and simply have nothing to offer but a quiet store(because it's empty.)
1. Don't forget about TigerUSA! Somehow I got one of their catalogs - touting how impressive the Intel GMA 3100 is at gaming on the cover. These guys REALLY need to go down like the shameless whores they are.

2. Good luck selling any kind of property in this market. Would be sweet though if they get foreclosed out of all those mall units, etc. and NewEgg decides to buy them and open retail stores.

As much as i love newegg, i doubt it would be a smart marketing move, they should stay online for now and maybe try one store in a mall in a crowded space and watch it grow or burn....
I find it hard to hate Best Buy or Circuit City THAT much when I don't think I've ever been able to say, "Hey, Newegg's hiring."
Well, we'd personally be a ton better off if we got rid of our CEO and Board of Directors, and got new ones that actually have feckin' brains.

And not merge with BlockBuster. Thats a disaster waiting to happen there.

If that happens, I'm gonna go back to Best Buy. o.o'