Block direction matter?

Dec 13, 2004
Does the direction in which you mount the block make much of a difference? I can mount my Danger Den TDX 775 2 ways, inlet and outlet above one another, or inlet and outlet next to each other. Would one direction make a big difference versus the other? Here's how I have it now, do I need to switch it around?

what does port orientation matter as long he has them hooked up correctly if you don't mind me asking? (curious myself)
The cool water has to flow in through the middle as to cool down the copper fins that are dissipating the heat from the CPU. The warmer water then exits through the other hole into the pump then a radiator to cool it down.
Actually the way you have it mounted might trap air in the block. You should mount the outlet so it's on top.
Actually the way you have it mounted might trap air in the block. You should mount the outlet so it's on top.

Never thought of that ... pretty interesting ... but once all air bubbles have been filled ...

On another note, not only would it trap air, but the flow of warmer water is always upwards, convection.

If you can invert it, go for it. You can also test temperature differences if you have enough slack to test both positions.