Blizzard Pushes Diablo III Multiplayer Update


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Blizzard has announced it will begin pushing out Diablo Patch 1.0.8 this week to improve the multiplayer experience. The patch is described as “a huge quality of life improvement" for the game with a promise of additional enhancements on the horizon.

The update will be pushed out to users automatically starting this week, but those looking for a sneak peek can check out the Diablo III Public Test Realm FAQ to participate and offer feedback.
Cool. They are adding more features that should have been in the game at launch! :)
It's way too late for the disappointment that was Diablo 3. I've never been more disappointed in a game in my life. I'd rather play Diablo 2. One player in the Blizzard forums summed it perfectly: he said he knew the game sucked when he saw Deckard Cain get killed by butterflies.

They would have to fix the storyline and embarrassing dialog, block all the random NPC banter, drop the pastel colors, and get rid of the japanese anime for me to consider firing the game up again. The core of the game is the auction house - it was built for players to pay to win.
For me, this is a case of too little too late. This game has been removed from my HDD for quite a while now. I'll pass.
In recent memory only Sim City 5 has been a bigger failure than Diablo 3...
So it took them a year ti figure out that they needed to do something to fix the multiplayer, since it's been nothing but a hindrance to try and play with friends? Amazing.

Although it seems like the d3 team has been in "repair mode" for the past few months since Jay Wilson was moved on to do something else. Hopefully whoever is in charge of that guy on his new project keeps a better eye on him so another game doesn't turn into a clusterfuck.
Lol at blizzard still trying to salvage that turd..

The childhood made me play it all the way through.. havent touched it since..
I waited soo long for that game and was furiously disappointed.. Blizzard can eat a dick and will never see another dime from me..
Repairing Jay Wilson's fumbling of this franchise will probably continue all the way through the expansion :p

I'm basically in a holding pattern right now.
For me, this is a case of too little too late. This game has been removed from my HDD for quite a while now. I'll pass.

same here. diablo 3 just kept me bored and reminded me what a good game diablo 1 and 2 were. so i loaded up D2 and played a bit of multiplyer with the girlfriend :D
Cool. They are adding more features that should have been in the game at launch! :)

Yep. I've uninstalled D3 a while ago , feeling nothing but disappointment with it. I tried , like hell , to love it and its just not possible. Jay Wilson and other members of the D3 team utterly fucked it up.

Blizzard wins in the end though , they convinced me to buy it even though it was an incredibly unbalanced mess with little to no real "end game".

Learned my lesson.
Meh. I enjoy D3. I'm not a rabid fanboy, but I find the gameplay fun sometimes. Sometimes it's fun to just jump in a act and kill some demons. I don't use the AH hardly and I've never even touched the RMAH.

D3 can be a little fun in very small doses.
Well of course they're pushing out a major update, gotta try and build up some momentum before the console launch. Hey PC gamers, thanks for beta testing this piece of shit for us, suckers!

Fuck you blizzard, fuck you in your stupid asses.
In recent memory only Sim City 5 has been a bigger failure than Diablo 3...

Yeah the thing is, people keep saying this and how it's the worst game ever, but Diablo 3 has exponentially more active players on any given day than Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile combined.
I un-installed it. What I missed most was the lack of synergy between classes. To give one example, in d2 you could have a pally with concentration aura, another one with fanaticism, necro curse with amp damage...this made it ridiculously fun to chop through enemies. They didn't need to make it identical to d2, but there is very very little synergy between the classes :(
Yeah the thing is, people keep saying this and how it's the worst game ever, but Diablo 3 has exponentially more active players on any given day than Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile combined.

I doubt the Blizzard name has anything to do with it.
It's way too late for the disappointment that was Diablo 3. I've never been more disappointed in a game in my life. I'd rather play Diablo 2. One player in the Blizzard forums summed it perfectly: he said he knew the game sucked when he saw Deckard Cain get killed by butterflies.

They would have to fix the storyline and embarrassing dialog, block all the random NPC banter, drop the pastel colors, and get rid of the japanese anime for me to consider firing the game up again. The core of the game is the auction house - it was built for players to pay to win.

Couldn't have said it better myself, I dumped wayyyy to many hours into that game, only to find out I need to farm for days and days to get gear that will get me just a little further. Took me a while but I figured it wasn't really fun to just keep doing the same thing over and over again only to progress so little.
Couldn't have said it better myself, I dumped wayyyy to many hours into that game, only to find out I need to farm for days and days to get gear that will get me just a little further. Took me a while but I figured it wasn't really fun to just keep doing the same thing over and over again only to progress so little.

I'm with you on the D3 hate-train, but what you said isn't any different than D2. The auction house and class skill system really caused D3 to lose end game viability. Also, running content over and over just doesn't feel as rewarding when so many rares and uniques are junk in D3, imo.

Can anyone give a recap on D2 before LOD? Curious how well that game was received at launch. I only ever played after LOD was released.
Can anyone give a recap on D2 before LOD? Curious how well that game was received at launch. I only ever played after LOD was released.

Well, to be fair that was in 2000. The competition in the game market was MUCH less competitive. You could barely even mention computers in public back then. So the market was alot smaller and you had to really make sure your product was solid if you wanted it to succeed. You also did not have widespread quality internet access back then (alot of people were still using free ISP's like Juno and Netzero). So this idea that you could release a game that wasn't ready and just "patch" it later didn't fly AT ALL back then.

Battlecruiser 3000AD was a good example of what happened if you released a game that wasn't fully usable back then.

Now computers are so mainstream that its very easy to "only" sell a hundred thousand copies. $60 a pop. Thats $6 million bucks right there. Its even easier now because of the pre-order deals and NDA's that are put on reviewers. The monies in the bag before the customer has a chance to realize what they got into.
Well of course they're pushing out a major update, gotta try and build up some momentum before the console launch. Hey PC gamers, thanks for beta testing this piece of shit for us, suckers!

Fuck you blizzard, fuck you in your stupid asses.

Exactly. We got screwed on PC and now the console will get offline single player mode and no RMAH. :rolleyes:
Sorry Blizzard, Path of Exile is a much better Diablo III than your attempt. It already has multiplayer and a whole lot more game play than you managed to drum up. If you weren't so focused on your store (which early on, barely worked) you might have been able to make a decent game. Fortunately for us there are smaller studios out there they seem to being able to make a beta that works better than your final product.
So everyone is this thread is pissed off at Blizzard supporting their game? D3 wasn't a bad game and Blizzard is still supporting it with FREE updates.

People will complain about everything..
So everyone is this thread is pissed off at Blizzard supporting their game? D3 wasn't a bad game and Blizzard is still supporting it with FREE updates.

People will complain about everything..

I lol'd
D3 and Simcity were they biggest screw ups in my gaming history. Never been so disappointed before.
I remember being in around 6th - 9th grade and my friend coming up to me and saying "play this.". I wasn't sure what it was, but it was labeled "Starcraft" in his writing. I took this burned disc home and installed the game. What an amazing game Starcraft was, I would get up an hour or two before school just to play it. Eventually the CD broke due to overuse and I bought it myself and memorized the cd key (and still have it memorized to this day).

I soon came to be familiar with Blizzard and tried out their other games. Diablo 1 was amazing and I played the hell out of it, the butcher was pretty scary for a low level warrior when playing with the lights out. Thanks to, Starcraft and Diablo were my primary multiplayer games, I played them non-stop. I liked Warcraft 2 also but my real passion was for Starcraft when it came to RTS's.

When Diablo 2 came along I was in love, this was the best game ever. Had to have clocked in over 4000+ hours over the course of a few years at MINIMUM, killed meph thousands of times, many shakos, oculus's, and maras, best rune I ever found was a Cham. I played it from 1.08 all the way up to the current patch. Now I was absolutely hooked on Blizzard games.

Warcraft 3 comes along. Ofcourse it was by Blizzard and I knew I had to get it. Compared to Starcraft it felt 'odd', but after a bit of playing I soon fell in love with it as well. The amount of 'micro' you had to do to be real good was impressive, and whereas units in Starcraft were more expendible, units in Warcraft 3 were just the opposite, every unit mattered, and coupled with heroes this made for a real interesting game. They were both RTS's and I liked them both on their own merit. Also, the interface was nice and the web ladder was cool to look at too. Probably clocked in around 1000-1500 hours.

Blizzard announces World of Warcraft. I knew I had to be in this closed beta. They said all you have to do is input your email and if you're lucky you'll get picked. Being completely obsessed with Blizzard I knew this game would be a homerun so I decided to sign up with ~150 different emails using a bunch of different proxies just incase they were cross comparing IP's. Normally I wouldn't do something like this, but this was a Blizzard MMO and I had to be a part of it as early as possible. I got an invite with one of them.

When World of Warcraft was released I played the hell out of it, did molten core, zul'gurub, tanked on my Warrior (we were really the only tanks back then anyways, and we didn't even have all the tools we needed, heroic throw, charge in defensive stance, etc came later). I tanked, and people waited for my sunders. All was grand. I played it all the way through Cataclysm while taking breaks on and off and also played Diablo 2 in between, which I still play every once in a while.

Diablo 3 comes. I thought it was going to be the best game ever but a few things disturbed me, which I blocked out because of Blizzards track record. After playing it for a bit, I realized it to be the worst game Blizzard has ever produced. From the skills, to the classes (witch doctor is a joke compared to necro), to the lore (cain dies? wtf), to the graphics to the itemization, to just about everything. I was kind of annoyed at how bad this game was when I thought about how good their other games were. Maybe it's just me? I played this piece of shit for maybe 200 hours before calling it quits. I wanted a marriage with this game, not a one night stand. I tried my best to like it but in the end I only logged in to check the auction house before logging back out, and I even got bored of that months ago. Most pathetic game ever and biggest disappointment in my gaming history.
I thought D3 was an ok game. Not great, but not awful (come on guys.. there are far worse games than D3)

D3 might be the biggest let down though solely due to blizzards great record.

I give them a pass. They have enough cred built up for this one. Just like Pacino in 88 minutes.

There's enough excellence in them to excuse the flop.
Well, to be fair that was in 2000. The competition in the game market was MUCH less competitive. You could barely even mention computers in public back then. So the market was alot smaller and you had to really make sure your product was solid if you wanted it to succeed. You also did not have widespread quality internet access back then (alot of people were still using free ISP's like Juno and Netzero). So this idea that you could release a game that wasn't ready and just "patch" it later didn't fly AT ALL back then.

Not to the same degree, of course, but I'm pretty sure I remember day one patches for Diablo 2 and the LOD expansion. Those were just bug fixes now. It's unfortunate though that the mentality of "ship it now, fix it later" is so prevalent now though.

Diablo 2 had a fairly similar endgame. Grind stuff to upgrade your character. At least, that's what I was doing. The problem with Diablo 3 is the auction house tends to cheapen the whole experience. I haven't played it in months, but I'm looking forward to the new patches.
I thought D3 was an ok game. Not great, but not awful (come on guys.. there are far worse games than D3)

D3 might be the biggest let down though solely due to blizzards great record.

I give them a pass. They have enough cred built up for this one. Just like Pacino in 88 minutes.

There's enough excellence in them to excuse the flop.

I agree, it was an ok game but huge let down due to expectations.
So they are changing mob density in places
Normal crafting as in you click craft and it crafts till you stop it
Auction house tooltip comparison
ID all button of sorts

I like how after almost a year they are still adding stuff that should've been in the game at launch, actually it seems like everything that has been added in every patch should've been in the game at launch
Yeah the thing is, people keep saying this and how it's the worst game ever, but Diablo 3 has exponentially more active players on any given day than Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile combined.

Because Blizzard is bigger and has tons of advertising and stuff. Anyone who've played both knows the difference.

Torchlight II > Diablo 3 x1000000000. Simple as that.
In recent memory only Sim City 5 has been a bigger failure than Diablo 3...
I'd compare it more to Final Fantasy 14. Both were major game series that could sell on the name alone, and both companies screwed it up massively. Both companies tried to patch the game into perfection. Square-Enix eventually gave up and re-worked it from scratch, and the results are spectacular. I doubt Blizzard will do the same.

Still waiting for Project Titan.
Yeah the thing is, people keep saying this and how it's the worst game ever, but Diablo 3 has exponentially more active players on any given day than Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile combined.

Where can we find these numbers?

I call bullshit.
LMAO!! This has been the funderful to read! D3 was pretty disappointing, but as a Diablo fan I had to destroy it 8 or 9 times.....not saying it was good, because compared to 1 or 2 it's really just held my nat like attention span for a wee bit
Where can we find these numbers?

I call bullshit.

From this article:
It turns out that nearly every one of the game's players (of which there are still about 1 million per day, and about 3 million per month, according to Wilson) made use of either house, and that over 50 percent of players used it regularly.

According to steam the peak player count for Torchlight 2 today was 10,414. No easy way of finding out active player count of PoE from work, but it's not bullshit (well, at least as long as you are willing to accept Jay Wilson's words to be true, which I know some aren't).