Blacklight Demons! plexi fulltower

More progress have been done but still a long way to go :)

I'm thinking of doing an plexi case too now, but I'm sort of stuck on something. How did you connect the 2 pieces of plexi together like the rear and the sides? Did you use a clear hine with clear screws? Think you can give some close-ups or a giude that shows you how to make a case like that?
i used small plexicubes wich i took from the old sunbeamcase that this case was based on they look like this


theese shouldnt be so hard to make yourself, but since i havent made the ones im using i really dont konw :)
Whatever you do man, I'm sure it'll look great. You're a freaking god.

I kinda like the idea of a themed case (what you had with the demons), and I really like the demon head, but it's up to you if you want to scrap it. Personally I'm already jealous of the case.

EDIT: Here is a link to some corner cubes. Saw them just yesterday and remembered the location, so I figured I could throw it your way.
Same here.. thought it was my firewall at work at first.

Im guessing over the bandwidth allowance. Bad HardOCP Bad! :)
hey [WP@]WOLVERINE , email me if you need some image hosting to help with the bandwidth problems (if that's what's going on). My email is in my sig.
dude, that is freakin incredible. Very, very nice.
Also, the paint job on the Spiderman vs Wolverine case is stunning. Please tell me you are a professional artist of some sort, if you aren't, you need to switch jobs man.
Lots of broken pictures.. :(

First post I can now see though.. Very nice work. Wish I could see the rest.
Not broken, just slow, get a browser that doesn't suck :D

Anyhow, you kick my ass, I'm still trying to think of what I want to do with my custom case for next rig. Might as well be a cool project, it'll probably be 6-8 months before I can find the hardware I want for sale anywhere...c'mon people, ship some product.
I dont know whats up with my imagehosting but sometimes the server is under extremely heavy loads so i might be slow. But the pics are on a 100mbit sever so whatever the problems have been im sure that it will be solved soon.
Wow...I am not sure that I can say anything other then that. That is simply gorgeous in every way. Definately an incredible display of vision and talent. I loved the case for the kids as well. Some very impressive work.


P.s. If you don't win the upcoming competition then I will be really dissapointed.
hikeskool said:
Really, really great work. I'm just curious as to why you would choose demons, pentagrams, dragons just seems that that's a really common thing these days, especially in our demographic (PC hobbyists/gamers).

I'm not a huge Jesus freak or anything like that it's just that such a great effort could be better focused on something else.

Actually i totally disagree with you here. My efforts are best served on things that i think is nice. And since im a total metalhead and has been for 20+ years now my case fits me perfectly :) Im not a satanist or anything like that i just like pentagrams they are just plain cool. I personally am against all forms of religion no matter what the object of worship might be. But thats a subject for a totally different forum, just wanted to make it clear where i stand. And btw the manequin head for my puzzlebox has arrived today :D tons of work ahead now so no more etching for a while :D
Sweden has some nice Metal. :D

Although it would be kind of weird (and funny/cool) to see that case with a little Jesus fish mouse pad (made from plexi and lighted). LOL :D
Boy am I glad I came back to look again.

Kick ass work there. I dont think I could even manage a stick figure with a dremel.
I took a break and filled the demon engraving with transparent uv paint to make it glow a bit more. In daytime it looks just like a straight forward etching.

wear did you get the transparent uv paint from and how transparent is it? is it completely clear or can you tell its there?
netcoord said:
wear did you get the transparent uv paint from and how transparent is it? is it completely clear or can you tell its there?

I got it at a Swedish hobby store and its not 100% transparent its really a very light grey
dude, how the hell can you do something like that soo perfect. how can you keep the dremmel from running off aways from where it sposed to be. i'm sure you use the flex cable/exte4ntion thing or whatever the hell its called, but even then, all your lines are perfect. do you print it out on paper then copy it using a sharpe or something? even after you do that?!?.....

forgive me. i'm just still baffled at the perfection. you are god. ithought god was dead, but now i found him in your hand and that dremmel.... i have seen the light..
WillowHawk said:
dude, how the hell can you do something like that soo perfect. how can you keep the dremmel from running off aways from where it sposed to be. i'm sure you use the flex cable/exte4ntion thing or whatever the hell its called, but even then, all your lines are perfect. do you print it out on paper then copy it using a sharpe or something? even after you do that?!?.....

forgive me. i'm just still baffled at the perfection. you are god. ithought god was dead, but now i found him in your hand and that dremmel.... i have seen the light..

I actually dont use the Flexcable thingy i use an old dremel and nothing else. I alwas do a sketch directly on the plexi before i do anything so that i have nice clean lines to go after. The i just make shure that ive got good support for my hand and arm when i etch and go slow and steady. When i do the sketches i first use a whiteboardmarker to do the first lines with because its easy to wipe away if i screw up then when im happy with the sketch i use a permanent marker to make it stick before i go to work.
thanks, once again, the stuff ur doing if phenomenal, and i have yet to see anyone match ur skill..

*wanders off muttering to himself, scheming of making his own etchings one day...*
wow, nice case.....the next thing you need to do is move all of those HD to SATA so you can cut down on some of that cabling. I must say you did one helluva job managing that massive amount of cabling.
talk about skills dude, mad props to ur textureing on that big sheet, very nice.
I started out with the front panel. I went out and got myself a adjustable holesaw that was supposed to be specially made for cutting plastics. I must say that i thought it looked a bit wierd but it worked amazingly good. And at 79:- sek it was a bargain J



where did you get that hole cutter?