Blackberry Playbook OS 2.0 is out!


[H]F Junkie
Feb 22, 2001
Blackberry Playbook OS 2.0 is out!

If you are still one who has one of these device grab it now!
I'm sorry IceDigger, Imma gonna let ya finish, but the best nearly abandoned second rate tablet platform is the HP Touchpad.
The day Playbook owners have been waiting for has finally come - OS 2.0 is out. And with it, the ability to run Android apps....This is good news for those owning the RIM tablet is that the BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 has now been made available.
Well Thanks for the update.
good upgrade, and gonna have to disagree with the Rad Hatter for uttering compplete twaddle.

at £169 it is the only sensible choice.

if you want the best tablet then spend £400 on an ipad.

quite where that leaves the rest..................
So, the burning question is, for those of you who have updated: does it deliver?