Black Widow Stealth edition (Cherry MX Brown)


Sep 16, 2010
I sold mine original BW because it annoyed everyone else, I might pick this one up instead. I have been hunting for a half decent mechanical keyboard with brown keys and illumination.
Though, the tinier keys and silly font take some getting used to :p
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Wow... I'd love an illuminated Cherry Brown keyboard. Wish it was tenkeyless.
The award-winning mechanical keyboard is still the benchmark for crisp, tactile actuations and gaming-grade responsiveness with every key press.
I dunno about that one...the BW is nice but I'm sure a lot of people here would disagree about it being a benchmark. The "What Are Mechanical Keyboards" page also has some misleading information...

Looks nice, though.
I want to upgrade but i dont want to pay full price again. This fixes all the minor issues/flaws of the original. Do they have a step up/ upgrade program? Maybe if enough people inquire, we can get it. I just sent them an email.
Id like to try one of these out.

I bought a Black Widow Ultimate a couple months ago but it had issues with the drivers so I traded it in on this Logitech G510. I did like the BWU a lot though. The only real gripe I had with it was the Cherry Blue's actuated a little too high for gaming purposes. The Browns would be better I think not to mention quieter so the wife wont get pissed about interrupting Desperate Housewives or whatever. I keep my room kinda dim so I like backlit keys. Plus they look cool as hell and thats always good for impressing the friends when they come over. Nothing chicks like more than a backlit keyboard. :D

Oh, and in before all the Razer haters start piling in.
sigh, no non-backlighting version? not paying for that crap.

edit: scratch that, there is one :) I just couldnt make it out from that ricer marketing page though.

I am interested. I can live with the rest of the keyboard to get a moderately priced keyboard with browns
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how do browns feel vs blues ? i know blue clicks but what about feeling ?
Wow... I'd love an illuminated Cherry Brown keyboard. Wish it was tenkeyless.

I wish it didn't have those goddamn macro keys. Those mess up my alignment constantly when I just feel for the bottom rightmost key to align my hand with the WASD cluster while gaming. It always puts me about an inch to the left because I think the macro key is the control key.
how do browns feel vs blues ? i know blue clicks but what about feeling ?

Browns feel stiffer to me than blues. I prefer blues, despite the noise. (Actually I find the noise satisfying.)
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Its nice Razer went with a matte finish, that's one of the gripes I have with my BW.

The Cherry blue's are nice, but I find myself wanting a stiffer key press, so I'm thinking about replacing my BW with a WASD Keyboard w/ blacks.
Its nice Razer went with a matte finish, that's one of the gripes I have with my BW.

The Cherry blue's are nice, but I find myself wanting a stiffer key press, so I'm thinking about replacing my BW with a WASD Keyboard w/ blacks.

The blacks may be stiffer, but they won't feel all that stiff. The linear press with no tactile feed back makes it feel like they bottom out really easily. Honestly, all the Cherry MX switches all feel pretty close in terms of the actuation force required to press them down.
how do browns feel vs blues ? i know blue clicks but what about feeling ?
I found Blues and Browns to feel very similar. I thought Blues sounded like tapping the edge of a quarter on a kitchen counter top.

Its nice Razer went with a matte finish, that's one of the gripes I have with my BW.

The Cherry blue's are nice, but I find myself wanting a stiffer key press, so I'm thinking about replacing my BW with a WASD Keyboard w/ blacks.

I think Blacks are very stiff compared to Browns/Blues. I didn't like them at all. Most find that they're not great for long typing sessions, but some gamers love using Blacks.
anyone have an idea if we can change the switches on the BW? You guys think brown is just as fun to type on? Is the difference the click sound it makes? I can only assume that the click part is more silent. If so, maybe there is no point in switching to browns.
XArmor U9BL-S. Good luck finding one.

That's pretty much it. The click lacks a sound and feels more like a bump. Like the blacks, the noise you hear is really the keys bottoming out rather than the click the blues make. Some people like the browns a lot. I don't, but some do.
Google it, there are a few shopping results, but it won't come cheap.
Its nice Razer went with a matte finish, that's one of the gripes I have with my BW.

Honestly i don't understand why Razer keep using glossy finish in all their peripherals.
This one looks much better than the original in my opinion.
I bought the non-LED version a few months ago, and the feel of the keys were good but it felt like the buttons were just a tiny bit smaller than the standard keyboard. I couldn't pin point it but I was making all kinds of typos on the keyboard, like it was maybe 98% I estimate smaller.

I did really like the regular version keys, and tempted to buy this new version. :)
Well - I just opened up my Stealth Ultimate edition and I'm not too terribly impressed.

The matte paint was applied unevenly over most of the face of the board. There are light spots showing through around all the key cut-out. The keys are also painted with the same paint it looks like. The spacebar has a line of pain that looks like a run almost.

The keys also rotate when you press on the sides of them. My "free" dell board has less play in the large keys.

I wasn't expecting to have 2 USB connections to use the extra USB on the side. My Logitech G-15 has 2 extra USB's that can all be used with the single USB out (They are not USB 2.0 though)

The Cherry Browns are the only redeeming factor. This is my first mechanical keyboard and I was really hoping for a revelation in typing. The browns are nice yes.... but what I was expecting? Not really. I wanted a touch more resistance and a touch more tactile feedback. Possibly the blues would have been better, but that glossy surface was a no-no with fingerprints.

I'd rather keep it than exchange it though. I think I will use it for a little and see what happens with the paint or if someone is interested in a "Stealth" and has the Normal, I might consider a trade with them.

Going to do some typing and BF2 tonight and see how I feel about it at that point.

I sold mine original BW because it annoyed everyone else, I might pick this one up instead. I have been hunting for a half decent mechanical keyboard with brown keys and illumination.
Though, the tinier keys and silly font take some getting used to :p

It's not going to be that much quieter. The main noise of a mechanical is in the return thwock anyway.

I think if you're going to delude yourself about the superiority of a mechanical - at least a Cherry - keyboard, and you believe you can control your finger pressure so that you aren't at least getting close to bottoming a mechanical, you're better off with a Blue. But FWIW a Brown is infinitely more suited to gaming.

As for me, I'll stick to my X6 (which actually has 6KRO in normal situations, barring the Ctrl-R issue) - and consign the Topres to typing.
The normal BW ultimate is quieter than most blue keyboards even. I don't know people can think it's noisy. It has some strange softening thud that other cherry blues don't have. I don't see the need for this stealth keyboard.
love my blues, the click is totally where its at. im surprised razer used browns instead of blacks for this board. shit they could have even used reds, wouldnt that have been cool.
I have two Das, one with blues and one with browns. I also brought a Steelseries with black switches home to test alongside them. That's after testing a BlackWidow which has lovely blue switches and I only returned it because of the macro key/function key bullshit.

Cherry browns are the best for gaming if you ask me. Browns require very little force, can be very quiet (but not silent by any means), and they just feel very precise.

Blues can cause issues with "double tap" keystrokes and are just plain noisy. Blacks are okay, probably better than blues if the clicking really bothers you. They're just a bit stiffer than the other switches.. enough that I felt it would not be fun to game or type on for long sessions.
Switches are personal preference...I like the blues for typing...browns seemed too soft..but then again I want to pick up a set a browns to have because sometimes I feel like the blues require too much pressure but if the BWS goes down to 70 id def pick one up
Blues can cause issues with "double tap" keystrokes and are just plain noisy. Blacks are okay, probably better than blues if the clicking really bothers you. They're just a bit stiffer than the other switches.. enough that I felt it would not be fun to game or type on for long sessions.

try putting on some noise cancelling headphones and then try blues and browns side by side. they should feel exactly the same.

browns are tactile no click, blues are tactile clicky. the sound is the only difference.
try putting on some noise cancelling headphones and then try blues and browns side by side. they should feel exactly the same.

browns are tactile no click, blues are tactile clicky. the sound is the only difference.

Not really. Blues have a pronounced bump right before actuation. Browns are more linear, or have less of a bump.
The headphones are not necessary. Your info's off. Blues have a pronounced bump right before actuation. Browns are more linear, or have less of a bump.

I'm not confusing an auditory sensation with a physical one. Not to mention I've read this elsewhere.

yes you are right. a more accurate comparison would be between clears and blues i suppose, since clears have a larger tactile bump than the browns. i guess i fail to see the point of browns if you cant even feel the bump. why not just get reds and have a true linear switch?
yes you are right. a more accurate comparison would be between clears and blues i suppose, since clears have a larger tactile bump than the browns. i guess i fail to see the point of browns if you cant even feel the bump. why not just get reds and have a true linear switch?

It doesn't appear you've used any of these keyboards, but the point of the browns is the lightness of touch in terms of activation.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of cherry switches in either case but for a gaming board I think the browns are the only ones that makes sense.
I wish it didn't have those goddamn macro keys. Those mess up my alignment constantly when I just feel for the bottom rightmost key to align my hand with the WASD cluster while gaming. It always puts me about an inch to the left because I think the macro key is the control key.

Yeah, i wish they'd get rid of them. I had exactly the same issue. I sold the original BW, because it just wasnt comfortable at all.

This now looks way more interesting, but still i'd prefer Filco or Ducky.
Thirded! I would have stuck with the BW, possibly even bought a second one. If not for the damn bottom macro key conflicting with my idea of where CTRL is supposed to be.

Yeah, i wish they'd get rid of them. I had exactly the same issue. I sold the original BW, because it just wasnt comfortable at all.

This now looks way more interesting, but still i'd prefer Filco or Ducky.
I wish it didn't have those goddamn macro keys. Those mess up my alignment constantly when I just feel for the bottom rightmost key to align my hand with the WASD cluster while gaming. It always puts me about an inch to the left because I think the macro key is the control key.

100% agree. I love this keyboard, but I find my left pinky finger resting on the bottom macro key. Annoying as all get out.