Bioware needs attention!

Apr 13, 2008
Doing exactly what they want me to, I hereby bring your attention to the ominous countdown on Bioware's website:

Elsewhere the debate is whether it will announce a Beta for The Old Republic; any other ideas?
Its Mass Effect Alternative, similar to mass effect but a whole different set of chars and story.
Also, do 40% of all people go soldier? Really? I mean...I did soldier in ME1 for my first play through, but that was because I was able to unlock the gun bonus talents easily...ME2 is awesome as a infiltrator when you have a rifle with more than 10 shots...

Anyway...the countdown won't be for ME3...too early. DA:O is also too early. Maybe a countdown for some DLC?

Either way, I <3 Bioware...easily my favorite game studio...
My guess would be some type of big ME2 or DA:O DLC announcement, or maybe an official Old Republic release date announcement. I doubt it will be for a OR beta, doesn't make sense to make a huge ordeal about something that 95% of people won't be able to get in anyway (unless it's an open beta...)
I'm done with Bioware after they burned me with Dragon Age, and that first encampment already wanting me to pour money into it to be able to 100% do and see all of the game I just bought.

Now... a free closed beta period would be alright...
I'm done with Bioware after they burned me with Dragon Age, and that first encampment already wanting me to pour money into it to be able to 100% do and see all of the game I just bought.

Now... a free closed beta period would be alright...

Meh... your loss there. DA:O was amazing.
hmm Bioware is much more generous than other companies that release a full price title worth 7-10 hours of play then drop DLCs that cost 10 bucks a pop. Their production values are also top notch compared to whats out there.

ME2 is very re-playable, at least 20-30 hours worth of fun playtime.
DA:O is the same, much longer playtime depending on what you decide on doing.

people spend hundreds on membership fees and software fees to play a decade old smelly fart game like WoW that has no voice acting, no FMV's, no nice graphics, no nice sound effects (has nice music though) and all you do is click click click click....
hmm Bioware is much more generous than other companies that release a full price title worth 7-10 hours of play then drop DLCs that cost 10 bucks a pop. Their production values are also top notch compared to whats out there.

ME2 is very re-playable, at least 20-30 hours worth of fun playtime.
DA:O is the same, much longer playtime depending on what you decide on doing.

people spend hundreds on membership fees and software fees to play a decade old smelly fart game like WoW that has no voice acting, no FMV's, no nice graphics, no nice sound effects (has nice music though) and all you do is click click click click....
w/ 4-24 other real people, some of which are IRL college buddies or colleagues. This alone makes it win over DAO.
Meh... your loss there. DA:O was amazing.

He has a point though, how would you feel about being assaulted right away with a constant reminder that in order to "complete" the game you need to buy the DLC?

That guy in the camp is a persistent reminder, and is very annoying.

DLC is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.
w/ 4-24 other real people, some of which are IRL college buddies or colleagues. This alone makes it win over DAO.
The first of 12 steps admitting you have a problem. Sounds like you and your buddies need group therapy. Friends don't let friends play WOW.

He has a point though, how would you feel about being assaulted right away with a constant reminder that in order to "complete" the game you need to buy the DLC?

That guy in the camp is a persistent reminder, and is very annoying.

DLC is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.

LOL, persistent. Only if you talk to him. I think it is funny that some people complain about this when you don't have to talk to the NPC and it just an offer of more content. It's like complaining about being offered more whip cream for your chocolate Sunday. :D

On topic, obviously it's the ME2 DLC.
The first of 12 steps admitting you have a problem. Sounds like you and your buddies need group therapy. Friends don't let friends play WOW.

LOL, persistent. Only if you talk to him. I think it is funny that some people complain about this when you don't have to talk to the NPC and it just an offer of more content. It's like complaining about being offered more whip cream for your chocolate Sunday. :D

On topic, obviously it's the ME2 DLC.
He's a fairly obvious character standing in the middle of the camp, and he talked it up real big, about investigating the back story of the Wardens, etc. Seemed pretty important.

That coupled with my seemly OCD-ness of wanting to explore every and nook and cranny of a world... burned. I didn't finish the game. I got over it and went on a little ways and did the next section, but on my second time coming through the camp killed it for me. I wasn't about to give them more money, and being unable to finish the game completely ruined it for me. YMMV, but for me $60 flushed down the toilet.

It wasn't at all like Bethesda adding horse armor DLC to the game. Or months down the road adding Knights of the Nine, where you have a new reason to explore the world, completely aside from the main story.
He's a fairly obvious character standing in the middle of the camp, and he talked it up real big, about investigating the back story of the Wardens, etc. Seemed pretty important.

That coupled with my seemly OCD-ness of wanting to explore every and nook and cranny of a world... burned. I didn't finish the game. I got over it and went on a little ways and did the next section, but on my second time coming through the camp killed it for me. I wasn't about to give them more money, and being unable to finish the game completely ruined it for me. YMMV, but for me $60 flushed down the toilet.

It wasn't at all like Bethesda adding horse armor DLC to the game. Or months down the road adding Knights of the Nine, where you have a new reason to explore the world, completely aside from the main story.

You didn't need to buy Warden's Keep to complete the game. Outside of the dude standing in your camp you would NEVER notice it missing.
I'm guessing it's for the new free DLC. Finally gonna get the tank they've been talking about forever.
With EA, it seems it's either DLC or else the nasty (super DRM).

My guess is that the countdown is for mass effect.
I looked at the pages source information in firefox and the countdown seems to be related to DAO. Here's what I found (only partial)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#omgwtfbbq').countdown({until: +417549});

I had to bold the omgwtfbbq part just because who would have guessed it to be in the source?
I looked at the pages source information in firefox and the countdown seems to be related to DAO. Here's what I found (only partial)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#omgwtfbbq').countdown({until: +417549});

I had to bold the omgwtfbbq part just because who would have guessed it to be in the source?

The countdown is on several sites though. And maybe I missed it but didnt see any reference to DA:O on the other two sites. Maybe we will all be lucky and it will be something for both games! Is it Monday yet?
Considering how undramatic the countdown is, I'm sure it's going to be a minor DLC announcement or something along that line. No sense in announcing a full blown sequel right on the heels of it's first expansion pack.
Its either DLC or The Old Republic beta. As much as I would like to see something else entirely.

He's a fairly obvious character standing in the middle of the camp, and he talked it up real big, about investigating the back story of the Wardens, etc. Seemed pretty important.

That coupled with my seemly OCD-ness of wanting to explore every and nook and cranny of a world... burned. I didn't finish the game. I got over it and went on a little ways and did the next section, but on my second time coming through the camp killed it for me. I wasn't about to give them more money, and being unable to finish the game completely ruined it for me. YMMV, but for me $60 flushed down the toilet.

It wasn't at all like Bethesda adding horse armor DLC to the game. Or months down the road adding Knights of the Nine, where you have a new reason to explore the world, completely aside from the main story.

Just so that I am clear, you're mad because the DLC link was included in the game world as opposed to through your BioWare/EA online account?

Yes, I was slightly saddened that I would miss out on something because I did not feel that I wanted to spend even more money on the game. However the game itself lasted a whopping 80 odd hours on a single play through and by the end I was kind of relieved that it was over. You are not exactly being cheated on content, additionally the game came with free DLC just because you paid for the game. And it gave DLC for a game you haven't even bought yet.
old republic is still quite far away from being release, I doubt they have a alpha fully working yet

plus they would annouce aything big at E3 or something
why have a countdown clock for a DLC?...doesn't make sense...countdown timers usually signify something BIG
looks like I was correct, DLC.

I never was excited because that's what I had the feeling it would be.

Bioshock 2 doesn't make me want to buy any DLC for it, that's for sure.
looks like I was correct, DLC.

I never was excited because that's what I had the feeling it would be.

Bioshock 2 doesn't make me want to buy any DLC for it, that's for sure.

What does Bioshock 2 have to do with Bioware? Bioware is VERY experienced with DLC. They've been doing it since before it was called DLC.
Wow, major brain fart there, thanks for calling me on it. Bio, bio, bioWARE.

I wouldn't call the Warden's Keep one of their finest moments. In fact, Dragon's Age Awakening isn't even a real expansion, it's nothing more than a $40 DLC.
$40 dollars,really? i picked it up for under &#8364;20 euro, shop around!
Wow, major brain fart there, thanks for calling me on it. Bio, bio, bioWARE.

I wouldn't call the Warden's Keep one of their finest moments. In fact, Dragon's Age Awakening isn't even a real expansion, it's nothing more than a $40 DLC.

Neither Warden's Keep or Return to Ostagar were great. Though I only paid $45 for the DDE for DAO so I really didn't pay an extra for Warden' Keep. Ostagar on the other hand...Short, no new loot except the armor, and not really satisfying. Feels like they tossed it together just to get it out.

Seems like a full expansion to me. Considering its being sold as one. Not gonna pay $40 to check it out though. Can get it for $25 through G2Play, but I've got other games to play first.
Wait wait, didn't EA say all their titles will go multiplayer sometime this year? So could it be DA:O multiplayer? lol
Wait wait, didn't EA say all their titles will go multiplayer sometime this year? So could it be DA:O multiplayer? lol

I don't remember them saying anything about every game having MP. What EA wants to do is go totally digital with things.
I mean from this year onward or whatever. Not their older titles. I think it was on IGN or something, I could be thinking about something else though.
Neither Warden's Keep or Return to Ostagar were great. Though I only paid $45 for the DDE for DAO so I really didn't pay an extra for Warden' Keep. Ostagar on the other hand...Short, no new loot except the armor, and not really satisfying. Feels like they tossed it together just to get it out.

Seems like a full expansion to me. Considering its being sold as one. Not gonna pay $40 to check it out though. Can get it for $25 through G2Play, but I've got other games to play first.

Yep, DLC for DA:O so far has been pretty trash. Stone Prisoner was okay, but still overpriced. Wardens Keep and Return To Ostagar are barely an hour each.....hardly worth the download, let alone paying for them.
Yep, DLC for DA:O so far has been pretty trash. Stone Prisoner was okay, but still overpriced. Wardens Keep and Return To Ostagar are barely an hour each.....hardly worth the download, let alone paying for them.

And now DA:O:A. A mere $10 cheaper than the base game for PC yet not even half the content plus more bugs than the base game.

Also I seriously doubt the countdown is for ME2 DLC: they've already announced ME2 DLC for next month.