Biostar TFORCE965PT w/ E4300


Jan 26, 2007
I posted here regarding issues overclocking using a Tforce965PT with a Core 2 Duo E4300. Unfortunately, the replies to my post although helpful did not get me the results I wanted. I found out what needs to be done with this motherboard in order to get it to work with a this CPU.

I updated the BIOS once again to the latest version moded version that can be found HERE. I changed the CPU voltage to 1.4, Memory 2.2, MCH to 1.35, memory timings to 5x5x5x12, and finally I was able to get the FSB to 350. I ran memory tests overnight and everything is working. I'm running 3.15 GHz and the CPU temp is around 28C. This NOT the max that this motherboard can do but with the original bios i could only go 250FSB. I will be attempting to overclock a bit higher and post the results.'s Intel Motherboard forum was the site where I found this information. I did several searches on this which I'm sure this issue might have came up in the past, but i could not find a post about it.

PCMark 05 CPU score of 8055 but I have no idea if that's good or not

Anyway, anyone with this motherboard and a E4300 needs to update the BIOS to achieve greater results.
Hello everyone,

i jumped on the Fry's deal of $149 for E4300 OEM + ECS p4m800pro combo, and then went and got the following:
- Biostar tforce 965pt (using beta bios 119 to get 400Mhz for memory)
- arctic cooling freezer 7 pro
- APEX AL-B500E ATX 500W
- Antec sx-635
- corsair xms2 2x1gb (675, 4-4-4-12)
- geforce 6100 turbo cache (yes, i know... saving up for geforce 8600)

after 2 days of tweaking, this is where system is stable at:
- 3G (9x334) (system wont POST with 333x9 for some reason)
- 1.475 vcore
- 1.4 Vfsb
- 1.45 Vmch
- 2.2 vdimm 5-5-5-15
- 36/56 idle/load from CoreTemp

i am also able to get system stable at:
- 2.83G (315x9)
- 1.35 Vcore
- 1.2 Vfsb
- 1.25 Vmch
- 1.8 Vdimm 4-4-4-12
- 24/44 idle/load from CoreTemp

i am afraid to go higher than 1.475 Vcore as i am reaching CoreTemp reading 56 degrees under Orthos Blend full load.

am i limited by:
- board?
- RAM?
- OEM E4300?

additional info:
- CPU's IHS seems concaved in... i need to apply a lot of AS5 (2 grain of rice size) to get good contact or CPU over heats and shuts down
- Freezer 7 Pro base seems flat, but it has really deep machined grooves
- still able to exchange/return parts, so i am not doing any lapping

thanks in advance
Hello everyone,

i jumped on the Fry's deal of $149 for E4300 OEM + ECS p4m800pro combo, and then went and got the following:
- Biostar tforce 965pt (using beta bios 119 to get 400Mhz for memory)
- arctic cooling freezer 7 pro
- APEX AL-B500E ATX 500W
- Antec sx-635
- corsair xms2 2x1gb (675, 4-4-4-12)
- geforce 6100 turbo cache (yes, i know... saving up for geforce 8600)

after 2 days of tweaking, this is where system is stable at:
- 3G (9x334) (system wont POST with 333x9 for some reason)
- 1.475 vcore
- 1.4 Vfsb
- 1.45 Vmch
- 2.2 vdimm 5-5-5-15
- 36/56 idle/load from CoreTemp

i am also able to get system stable at:
- 2.83G (315x9)
- 1.35 Vcore
- 1.2 Vfsb
- 1.25 Vmch
- 1.8 Vdimm 4-4-4-12
- 24/44 idle/load from CoreTemp

i am afraid to go higher than 1.475 Vcore as i am reaching CoreTemp reading 56 degrees under Orthos Blend full load.

am i limited by:
- board?
- RAM?
- OEM E4300?

additional info:
- CPU's IHS seems concaved in... i need to apply a lot of AS5 (2 grain of rice size) to get good contact or CPU over heats and shuts down
- Freezer 7 Pro base seems flat, but it has really deep machined grooves
- still able to exchange/return parts, so i am not doing any lapping

thanks in advance

please update your info when you get a chance :)