BioShock PC


Sep 15, 2007
So I can't install this fucker. I bought the game on opening day and played through it once with crap graphics cause my card couldn't handle it. Now I have a decent card and it won't install. It keeps trying to contact update servers and rollsbacks the install if it doesn't complete. I've googled the shit out of this problem and have not been able to get an answer. Anyone know what to do? I paid $50 for a game that no longer works because the support is dead?! I tried emailing their support line and their email is 6ft under.
Please advise.
i have a similar situation, although i havent tried installing the game recently. ill do that tonight and tell you how it went.... i forgot i have that game.
Just keep trying. It worked for me the second time last night. Might have to wait awhile at the update screen.
I just installed in on Vista 64 within the last month. It didn't update automatically, so I had to download the patch, put it in the game directory and manually patch it.
I thought they removed the online validation from the game.
SO you have to go online to get it to remove the online requirement?
I hadn't played in 2-3 weeks and went to finish it this weekend. I had to re-authenticate my key and it kept failing. Make sure you put in the key as it is printed. Capitalize and put in the dashes or it won't work. Lazy asses couldn't even break the text box out.

Good game but that kind of stuff is irritating. The wonky animations and muddy controls don't help either. Try not to play it like a straight up shooter and it becomes better since the guns do crap damage and are generally unsatisfying.
I dont have a chance to put in a Key. It installs and says it needs to update. but it can never find a server to update. the patch downloads fine from their website but the install rolls back if it doesn't update through their server. is there a way to install and bypass this update?
Well, ok install the game, when it ask for you to update, tab out and copy the newly installed 2kgames file in your program files or w.e, paste is somewhere and close the update screen. Google a bioshock no cd crack and apply it. I hope this helps you, it should if you're talking about what I think you are.
that;s actually a good idea... i never thought of that.
ill give it a shot and see if i can do a manual update. thanks.
As long as we're on the topic - anybody had success repairing the mouse acceleration issues?

I really wanted to like this game, but the controls made it tough. I might actually have to play it on (gasp!) a console at some point just for fun.
As long as we're on the topic - anybody had success repairing the mouse acceleration issues?

I really wanted to like this game, but the controls made it tough. I might actually have to play it on (gasp!) a console at some point just for fun.

Play it with a controller on your PC before you play it on a console.
Ok so copy and paste does not work because it does not create bioshock.exe and some other files i believe. So im dead in the water right now. this is so bull.
Google a bioshock no cd crack and apply it.

Regardless of the fact that he bought the game, under the DMCA, that's illegal.

Sorry to hear your pain OP. Concerns about issues like yours is why I refuse to buy games that require online activation... figure I'll vote with my dollars. Hopefully you get it worked out. Good luck!
I emailed them. I don't believe it's simply a matter of getting a cd-crack. IIRC, there are more files that are needed in the bioshock directory. So the install is incomplete.

As for Khanmots, i cd-crack all my games that i own. I hate my cd drive spinning and it's wear and tear on the cd. I download and keep all my boxes and manuals etc in mint condition.
Don't worry, take comfort in the fact that people having issues with games like this are in the minority, you're the acceptable collateral damage for anti piracy...which doesn't even work.

Sorry not being an ass, just trying to make a point :)
did you get it sorted out yet, OP? I'm going to try installing my copy when I get home, I'll let you know what happens.
Ok so copy and paste does not work because it does not create bioshock.exe and some other files i believe. So im dead in the water right now. this is so bull.

What crack did you use? i'm sending you a link in a pm.
ok. it worked. now im patching and hoping it works. for 1.1
thanks everyone.
and fuck the riaa. :)
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Today, I spoke too soon. after i patched to 1.1 i ran it again.
now it will only play in window'd mode even when the setting clearly says no window'd mode.
it also doesn't load the game. i select difficulty and it loads partially and then crashes to desktop.

FTG too.
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