Biggest bang for $800


Jan 30, 2006
I'm going to be finally getting a new pc and with that comes a nice new monitor. It was pretty much set in stone that I would get the Dell2405 but after reading about various monitors/ tvs, I'm really unsure of what the best solution is. The bigger the screen for the money, the better but ofcourse you all need to know what I plan to do with it to help me decide.
For starters, I want it 24"+ and widescreen with the potential to produce upto 1080i resolution.

Primary use of this $800 solution is for my PC although I would not mind hooking up other consoles to it (so must have additional inputs or solution). I do fiddle with photoshop a bit on the pc but mainly I:
1. Play games (FPS) not hardcorp or anything but that may be due to my current crap system. the web/ message boards (information, research, etc) probably do this more than anything else.
3. Download stuff, extract stuff, burn stuff
4. mess with photoshop (design inserts for Neo-Geo games)

Likely get an XBOX360 for it as well.

Your input is appreciated.
The Dell 2405 shoud be great for your needs. It has lots of inputs, is in your price range, and is really nice.
i second the recommendation for a 2405.

i bought my 2405 from costco a month ago and i love it.

moved up to a 2405 from a samsung 19" crt and ill never go back.

i play cs:s everyday and my scores have not dropped at all since the switch.

i still get an avg of 4:1 kills to death.
Is there any problem with ghosting in the 2405 ? i am about to buy it, but i do play mostly fps, fear, bf2, cs:s, cs1.6 etc

The Dell 2405FPW is right at $800 with the 25% discount. It's probably the best LCD monitor on the market, all things considered. Except, of course, the 3007FPW or the Apple Cinema 30" Display.
I'm a die hard CRT user but I'd actually consider buying a NEC 20WMGX2-BK. I'd say go with that if your willing to go slightly smaller. You also wouldn't have to have beefy enough hardware to run games at 1900x1200 before you'd have to lower the res and let interpolation ugly up the picture.
so far it seems like the 2405 it is. As far as getting a smaller screen is concerned: it's not like I currently own a large screen (17" CRT = the biggest screen ive ever had) but if im going in all new, I figure i might as well go for an extreme change. This is why my minimum is 24" widescreen.

By the way, whats the height of a 24" widescreen (actual real estate) also does the stand allow for rotation of the monitor?