Big Brother At Work May Not Be A Bad Thing

This thread is horrific, but that's pretty much what you'd expect from a PC enthusiast site.
Yeah, males "tolerate that," which is sad. For the most part, males have absolutely no idea how ingrained their sexist attitudes and beliefs are.

Seriously, though. If you're a female, you trying to trick us. And if you're a male, you should pay attention to some "girl talk". They're far worse than us. Far, far worse. Most of them admit to it.
This is a british twat, they champion government CCTVs on every lamp post.

I came in just to agree with Ducman, then I saw the OT stuff...

This thread is horrific, but that's pretty much what you'd expect from a PC enthusiast site.

Congratulations, you were very much part of said horrific thread.
No need for me to go on an anti-PC rant, but it was tempting.
By kumquat;
Yeah, males "tolerate that," which is sad. For the most part, males have absolutely no idea how ingrained their sexist attitudes and beliefs are.

While females have no idea who absolutely stupid they are when they let their emotions control their sense of reason. And don't try and tell me I don't know anything about it, I have a wife going through menopause and what I have learned is just how well we can all lie to each other to cover up this insane disability. Really women shouldn't be trusted with making any decision that effects any other person but her after she hits 40.
I would quit instantly if my company said they were going to monitor like this. Sorry, but I'm an adult and I don't need someone to safeguard my feelings by babysitting everyone like a pre-school playground.

Of course this is why I am in IT. I can avoid interacting with people for the most part and not have to play the "PC" bullshit game. I show up, get shit done and don't give a flying fuck who's banging who in the cube farm.
Ironic since they also have the highest crime rates in the world.
Can't wait until they can save us from our selves. :rolleyes:
It's because they grabbed all the guns and expect surveillance cameras to do the job of armed (now unarmed) officers.

Why is it that some people try to bully other people into not being bullies? People need to stop practicing politically correctness, and start being civility.
This is great news. If this proves to be effective in the workplace, I have no problem implementing this in private homes. Think of all the ills that could be eliminated with such technology: Spousal abuse, child abuse, drunken daddies and mommies, kids doing drugs, kids sneaking out, excessively kinky sex, etc. Inside the family, there should be no secrets, just smiles.
Woman do not generally understand how guys interact. If you were to be monitored, something that is innocent between 2 males might be considered bullying or inappropriate when heard by a third party. Not to say males aren't inappropriate, but we tolerate that.

Women are just as bad.......if not more so behind closed doors...
This type of stuff just blows my mind, I really can't believe some people seriously think this is a good idea.
This thread is horrific, but that's pretty much what you'd expect from a PC enthusiast site.

Except every example I've given where woman are just as horrific as men, you ignore it and continue to say its "A guy problem"

I just watched Mel B and Heidi Klum on America's got talent fawning over, gasping and wooing and giggling at how hot some guy was, and the two of them even making comments like "I wish he would take off his shirt" and then ultra happy when he did

How much you want to bet neither of them get in shit for sexualizing him on stage? Guess what, it will be zero.
Since this is about private employers doing the monitors who cares ... It isn't Big Brother since that only applies to government surveillance ... If a company feels this is useful this should be their right ... If you don't like it, then find another employer ... Employee rights should never be greater than employer rights since YOU work for THEM ... Don't like it then work for someone else ;)
Woman do not generally understand how guys interact. If you were to be monitored, something that is innocent between 2 males might be considered bullying or inappropriate when heard by a third party. Not to say males aren't inappropriate, but we tolerate that.

You've seen girls get into any sort of disagreement have you?

This is a british twat, they champion government CCTVs on every lamp post.

Wow, there's absolutely no ultra-nationalist, uber-angry, testosterone-laced sexism in Ducman69's world.
Wow, there's absolutely no ultra-nationalist, uber-angry, testosterone-laced sexism in Ducman69's world.

It is possible..but then to be fair..She is British and she is acting like a twat..soo he might just be stating a fact and not being angry about it. If it were a guy saying the same thing he would be getting called a British Dick..Though I somehow doubt you and many others would so much as raise an eyebrow to that eh? No double standards or nothing..:rolleyes:
It is possible..but then to be fair..She is British and she is acting like a twat..soo he might just be stating a fact and not being angry about it. If it were a guy saying the same thing he would be getting called a British Dick..Though I somehow doubt you and many others would so much as raise an eyebrow to that eh? No double standards or nothing..:rolleyes:

I don't think you have enough personal experience with twats to know how they act and to determine if someone is acting like one. :) And yes, I would have ignored any comments about British sausage as we all know that's completely fictional because only Germany has sausages in Europe.