Bi0s Team website defacement


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2005
This hacker team is known for defacing or replacing the index of webpages worldwide
Zone-H Digital atack archive of Bi0s Team
Im going to look into this some more; because this isn't my site, its a freind's.

But this specific site is a clan for BF2. And here's the clincher...

This attack happened a few hours after we had to cancel a TWL match against a brazilian BF2 Clan. So im guessing some clan member in the Bi0s Team got pissed off and hacked the site.

Please share anything you know about Bi0s Team
I believe you are greatly mistaking what the nature of the Networking and Security forum is normally.

Suggestions of how to fix the problem, suggestions on securing the system to prevent future problems, sure.

Keeping up to date on any random group of people that deface a website... not usually.
Website defacements happen every day.Tell us what platform the site was hosted on (including version numbers) and someone here can probably tell you HOW it was defaced.

The only thing I know about team Bi0 is the obvious...that they hacked your buddy's site. Security professionals wouldn't get anything done if all they did was keep up with who defaced who's website.