BFG Tech Hot Deals!


Offical BFG Mkt
Jul 6, 2006
BFG Tech GeForce 7950GT 512MB GDDR3 PCI Express x16


$269.99 after mail in rebate!
Available from

BFG Tech GeForce 7800GS 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X Video Card
SALE ENDS 11/7/06!

$205.99 after mail in rebate!
Available from
At least you get to upgrade. It will be decades it seems before I get to spend any money on myself. On the plus side, when I do there will be some kickass hardware to upgrade to.
Damn spiffy of you guys but why must these things come out when I don't have a job :(


Keep those deals coming.
Wow, nice to see an awesome company like BFG here supporting the [H] community. You guys make some kickin cards, and those are some good deals. Thanks!
geez... if the card manufacts are getting up to the plate you know prices are going to drop very steeply after xmas - especially with the dx10 cards and the quad cores coming out!

I bet you'll be able to get either of these cards for under 200 out the door around feb
It's good to see BFG support its core audience - that will increase sales for them from recommendations.
BoogerBomb said:
At least you get to upgrade. It will be decades it seems before I get to spend any money on myself. On the plus side, when I do there will be some kickass hardware to upgrade to.
QFT I feel ya brotha!
That 7800GS is quite tempting for those of us who still have AGP rigs floating around.... :D
annaconda said:
I need a 8800GTS for $400 shipped. :D
You, and about a million others as well... lol

I am tempted sorely by that 7950gt, but am saving until I see the street on the 8xxx's and ATi's counter offer...
Thank you BFG. You are the only brand of high end video cards I buy.
I gotta say, on a praise note for BFG, my 7800gtx went belly up about a month ago, called their tech support and got an RMA, about a week and a half later, I had a new card being delivered by the UPS man. Awesome support is all I can say, and the lifetime warranty, is pimp. Even if you can find cheaper cards elsewhere, its worth thinkin about spendin a few bones more to get the warranty etc.

wraieghaeien said:
I gotta say, on a praise note for BFG, my 7800gtx went belly up about a month ago, called their tech support and got an RMA, about a week and a half later, I had a new card being delivered by the UPS man. Awesome support is all I can say, and the lifetime warranty, is pimp. Even if you can find cheaper cards elsewhere, its worth thinkin about spendin a few bones more to get the warranty etc.

Wish I could say the same. All I got from BFG's highly praised 24/7 Tech Department was a non-functional rig and then was told to re-install my OS after what they told me to do borked it. I was not very happy and was in college at the time with work to do. In the end it was the video card at fault and NOT my OS install. Don't ever bother to try and get them to "cross-ship" a card either. Even if you give them all the info they ask for, it will still take them about 3 days to push the card out the door and you better be on the phone each of the 3 days to remind them that you need it!
jbmx4life said:
Wish I could say the same.

It's good to hear both the good and bad experiences.
but wow, you pooped in a front page thread. you got bawls.

Anyway, back on topic - let me be the first to beg for dirt cheap 7900GTs before there are no more.
robble said:
Anyway, back on topic - let me be the first to beg for dirt cheap 7900GTs before there are no more.

And let me be the second. I'd be willing to forego getting caught up in the initial 8 series hype if I can pair off my current 7900GT at a nice low price point.
this is great, BFG rocks :D but as much as i'd love to jump on these I must hold out for dx10 cards ;)
annaconda said:
I need a 8800GTS for $400 shipped. :D

Then go work at Best Buy. My roommate works there and he said that the retail price for their BFG 8800GTS is $499. Employee cost is about $445. Combine that with the BFG Best Buy employee accomdation of 15% (Rebate check for the difference between 10% below best buy cost and the employee price of 5% above cost) and you are pretty below that $400 mark you wanted.
CyclopsSlayer said:
You, and about a million others as well... lol

I am tempted sorely by that 7950gt, but am saving until I see the street on the 8xxx's and ATi's counter offer...

that make a million of us :D ..waiting on 8xxx to hit the street..I wish some info would leakout just to give us a taste..sheeeee :(
If I get that AGP card, I just know that there will be an 88xx series AGP card released in a couple of months that will just kill the 7800s...

If they'd release a full GPU speed AGP card I'd get it, but their crippled AGP releases piss me off.

edit - and by "they", I mean nvidia, not BFG. A 7900GS has more pipelines and faster clock speeds, yet is up to $100 cheaper than many retail AGP 7800GS cards.
My wife has a BioStar SFF system that I've considered replacing but was wondering if upgrading her 6600 GT to this 7800 GS AGP would be worth it?

She mainly plays World of Warcraft.
I guess I just want to make sure that the 2500+ would be able to push things hard enough for the 7800 GS to make a big difference over the 6600 GT she already has. I suppose I could upgrade her CPU as well, if needed.

Or, I could just save myself some work now and later when I replace her machine by either picking up a pre-built system from Velocity Micro or Apple. I WoW on my MacBook Pro and love it, so replacing her SFF Windows box with an iMac is always a possibility.

But if $200 can get her a nice performance boost for now, I'd rather do that.
misha69 said:
I guess I just want to make sure that the 2500+ would be able to push things hard enough for the 7800 GS to make a big difference over the 6600 GT she already has. I suppose I could upgrade her CPU as well, if needed.

Or, I could just save myself some work now and later when I replace her machine by either picking up a pre-built system from Velocity Micro or Apple. I WoW on my MacBook Pro and love it, so replacing her SFF Windows box with an iMac is always a possibility.

But if $200 can get her a nice performance boost for now, I'd rather do that.

How much ram does it have? upgrading that would help too if its under 1GB, but yes, its a huge difference, I went from a 9800Pro to an X800XL on the same speed processor and it was amazing the difference. I would go fer it, you'll prolly get some sex out of the deal. :D
AdamNesvick said:
How much ram does it have? upgrading that would help too if its under 1GB, but yes, its a huge difference, I went from a 9800Pro to an X800XL on the same speed processor and it was amazing the difference. I would go fer it, you'll prolly get some sex out of the deal. :D

Her machine has a gig of RAM. Would probably leave it at a gig, but it is good to know the video upgrade would make a big difference. Thanks!