BF2: who do you play as?

Stats? You can go look it up I guess, but even though I spent a lot of time in other classes before, I play differently now.

Like, I've spent the most time w/Spec-ops but now that I've gotten expert Spec Op and there are improvements to other classes, I've been playing those more recently.
Commander+engineer 70% of the time.

The other 30%-sniper/spec-ops/medic in a squad
Moose777 said:
Why do you say the Assualt kit does not have an M4? Got any reasons? Know anything about the weapon? In real life they use the M16A4 with the M203 40MM HE/HEDP attatchment. But in the game its the M4. And in either case it really doesn't matter because the only real difference between the M16A4 and the M4 Carbine is the size. The Carbine is shorter then the M16 its also lihgter than the M16A4. Both fire the 5.56 Nato round both are select fire. Both can be outfitted with the M203.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you even have any clue?

Pull your head out of your ass instead of trying to make yourself look so fucking smart and trying to make others look stupid.

I know your a fucking noob but think before you post.

The ASSUALT kit does not have an M4 in Battlefield 2

Assualt Kit

Stay on the unranked servers, one less noob to bother with.
if i'm not an engineer in the tank (yes i am a whore, but a good whore) then I am support (post 1.2) or AT (pre 1.2)
Bender_Unit_22 said:
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you even have any clue?

Pull your head out of your ass instead of trying to make yourself look so fucking smart and trying to make others look stupid.

I know your a fucking noob but think before you post.

The ASSUALT kit does not have an M4 in Battlefield 2

Assualt Kit

Stay on the unranked servers, one less noob to bother with.
Ok there fucktard.

I stay on the unranked servers because I like to play on an organized team. Not with a bunch of whiney bitches who cry because they took away their ability to bunny-hop and go their own way. That and I'm not a stat whore that you seem to be.

And in either case, the kit used in BF2 is still wrong.
Support about 95% of the time.
Sniper about 5% of the time.

Thats about it for me.

I like to hide in shadows near one of my flags and wait for people to come in, then I lay them all to rest while they are hanging out near the flag pole. Then I run up after they are dead and defend the flag...

It works good. If they are squad based, then I can take down 4 people at a time doing this, but if the server has less organization I just take a person at a time. It does get a bit boring waiting for them to come in, and it all depends on which flags are in contention. Sometimes I think a flag which would be ripe for the pickings usually don't get much activity. So sometimes I can get lucky and get 50 pts per round, or get a lame 8pts.
I'm a Medic whore lol.

Idk.. i've just always played as one. Then again its been a while since i've played (dial-up). I usually play with 2 of my co-workes. Assualt, Spec Op's and a Medic makes a great team.. sometimes with AT thrown in. My peeve is other medics who revive me in a firefight. I WILL NOT revive someone unless its clear. I have revived ppl then they go running off like Rambo and die 30sec later thou lol.

I love begin a squad leader, but hate begin commander.
:D hehe! i love these classes the most i find my self playing them at least one life a round

medic! omg, the G4e or whatever its called (2nd level unlock) is the BEST! well the AK101 is pretty good gun too... i get crazy good kill/death ratio and my scores go through the roof as i heal my buddies up.. i agree with an earlier post its best to kill the guy that shot your buddy's dead then heal (at the rick of loosing a few buddys to death) then to run out their heal run away and watch them get slaughtered... (but my record for this was 7 heals, but it was my friend and i was doing it to torture him hehe!)

Spec Ops, again the g4 is real nice i am starting to use the scar more as well. the c4 are really fun, my personal all time max kills with c4 was 8. A few well placed C4's a few suckers to try to cap a flag.. B() ()M!

AT: I am a tank killing machine. plus with the Dao12 and my handy dandy pistol i can wipe out infantry as well.. but as stated before i get that special warm fuzzy feeling when launching a rocket and killing a sniper 1/2 a map away.... best moment with AT was killing 7 guys,, the first 4 with the dao12, the 5th with the pistol, the sixth with the only thing left i had ammo in AT rocket point blank, and the very last i ran after and got a knife kill! i screamed YES!

Also been working on support post patch because the machine guns have now been changed so i can get a little accuracy out of them. just yesterday i was paying on Dialan plant and was in the little security hut facing the 3 story incomplete building and they just kept coming and comping and i kept holding down the fire button and i mowed tons of guys down.. i finally died because as i was laughting so hard i noticed a grenade roll right in front of me.... i tried to get up and run away but it was too late.

Engineer: I love that mp7.. its kinda like a Mac10 and it sounds badass so i have been working on my armor whoring skillz

sniper:... only when i'm lazy but i usually go combat sniper style the new accuracy helps a bit to get off the hip shots going more often..
from what i heard the p90/new unlock for anti-tank is horrible. and that it does less damage than a pistol...
I have all my veteran kit badges, so I'm pretty versatile. I really like spec ops and medic though.

I suck in the air. I couldn't fly a plane or chopper for my life, but on the ground, I'm an all around player.
Rich Tate said:
I play mostly medic too.

The unlock is scary accurate, you can heal yourself, heal your team and revive.

Big point maker as stated, if you care about that.

Lots of fun to play once you get used to having a busy job. ;)

This, almost exactly. The L8whatever is scarily good, you can be standing a hundred metres or so away from an enemy and unload, with every round hitting them. I used to love the AK-101, but this is just as damaging but also more accurate. Love it.

And i hate playing as spec-ops, but only because every time i do so, i take ages out of my time to go the longest way round the map, by boat or by foot, for ten or fifteen minutes, playing it safe to get to the enemy assets without being accused of basecamping, blow a trailer and two arty positions, then spend the rest of the round yelling at the retard commander for some frigging supplies, to no avail, because he's only there for the artillery and the 2x bonus.

I can only play on one server without crashing, i should add.
Depends on what side I'm on.

If US I usually play Spec-Ops or Sniper, I hate the other weapons they have.
If other: Assualt with the standard AK. I love that gun. Good damage, reasonably accurate, nice sound.

If possible I'll grab a jet since I love flying them and usually do quite well with them. Or I'll gun for someone in helicopter.

Sometimes with a sniper I'll run out of ammo and can't get a resupply and so I get in real close. When people start chasing me I'll drop grenades at my feet right before I die. They don't see it so when they get to where I was at (since people love shooting snipers in the head with a pistol after they kill them) the grenade goes *boom* and takes out the guy(s) who shot me. Ah the joys of getting cursed at! :D
When I first started I stuck to the medic class, it was easy to get some points and I liked actually feeling like I was helping the mission. Now I've been sniping like crazy, got the 2nd unlock, L96A or something like that but I think I prefer the M24 to it donno why, it "feels" better.

Finally got my basic pistol badge when I wasn't even trying, mashtur city couple of dudes in a tower, got them both started to fall back while firing and got lucky taking another three out before I was out of pistol ammo. Maybe I should just stop trying to get awards and just have fun :D