BF2: who do you play as?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
Every soldier you play as has his advantages/disadvantage.

Who do you like to play as and why?

I usually play as special ops, I just love those remote mines. I lay them next to our flag and hide and wait for the armor whores to come by and claim our flag. This gets boring after a while though because you have to play the waiting game.

I also like the support guy. I love blasting armor whores with this.

Least favorite would probably be medic, because you get no love. You help people out but they don't thank you and you just die anyways.
My most favorite is Medic. The amount of point you can rack up while being medic is pretty much unrivaled.

Every other group is tied for number 2, except for AT. I am not a big fan of the DAO-12 but we'll see if I have more fun with the P90. I usually decide to play as the map demands call for.
good points. I hear the medic has one of the strongest guns in the game, true?

Also, I too pick who I want to play based on the map. Also, I like to switch roles during the same map as well.
I was wondering, in the opening movie at the start of BF2, it shows a sniper in a chopper sniping people - I actually tried this but its very tricky, has anyone had any good luck with this?
Mainly am a Anti-Tank with my trusty new P90 or
Im Spec Ops with ol reliable G36C
Engineer: That MK3A1 Auto Shotgun rapes everything within 15 ft of it, I love it. The mines are good if you get the slip on other ppl before they catch you. (like placing them under empty tanks and on top of choppers :D)
Support. My job is to keep my squad alive by laying grazing/covering fire, suppresive fire and by drawing attention away from them.

Assualt. Mainly because I love the the sound the M4 makes and its nice to launch 40mm grenades over buildings and into helos.

AT. Because tanks piss me off when I'm trying to cap their flag.

I howver play Support 99.5% of the time.
1) spec ops. i freakin love how the M4 looks. lol

2) sniper

3) AT

4) Engineer if I'm commander or i know i'm gona be a chopper w/ my squad.

5) support but very rarely.
I ussually play as the guy getting his ass really I always play as a rifleman...and I really dont do well.
if they would have never put out the first actual patch I would have never gotten promoted ;)
Assult with the nade launcher? Is there a delay with the new patch>? :confused:
Sniper. Just like ROBIN WILLIAMS.

Actually, no. Usually Spec Ops, Assault, or Medic.
I mostly play as AT, and I love the DAO-12. Sniping a sniper with the rocket makes me all giggly inside.

I'm a hack n slash kinda guy so I usually just run around like a dang headless chicken (hence my poor kill/death ratio!). Just don't have the patience to use the sniper kit. I used to be an Apache whore in DC but I can't fly worth a damn in BF2. :(
Hulk said:
I was wondering, in the opening movie at the start of BF2, it shows a sniper in a chopper sniping people - I actually tried this but its very tricky, has anyone had any good luck with this?
I think that was the commander watching from a distance and launching a artillery attack.

I play support and AT now, because those are the only classes where I dont have vetern badges :) .
Bradster said:
I seem to piss a lot of people off as a sniper.
mmm.. i wonder why. i must of been on the wrong side of the barrel. Move a few step after spawning BOOM HEADSHOT, jump in an AA seat BOOM HEADSHOT, duct for cover in a bush BOOM HEADSHOT, staring up a chopper BOOM HEADSHOT, using the hummer mounted gun BOOM HEADSHOT.

I perfer tubing people, it has a more BOOM BODYSHOT. Bouncing nade is fun
A good sniper is one of the best playables in the game as far as defending flags and kill/death ratio.

The only problem is you play a boring wait game and you're not gonna rack up too many points with 10 kills a round in an isolated area.
In order of use...
Before the patch:
Medic, Assault, Sniper, SpecOps, AT. I rarely played Support/Engi (Less than seven hours with both).

After the Patch:
Medic, Support, AT, Sniper.

-Assault is not nearly as useful because of the range splash damage, I don't mind the minimum arming time. I have played maybe 15 minutes as assault since the patch.
-I still don't play engi unless I'm going to be an armor whore, which is not all that often.
-I played a lot of sniper before the patch, but something seems wrong with the sniper now. I can't hit stuff I could hit before the patch with my M95 and I have a 45% lifetime accuracy with the sniper rifle. I personally thought the sniper was perfect before the patch, prone headshots are too easy now.
-Support is great since the patch. I play a lot of warlord, and support is slowly becoming my favorite class on that map.
On foot: assault first and medic second.
Helo/jet maps: engineer

I play all classes occasionally (when needed), but those are what I mainly play.
Special ops, i love to blow up commuication towers and crippling the enemy. I love the G36C, very accuate and strong. The special ops also sprints longer than the other classes. Best of all i love C4!
I'm AT mostly. I just pwn every vehicle. I think most people who play AT just try to blindly point and shoot at tanks, artillery, etc. I try to get behind or beside it and aim for the tracks or rear bottom. It takes far less shots. Taking down helo's just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy too.

I also recently started playing as Support more often. I can get a large number of points just following a few people around and refilling their ammo while giving covering fire. On a few maps, I like to follow a few snipers and refill their ammo while covering them from anyone who may sneak up on them.

I play SF maps mostly since I like that there are fewer fags TK'ing for vehicles and it is more infantry oriented in close quarter combat. Grappling hooks and ziplines are some of my best freinds too. A few of my friends at work only play vanilla BF2 so I pretty much only play it with them.

Weazmeister said:
My most favorite is Medic. The amount of point you can rack up while being medic is pretty much unrivaled.

Every other group is tied for number 2, except for AT. I am not a big fan of the DAO-12 but we'll see if I have more fun with the P90. I usually decide to play as the map demands call for.

I'll have to give medic another shot. Only played it a few times a long time ago.
i cant get enough of playing as assult. but since the patch ive played as sniper more often and also goin the route of support as well.

but my 2 favs would have to be medic, and assult
I like going through and getting as good as I can at each class before moving on. Right now, since I just got the game (stop laughing), I'm playing as a medic.
My top two classes are Spec-ops and Engineer.

I like breakin' and repairin' shit.
Zerg! FTW!

1. Support - You really help out your squad, especially if you have happy C4 Spec-Ops. Also, tear-gas gives the ultimate "here comes the s^*t" feeling to your enemy before storming a flag.

2. Engineer - Gets no love but you can't command without 'em. Now that the new patch is here, we can finally defend flags without n00bs punishing you for them.

3. Sniper - Sit back and relax. Get yourself some green tea. Take the time to slow down and take in the sounds and scenery of....BOOM! HEADSHOT!!
chojin_1999 said:
3. Sniper - Sit back and relax. Get yourself some green tea. Take the time to slow down and take in the sounds and scenery of....BOOM! HEADSHOT!!

Ok that's just hilarious! lol :p
1.) Assault - 300m out just picking people off with the G3
2.) Support - Resupply ftw :cool:
3.) Engineer - Repair ftw :cool:
I play mostly medic too.

The unlock is scary accurate, you can heal yourself, heal your team and revive.

Big point maker as stated, if you care about that.

Lots of fun to play once you get used to having a busy job. ;)
It really depends on your situation. You might spawn blow up their artillery, get killed notice alotta troops on the UAV first heading towards your spawn, switch to assualt see that a tank is starting to chug its way to you switch to Anti-Tank etc etc....

Right now Im trying to get my Assualt Veteran badge and Im a lil over half way on the Special Ops expert.
Sobek said:
I'll have to give medic another shot. Only played it a few times a long time ago.

The key is making sure to heal yourself all the time. Now that the paddles also charge while they are put away, your life is a bit easier, plus the G36E is a great unlock. I haven't got to play medic lately, working on some other expert badges, but when I do, I have a lot of fun. Nothing like being in a firefight, seeing your team8s get killed, taking out the guy who did it and reviving your team8s immediately afterwards. 6 points in like 3 seconds :) I agree with you on playing BF: SF more than BF2 nowadays though.
Support - Cause it is VERY accurate now, I love to mow people down.
Spec Ops - C4 is fun, and the unlockable gun is DEAD Accurate(Iv out sniped snipers with it)
Assualt - No reason... Nade launcher is fun, dont like to use it too much.
Anti Tank - auto shottie + rocket FTW. Rockets are very effective against infantry.

I hate medics with a passion, they always revive my it the worst situations. I usely TK the person that revives my if I can survive for 2 seconds.
L1ght said:
I hate medics with a passion, they always revive my it the worst situations. I usely TK the person that revives my if I can survive for 2 seconds.
You're an idiot.

Heres an idea, instead of TKing the guy for reviving you why don't you get on you VOIP and tell the guy, "Hey man, next time ask me if I want to me revived." most of the time, the good meidcs will do that.
L1ght said:
I hate medics with a passion, they always revive my it the worst situations. I usely TK the person that revives my if I can survive for 2 seconds.

LOL that just brilliant. You're probably also the idiot who gets banned 5 seconds later.

why aren't you guys posting your stats as well?
then we can also look at the numbers.

I play a lot of assualt, already have my expert for it
I have my vet for all the other classes and am slowly working my way to expert specops, but I find myself still going assualt.

and with the improved G3 its even more fun to use then before.

I have about 60hrs on spec ops and its a fun kit, only thing I don't like is when in close combat the G36c is a fucking peashooter and without armor you will loose to an assualt rifle, but love the accuracy of the G36c, great for medium range burst fire.

Medic is my third most played kit, and with the G36e I can have a very accurate weapon with burst fire on MEC, even tho the AK101 is a fine rifle

least played kit is support, just does not fit my style of gameplay

a couple things to point out to the previous posters:
assualt does not have an M4
spec ops does not have more sprint then any other class

and how are you people playing sniper saying how booring it is and how you only get 10 kills etc

when I play sniper its easy to end the round in the top 3, gotta play as combat sniper not just camp one spot and hope 10 enemy go past. Ill cap/defend flags with my pistol, and then move to areas of high contention and snipe. being sniper does not mean you can only climb the crane or go on that one roof. Plus with the non-ff claymores that are indestructable any sniper can get 20+ kills just from them.
I can't post my stats. The majority of my logged time is on unranked servers. I'm only at 13% of my next rank. And my current rank is Private and I've owned the game for about 3 months. I've only been on a ranked public server 4 times.

Bender_Unit_22 said:
assualt does not have an M4
Why do you say the Assualt kit does not have an M4? Got any reasons? Know anything about the weapon? In real life they use the M16A4 with the M203 40MM HE/HEDP attatchment. But in the game its the M4. And in either case it really doesn't matter because the only real difference between the M16A4 and the M4 Carbine is the size. The Carbine is shorter then the M16 its also lihgter than the M16A4. Both fire the 5.56 Nato round both are select fire. Both can be outfitted with the M203.

Also, the M4 that I was talking about is the Benelli shotgun. Though I am not sure I even mentioned it, as it won't be available until EuroPack.

The Benelli M4 is a gas operated, smoothbore, magazine fed, semi-automatic Joint Service Combat shotgun. Its rail can accept laser illuminators, night vision, and standard scopes. It is also designed to fire a variety of shell sizes without modification or adjustment.

Type: Semi Auto
Damage: High
Accuracy: Low
Moose777 said:
Why do you say the Assualt kit does not have an M4? Got any reasons? Know anything about the weapon? In real life they use the M16A4 with the M203 40MM HE/HEDP attatchment. But in the game its the M4. And in either case it really doesn't matter because the only real difference between the M16A4 and the M4 Carbine is the size. The Carbine is shorter then the M16 its also lihgter than the M16A4. Both fire the 5.56 Nato round both are select fire. Both can be outfitted with the M203.

It's somewhat along the lines of BF2 calling the SeaHawk a Blackhawk but ... :)