BF2 Prices Not Dropping?


Jan 30, 2005
I've been waiting for prices to drop on this game ever since it came out, but it is still $50 everywhere I look ($45 on Amazon). I wanted to get BF2 + SF, anyone seen any good deals or know when prices will drop?
im selling bf2 for $23 shipped and its in mint condition so why pay double?

This is NOT a hot deal.

But im in for 2 :eek:
Why would they drop prices 2 weeks before Xmas?? That just wouldnt make sense.

If its coming soon, it will be after the holidays.
GlimmerMan said:
That's too bad. You missing out on one of the best game to date.
Eh, not so much. I play it all the time and I would have to say that there are way too many flaws and balancing issues that would prevent this from being "one of the best game to date".
GlimmerMan said:
That's too bad. You missing out on one of the best game to date.

haha. EA has everything to do with the price, nothing to do with the quality, everything to do with it being a buggy, rushed pos.

/I own it.
//I hate ea.
Attean said:
haha. EA has everything to do with the price, nothing to do with the quality, everything to do with it being a buggy, rushed pos.

/I own it.
//I hate ea.
Not quite. DICE programmed the game. EA just markets it.
DriveEuro said:
Not quite. DICE programmed the game. EA just markets it.
but EA rushed them, causing them to fuck the game to hell....
not tomention the new 1.12 patch..holy hell that patch sucks, i can't even play the game anymroe till a new fix comes out...
like everyone has said, 25 bucks on ebay

On the after thanksgiving sale at CompUSA they had it for 29.99

I really should have picked up a couple copies, but I figured it had just dropped in price
Does the special forces make it any better?
I haven't played the game in a few weeks and was just wondering if that improved it at all.
mobiux said:
Does the special forces make it any better?
I haven't played the game in a few weeks and was just wondering if that improved it at all.
Eh... It adds new guns, new unlocks, new maps. The bugs that have existed for a while are still there. The SF pack also adds neat things like grappling hook, zip line, tear gas, night vision goggles. I think its worth the $20 that you see it around for.
BF2 and especially SF are good. Granted, I have like 30k+ global points and play too much, but it's good regardless of the flaws. Thankfully, it should only get better.
Tremek said:
BF2 and especially SF are good. Granted, I have like 30k+ global points and play too much, but it's good regardless of the flaws. Thankfully, it should only get better.

Wow, I think I'm pushing 4k :(
Shameless Liar said:
I have heard SF kills performance 19 fold.

There's elements of it that slow things down considerably. Flying the Longbow with the pilot's night vision turned on gives me stutter every 3 seconds or so, I assume from new textures and geometry in the distance being loaded up. My box... AXP 2800+ @ 2.1ghz on an A7N8X, 1GB PC3200 @ 1:1, 128MB BFG 6800 OC on XP. Graphics settings are 1024 x 768 with geometry on high and everything else medium or low. This is just for SF.

That said, anything non-flying is relatively smooth for me until teargas or massive smoke hits the screen.

Now, going back to vanilla? Smooth at higher settings then what I've listed above. SF just isn't as optomized or has more stuff going on. But it's still must-have. :)

The 2405 will be here next week, and a new box gets built in January. That, frankly, is what I'm looking forward to. :)
DriveEuro said:
Eh... It adds new guns, new unlocks, new maps. The bugs that have existed for a while are still there. The SF pack also adds neat things like grappling hook, zip line, tear gas, night vision goggles. I think its worth the $20 that you see it around for.

yah, but its complete BS that people with SF weapons can play with people who don't have them. I know that one class got a really annoying gun... "F2000" or some crap, and basically its a noob cannon grenade launcher that no one else can have, unless you have SF.

And they get flashbangs, and who knows what else - the F2000 comes to mind becuase i'm always getting killed by that if someone has it.
RooK said:
yah, but its complete BS that people with SF weapons can play with people who don't have them. I know that one class got a really annoying gun... "F2000" or some crap, and basically its a noob cannon grenade launcher that no one else can have, unless you have SF.

And they get flashbangs, and who knows what else - the F2000 comes to mind becuase i'm always getting killed by that if someone has it.

wtf, seriously? Gd that's the dumbest design decision ever. I was going to load up bf2 over break but now I dont think so. They need to fix that game.
RooK said:
yah, but its complete BS that people with SF weapons can play with people who don't have them. I know that one class got a really annoying gun... "F2000" or some crap, and basically its a noob cannon grenade launcher that no one else can have, unless you have SF.

And they get flashbangs, and who knows what else - the F2000 comes to mind becuase i'm always getting killed by that if someone has it.

One would think that impetus to get on the same playing field as the people that have them. :)

Complete BS? Genius marketing. Buy the expansion, or be at a potential disadvantage!
Attean said:
wtf, seriously? Gd that's the dumbest design decision ever. I was going to load up bf2 over break but now I dont think so. They need to fix that game.

It would be rather lame to not even install a game based upon some guy's forum post.
The only real advantage the SF weapons give is the Flashbang. And they aren't even that effective. I've been flashed a few times and everytime I was able to either escape and regroup or outright kill the assailant. They can be effective at distacting vehicle-whores, but I've used a smoke grenade just as effectively. The lightplume is a neat effect but it's far from a game stopper.
Tremek said:
It would be rather lame to not even install a game based upon some guy's forum post.

It's installed, I just found it pretty lackluster and not worth the loading times last time I played it and if I will indeed have to play at a disadvantage unless I buy the last minute thrown together before christmas expansion pack I think I'll pass.
Attean said:
yes but, ea sets their deadlines, thus the inadequate q&a

This is what the results will be when EA's marketing/R&D departments believe that they can compress a PC game's development down to the amount of time that it takes to put a console title on the market, start to finish.

Makes me wonder if EA isn't deliberately doing this in order to have an excuse to leave the PC game market...Likely wouldn't be the first company to do so either.

EA's damn lucky the game was as fun as it was, relatively speaking. Doesn't excuse them from releasing something that was obviously unfinished, though-Even if lots of distributors are doing so these days.

#%(#*%(@#*%*(%#@(#@%* EA.
IIRC, EA did postpone it several times (for months at a time) because they themselves said the game wasn't polished enough.
Jeriko_Cherry said:
IIRC, EA did postpone it several times (for months at a time) because they themselves said the game wasn't polished enough.

Tremek said:
One would think that impetus to get on the same playing field as the people that have them. :)

Complete BS? Genius marketing. Buy the expansion, or be at a potential disadvantage!

No. That's BS marketting and games shouldn't be designed around marketting anyway. I was put off by them releasing an expansion so fast they announced it before the first patch was even out. But to pull crap like that is just unacceptable.
well, as we're discussing the value of the game, I'd submit that there are better values for the 20 dollars you'd pay for the key on ebay. My verdict: the game got old quickly for me. Other games out there look 10x better, and don't make my decent system chug like BF2. In retrospect, I wish I woulda bought the UT2004 DVD version instead.
