BF2 - game won't load even after re-install and newest patch !! :(


Apr 25, 2008
i upgrated my computer now when i try to load BF2 it's showing me the first menu screen and that's it - stays in windows !:

when i look at the task bar it seems as it still there in the memory though ... :

i unistalled the game - everything exept profiles...instaled again ..updated PB to latest updated to 1.41 patch ...and again same problem
some 1 knows how to fix this ??:mad: it's the only game i play so ....

try deleting your profile

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAMEZ\My Documents\Battlefield 2

i had this problem myself and i think that this is how i fixed it.

Or try going here
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAMEZ\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default

then change the resolution settings to this, or add this line in.

VideoSettings.setResolution 800x600@60Hz
WOOHOOOOOOO !!!! worked !!! 10x :D

i have a question ....just bought a new 22' - why bf2 won't support WIDE resolutions ? i don't see 1680X1650 or 1280X800 :mad:

The game doesn't support widescreen officially (Dice/EA mentioned that it gave widescreen gamers an 'unfair advantage' if they did support it :rolleyes:), however you can use this "quick fix" although it stretches out the HUD and cuts off the top and bottem display. Link here.
ok it worked i guess ....but
1) why i still see 1024 res when i enter the VIDOE from the menu in the game
2)why it's not giving me AA and VSINC ON ?
You can force the game by adding some command at the end of the shortcut (google is your friend :)), I think this applies to AA and Vsync also.

BF2 is a really buggy game, most of the time I have to tell it to boot multiple times until it loads up, and some times it doesnt boot at all.