BF2 Deals.


Feb 4, 2004
Well the best deal I have seen on Battlefied 2 is at CompUSA $49.99 with a free $15 gift card.

(I may wait until it's $30 in a couple of months).
that's totally worth it then. I was gonna wait, but the gift card and the tshirt make it worth it. someone wanna buy a headset. :)
PRIME1 said:
Well the best deal I have seen on Battlefied 2 is at CompUSA $49.99 with a free $15 gift card.

(I may wait until it's $30 in a couple of months).

Sadly that's a mail in gift card, so you don't get it right away, kind of like a rebate. Another ad had a small instant $5 gift card.

It would be cool if the new Nvidia cards get bundled with BF2, a lot of 6800 cards came with Far Cry when they came out.
^at best buy if you buy a new bfg 6800gt, you get 1 computer game free up to 49.99. its online deal.
That's the same headset that was included in the UT2004 collector's edition. Pretty nice quality, especially for a bundle deal.
Yea I got the headset when I preordered BF2 at BB. I wonder if I'll get DVD or CD. Heres a pic:


It has the BF2 Logo on the sides
It's an ok headset. My set from the UT2004 box were very uncomfortable when playing for long periods of time. At Lan party's I couldn't were them for more than 45 minutes before they started to hurt. I'm picky on sound and the sound on these was crap. They were free so I didn't expect much.
I decided to go high end this time & supper comfy. I just bought the Sennheiser SK PC160 gaming headset from newegg. This should make my battlefield 2 experiance complete.
Well this might be a little off topic

I pre-ordered from BB so will I get to choose between DVD or CD versions of the game cause they have both stamped on the pre-order box ?
Yes you can choose when ordering online. Not sure about in store but I am very sure you have the choice.
When I saw this post I went to compusa link preordered and had the choice of normal or DVD version.
I was going to walk into Gamestop and pick up a copy until I saw the free T-Shirt deal.
I'm down for t-shirts.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Good to see someone took the correct first step.

*pats bjomb17 on the back*

lol... They should pay you to wear their t-shirt public. I'm thinking we're just buying advertising from them to advertise for them? Wrong. They should give us $5 to take the damn walking advertisement. .02
boooooo I want a BF2 Tshirt, I'd make my father wear it, so he looks like some old gaming geek lmfao.
BTW the gift card offer expires on the 25th.

I wear the headset out a lot actually. Usually on saturdays when I am taking a gaming break and going to taco bell. So I really want the tshirt. Who knows maybe some hot chick at taco bell will spot my headset and ask me about it. If she is a gamer Ill have my BF2 shirt on and we can talk about that and maybe we will meet up online. Even if she isnt a gamer :rolleyes: , it will help break the ice while waiting in line.
^^^^^^^^^^^ I Doubt it, lol.

Anyway, is the compusa the best deal for BF2. I don't have a headset yet. When is the last day I can buy it with that deal.
EB is already shipping. My Friend got this yesterday.

Thank you for ordering from Your order has been shipped completely. The status and/or ship date for each item on your order is detailed below.

Here is the status of the item(s) you have ordered:
PROMO BATTLEFIELD 2 WEB PC Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 Battlefield 2
DVD Edition Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 PROMO BATTLEFIELD 2 PC
Ordered: 1 Shipped: 0 SKU - 999999 Ordered: 1 Shipped: 0
All big games, err 99% for you nitpickers, come out on Tuesday's. What blows here is they want us to wait an extra day. :( Chances of getting this game in your local area are pretty high I'd think. Supposed to ship today be at stores tommorrow, is the gist. Dunno, I get most my games on the tuesday "launch" day, where the local guy says it's always actually received a day later on Wedsnesday.
The best deal was the outpost 39.99 with free shipping and free headset.

I gotta call em up.
called 2 secs ago and they said "we have enough for everybody"

i already preordered from them. Im wondering If i should help out the "little guy" and not cancel.... cuz I know Outpost is gonna be swamped with people like me at the last moment
Blinkme323 said:
I really want the headset, is it too late to get one. I will preorder it tonight.

No, you don't want the heatset lol, it is a piece of shit and it hurts your ear things...
Id rather get the shirt than the cheap ass headset. Ill add it to my collection of real bad t shirts i wear when i mow my lawn. This will beat the Apple G5 and the pink special olympics one. :cool:
My friend got one with Unreal 2004 and I thought it was pretty good. Its certainly better than nothing. Where can I still get one? It looks like the Compusa and Outpost deal are finished. Can somebody help; time is running out?
I ordered BF2 way back when outpost has the deal for BF2 + headsets + Free Shipping for 37.99. So I kept getting emails saying they were out of stock and so on, I thought it was a pre order thing with out Post.

Today I get an email saying your order has been canceled because you or CS at OP canceled it. So I called and they said I should have click the link in the emails to say "Yes I still want this Item" everytime I got one, otherwise they cancel the order.

The CS rep gave it to me at the same price which was cool, but was out of headsets :(

So just a heads up to people..


"snipe ya on the field"
My friend is already playing it. Saw the box and everything.
DAMN HIM............
Oh yea, Come on home baby. Will be here Thursday!

The following CompUSA order (#####) was shipped on 6/21/2005.

Please print a copy of this page to process your rebate(s) if applicable.

Order Number: ####### Order Date: 6/19/2005 11:57:55 P