BF2 "Commander"

God I hate the friendly fire kick BS. The other day I was playing as the commander, and as any commander knows, you spend a whole lot of time looking at the caps-lock screen. Well Im in a 1 man tank, hit caps lock while still moving forward and some noob runs in front trying to get in, which he cant, and the forward momentum of the tank crushes him. I then get disconnected and kicked for FF.

Not only this but artillery counts as FF. Artillery isn't instant people, when you see the damn icon on the screen in means dont run in there like a moron and get killed.

Half the time these idiot noobs hit pageup to punish and ruin my score because they are too damn stupid to know what the hell is going on. And all this was on ranked servers.

After this BS I just rejoined and starting raining down artillery on anyone not in a squad. Stupid noobs accounts should be banned.
bonkrowave said:
After this BS I just rejoined and starting raining down artillery on anyone not in a squad. Stupid noobs accounts should be banned.

you should be banned

don't fucking be commander if you don't like the risks
bonkrowave said:
Half the time these idiot noobs hit pageup to punish and ruin my score because they are too damn stupid to know what the hell is going on. And all this was on ranked servers.

Ummm... Page Up forgives.

bonkrowave said:
After this BS I just rejoined and starting raining down artillery on anyone not in a squad. Stupid noobs accounts should be banned.

Can you say CHILDISH
I couldn't stop laughing when in a game I was in recently, I saw that the guy who I kept dogfighting with the whole game turned out to be the Commander. How the hell does he command from the cockpit of a jet? :)
I've learned that NOBODY online forgives in BF2, so i don't forgive ANYONE, even if they didn't mean it, i don't give a crap, no1 forgives me, so im not forgiving anyone

in my world...there IS NO PAGE UP! :mad:
zoobaby said:
Ummm... Page Up forgives.
Ya ok Page down then, honestly you know what I meant.
Can you say CHILDISH

Deal with it!

If people are going to go out on there own, not join a squad, and cause the whole team to lose, well ... they need some motivation. Everyone damn well joined a squad very quickly after that.

If you don't yet understand the game, or don't know how to play it, then don't join ranked servers. It really is that simple.
bonkrowave said:
God I hate the friendly fire kick BS. The other day I was playing as the commander, and as any commander knows, you spend a whole lot of time looking at the caps-lock screen. Well Im in a 1 man tank, hit caps lock while still moving forward and some noob runs in front trying to get in, which he cant, and the forward momentum of the tank crushes him. I then get disconnected and kicked for FF.

Not only this but artillery counts as FF. Artillery isn't instant people, when you see the damn icon on the screen in means dont run in there like a moron and get killed.

Half the time these idiot noobs hit pageup to punish and ruin my score because they are too damn stupid to know what the hell is going on. And all this was on ranked servers.

After this BS I just rejoined and starting raining down artillery on anyone not in a squad. Stupid noobs accounts should be banned.

Well said. This pisses me off too.
Bonk - I understand your frustration, but when you do stuff like you mentioned, you look like an ashat and piss off people that are trying to have a good time as well.

133 said:
I've learned that NOBODY online forgives in BF2, so i don't forgive ANYONE, even if they didn't mean it, i don't give a crap, no1 forgives me, so im not forgiving anyone

in my world...there IS NO PAGE UP! :mad:

I usually forgive and if they say sorry I definately forgive. I have see the 'Red Tag' glitch and tk'd a few teammates so I know that happens and try to give the benefit to the player.
Last night I was squad leader in a really good match, we won by alot but my team did almost everything together. My only problem was that we had too many people in our party. We would capture an outpost, I would select to attack the next outpost and 6 tanks would roll on. When this happened I had to tell the other squad following mine to go on defense, but they would never listen.
I had 2 squads following my command (mine and some other squad) but only my squad could hear my commands. The other squad just followed where my guys went.

I also like to break my squad up into multiple vehicles. 2 guys in a tank, 1 in apc, and the others in multiple buggies. Its hard to kill 4 vehicles when they are driving all over the place.

My biggest problem last night was my commander. I was getting my squad to take a flag but the enemy had it held pretty good. They had a tank, an apc, 2 anti tank guys and 1 engineer. The fight was going on 5 mins when I finally said to the commander "need artillery" He provided it and I was happy as hell until I figured out where he was dropping it... on us. He could have easily looked at the map and saw where our 10 guys were shooting and the 10 guys shooting back but nope, he decided I wanted it exactly where I stood.
does anyone know how to get the Basic Commander Badge? i only need that one and Explosives and i'll have all the badges.

zoobaby said:
Bonk - I understand your frustration, but when you do stuff like you mentioned, you look like an ashat and piss off people that are trying to have a good time as well.

I usually forgive and if they say sorry I definately forgive. I have see the 'Red Tag' glitch and tk'd a few teammates so I know that happens and try to give the benefit to the player.

I play on ranked servers for the same reason everyone should. To get stats, unlock weapons etc... Im not going to take morons lowering my stats because they are runing infront of my tank, or runing into artilery. If they are idiotic enough to punish me for there mistakes, I will make sure that their stats reflect this, in the form of friendly fire.
I was Tking a lot being squad leader. I keep forgetting I was a portable spawn point. Im trying to cap a flag someone spawn in right in front of me I cap them because I think it's one of the enemy spawing. Duh.. So now im second guessing who to shoot when in proximity of a flag. I need a quick way to determine who's who when at a spawn..

BTW does anyone else have an inssue with the ak101? I got people right on top of the sites open up and nothing.. Every other class or weapon I dont have this issue.
quote "How do u become commander? elected?"

push the SQUAD key (caps lock) and click the apply button next to Commander at the begining of a map (if there's not someone already in it)
you'll get a msg "you've applied to be commander"
If your accepted you'll get the text in the lower left about PgUP to accept or PgDWN to decline ( dont wait forever it goes away)

quote "does anyone know how to get the Basic Commander Badge? i only need that one and Explosives and i'll have all the badges."

Just keep commanding, maybe some nice kills would help too :p got your basic knife badge then... :p

I hate commanders who want to fly the jets : /
i find it takes all my time scanning, placing UAV, spotting hostiles, dropping arty & supplies
weebling1 said:
Just keep commanding, maybe some nice kills would help too :p got your basic knife badge then... :p

yep, got it last night on a 64 man server, it was cool
hey, when im a commander, how do I acknowledge peoples requests, or deny them? ive noticed commanders will say 'denied' or tell me UAV is active already etc.. when people request these things i dont see anything to click on to reply to them?