BF2 awards, ranks, stats, etc.


Limp Gawd
Jul 24, 2004
So, after many long and fun play sessions with BF2 this weekend I am about to acquire my first rank and I have also received a few medals. It looks like it takes about 500 points to reach the first rank, can anyone confirm this?

Also, I was told that ranks determine your weapon unlocks (and that is fine) but I thought they would unlock if you showed skill with a kit. *shrug*

My first medals:

Basic Aviator
Basic Armor
Spec Ops

I think each one is the first basic medal for showing a small amount of skill with flying, driving an armored vehicle, and playing the spec ops kit. I have one issue basic armor medal has been unlocked 2 times on my screen AND it is NOT in my list. Bugged? I think so.

One last question, do you have to finish a map/round to receive credit for your kills/deaths/points? I have seen that you don't but a friend thinks you do. Anyone know?

If anyone has acheived some cool medals or high ranks, share your info. No EA bashing please.
There is a delay from when you earn a medal/ribbon and when it shows up in your stats.

What do you have to do for the basic armor medal? I'm usually always using a tank or apc, racking up kills, but I haven't gotten one yet.
Genocidal said:
There is a delay from when you earn a medal/ribbon and when it shows up in your stats.

What do you have to do for the basic armor medal? I'm usually always using a tank or apc, racking up kills, but I haven't gotten one yet.
Yeah, I am aware of the delay. However, I received the basic armor medal 3 days ago and I have gotten all my other stats rather quickly since then. Then, 2 days ago, basic armor appeared on my screen again and it still has not shown up.

I got the medal while I was driving an APC one time and a tank another time (I had been driving both of them for over 5 mintues or so AND racked up some kills). What worries me is that I have unlocked it twice without much effort and then today I was driving an M1A1 for over 10 minutes and got about 20 combat points(nothing earned for that). :( I guess the medal proves you have been able to operate one while in combat. Pretty cool first reward.
How you get the medals is a mystery to me. The spec-ops one I got by putting c4 on the ground and blowing a tank when it came by. That one is fair, one guy taking out a tank in one kill, sure that deserves a medal. Although previous to that, on the damn level, I had mined a long stretch of road and took out a humvee and a tank at once and did not get a medal for that.

The other medal I got when I was inside a hanger with a whole group from my team. There was a small back door that I saw gunfire comming through and mow down three of my team. I started filling the door with lead and when the shooter ran in I nailed him and got a medal ? Not sure why or how .... it was only one guy?

In addition, I just quickly went to BFHQ and only looked at he first screen, but it did indicate that it only shows the three newest awards.
Kit medals (Especially Offensive Ones) are generally aquried by having a good combat score during the game. For instance if you kill about 13 people with the sniper rifle, youll get a Basic Sniper Award. Spec Ops is similar, but if you blow a tank up with C4 its more impressive then just shooting a guy with a gun, so your awarded more combat points towards the medal.
I think there is a bug with the "Basic Armor" medal. I have had the same thing happen where I unlocked it and days later it has not shown up. Subsequent medals awarded have.

I picked up a "Basic Command" after I shelled the hell out of an enemy position killing 8+ of the enemy. But the awards seem highly variable.
Only one I got so far after 4-5 games is the gold star for being a team player and such. I cant stay in any longer cause I get the "there is a probelm with your connection" error and boots me.
I never para drop, however I did in one game from really high up and got a ribbon for that. I've got the armor, the assult, some other one, and gold star. Workin' towards that first unlock.
I jumped out of a chopper last night and forgot to hit the parachute....As my body is plunging toward the ground I thought to myself "Im falling awefully fast for having a 'chute" thing you know....


i r nubi.
The medals finally started showing up right after the game over the weekend. So far I've racked up a few gold stars, and some of the basics. I noticed that you are rated on how well you get those too, as in satisfactory, or outstanding. The coolest so far, and I have no idea why I got it, but I got a purple heart.

It's a pointless, but fun feature. At least now after a couple months you can see how many kills you made. :D
LynxFX said:
The medals finally started showing up right after the game over the weekend. So far I've racked up a few gold stars, and some of the basics. I noticed that you are rated on how well you get those too, as in satisfactory, or outstanding. The coolest so far, and I have no idea why I got it, but I got a purple heart.

It's a pointless, but fun feature. At least now after a couple months you can see how many kills you made. :D
Purple heart? That is sweet. :)
i got a "combat action" ribbon, a "[really good] (dunno the actual word used) squad" ribbon, and a "ground defense" ribbon. And a bunch of the gold, silver, and bronze stars, and a bunch of the other basic awards
I ruined a whole squad of MEC the other day, and I did not get a medal which was rather frustrating.

The MEC were using the transport chopper, loading it right full, then landing on the other side of the map to take CPs. Well I grabbed a chopper jumped into there base, and stuck as much C4 to the chopper as possible, I waited for it to get right full and just get off the ground .... then boom 5 guys at once.

Very satisfing ... but they learned pretty there lesson pretty quick.
Only one I've gotten so far is the basic medical from healing a teammate. Haven't been able to play it much though because it runs like crap on my system with any drivers I use.
GGs you should all be Lance Corporal soon :D

Remember to use the scroll arrows on the weapon selection and not default the engie auto-shotty!! (unless you want it of course:) )
you only unlock *one* weapon at that point

{pdX}snoh, C4 and blow :D
i have had a good amount of awards... all to be stripped from me. For some reason this stupid BFHQ is not saving 75% of my games. And yes i CONSTANTLY get that "your connection sucks" error message. I hate EA.....
any of you playing on the Insomnia servers by chance?
I know they are one of the ones i played on that didnt have any effect on my BFHQ stats, and in other threads with this problem, quite a few had been playing on the Insomnia 360 servers. Wondering if there is a problem with their stats uploading, or just coincidence. I'd sure like the 4 medals I am missing back.
Nizari said:
any of you playing on the Insomnia servers by chance?
I know they are one of the ones i played on that didnt have any effect on my BFHQ stats, and in other threads with this problem, quite a few had been playing on the Insomnia 360 servers. Wondering if there is a problem with their stats uploading, or just coincidence. I'd sure like the 4 medals I am missing back.
not I....
i always play on the official EA servers, and since last thursday i haven't had any problems getting my stats in bfhq in around 10-30mins
alphaone said:
i always play on the official EA servers, and since last thursday i haven't had any problems getting my stats in bfhq in around 10-30mins
umm how???? everytime i try I always get a message saying "there are no available official EA servers" or some crap
Tygerwoody said:
umm how???? everytime i try I always get a message saying "there are no available official EA servers" or some crap
hmmm... idk what's wrong there. all i do is type in "us official" to the server browser thing and hit enter and there they are...
you can also set your filters to show ranked servers only on the server selection screen.
My record with armored vehicles is 66-10 and still no medal. I got the helicopter medal after getting 20 kills.
for basic explosives, what do you need to use ? C4, Claymores, Grenades or M203 ?

i almost have all the badges, i just need basic explosives, basic knife, aviator, helicopter and i think thats it.
Eh have a few more than what it says... but hey at least this way I don't have to type it all out. :D

:edit: Looks like it takes some time to update some things :edit:
